Why do they make it seem like Bill Gates is Einstein or something? Sure he is smart but it's nothing that impressive lmao
Why do they make it seem like Bill Gates is Einstein or something? Sure he is smart but it's nothing that impressive lmao
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Same thing with Elon Musk. Obviously Elon is a smart guy but he's basically an "idea guy" who got lucky in the 90s with a few software company/website investments and became a billionaire.
People talk about "wow, Elon Musk is such a genius, how does he have the time to juggle all these different projects?" but he's not actually working on all those fucking projects, he just comes up with an idea and uses his billions to hire people to build it for him.
Terry A Davis would literally own the world right now if not for his autistic inclinations.
Bill Gates is a hack.
Basically the same as Steve Jobs.
Death to capital and death to america
>Why do they make it seem like Bill Gates is Einstein or something?
Billionaire agrees to do a biographic documentary.
His team of very expensive lawyers have a realtalk with Netflix's writers and producers.
>This doc is going to make Bill look like an absolute genius or your ass is grass.
gosh, I have no idea why a puff-piece documentary would blow smoke up the ass of the guy who agreed to it.
Steve Jobs is master at marketing. He is not great at science.
These tech "geniuses" are all hacks. Can’t people act as if their inventions are on par with the great technological discoveries of the past
They are regular geniuses. But they clearly aren't even close to generational talent.
didn't he just buy patents from darpa and call it windows. that's why i think all technology is just stolen from a UFO they found a long time ago.
Gates is a genius, just not about tech. He's a genius at running a boardroom, pitting executives against each other, assembling a team of talented people and ruthlessly cutting off anyone who isn't meeting expectations. That's always what he has been best at and that's what it takes to be the richest man in the world.
Americans have a huge fetish for rich people and tend to deify them. Cue the scores of articles telling you "how to think like a millionaire", how to "manage money like a millionaire", how to "make decisions like Bill Gates", "what Warren Buffet does that you don't", etc.
>it's another episode of americans worshipping college dop-out self-made "philantropist" billionaires
>that's what it takes to be the richest man in the world
lol. what it actually takes is extreme luck.
it's not like we will ever experience another Dot-com bubble that could essentially make us all millionaire.
Always thought this was dumb too
I think a lot of it is just because people don't care to recognize genius unless it has the trappings of success and the extent of that success is seen as the measure of genius.
he has that waspy-kikish culture instilled by his family and other nepotistic connections so they usually succeed regardless of IQ level
there's been plenty of people who were in the position to become the richest person on earth and have failed.
So is this guy ever going to address his relationship with Epstein
a millionare is easy
that really not even rich
im almost a millionare and its not that great, they wont even let me buy a house yet
Come on. All billionaires network together to abuse the system and make more money.
No you fucking nigger do you even know the story? Gates just fucking bullshitted and sold his shit to the army when they were supposed to be going for something else. Its like the most famous story of luck in the business world ever.
what are you even talking about? What army?
is bill a pedo too now?
Link to the story? I've never heard of this
There has been a long standing rumor of him liking petite young blondes since the late 1980s.
who doesnt like petite young blondes?
well, who doesnt?
Einstein wasn’t even smart
Who cares about obscure physics theories
whoa, what a monster!
based retard poster
Posted from my iPhone X
We already do it with actors and musicians. Why not gates?
the people he stole from when he worked at the patent office probably care
Einstein's theories help GPS satellites adjust for time dilation.
because windows is shit
Look at all these do-nothing millenial zoomers heaping shit on a man who's done more in his life than any of them would in a hundred lifetimes.
Could easily be fixed with some calibrations without any further deeper knowledge. Also: dilate.
Terry Davis was unironically smarter than Bill Gates in terms of raw cognitive power
mein kampf
because it's another pointless dumbed down documentary aimed at zoomutts, as is all popular entertainment now
Netflix should commission a documentary about Chris Langan instead, but of course the fact that the smartest man in the world is a Trump supporter and in favor of closed borders doesn't fit their far left narrative
People don't have a strong sense of memory anymore. It's how we can have a repeat of the mp3 wars only a little over ten years later and pretend we don't know what the end result will be.
speak for yourself
i blame too much info in the digital age
we arent good at processing it
same thing happens when food is too abundant, you overdose and turn into a heart diseased fatty
>he doesn't like happy words
Give it to me straight bros, is there even a chance of being a tech billionaire if ou're a Yuropoor with no connections to anyone? I mean, what am I even doing at STEM?
I'm posting langan
This is a big pill to swallow
Confucius knew 2500 years ago that pursuit of money was foolish. Have we learned nothing since?
really smart people are never successful because they aren't ruthless. Semi-clever people are successful sometimes, and evil bastards that are entirely ruthless are the most successful.
Learn it, live it, know it.
it's true; the Greys were real big into the Desktop Metaphor (which is strange because they had no desks)
>Mary Gates, Bill Gates' mother, was on the same board as John Opel, the president, chairman and CEO of I.B.M. They discussed her son's company and Mr. Opel mentioned Mrs. Gates to other I.B.M. executives. A few weeks later, I.B.M. took a chance by hiring Microsoft, then a small software company, to develop an operating system for its first personal computer.
you might get bought out by an american or british company if you're a high level genius. probably though you end up sucking manager dick at a shit company.
Bill got really weird over netscape
People dick rode Epstein for his "intelligence" because they were looking for payouts from his estate when actually smart people were skeptical of how smart he actually was.
Same goes for the Theranos chick, people will elevate someone's intellectual status based on how successful they are
Look at Steve Wozniak. The best people are used by pieces of shit. You can learn to be a piece of shit if you were tortured by your father. Like Trump. Fred Trump hated his child to the point of wishing him dead. So become a piece of shit if you want to rise to the top. Fecal turds always float.
>look like
He's a genius. Stop coping
Gates was right that browser could eventually make the OS irrelevant and kill Microsoft's monopoly on PC OS market (see Chrome, Chrome OS, iPhone, iPad, etc.). It just wasn't Netscape that ended up delivering the fatal blow, but Google and Apple.
You don't even know the words "Xerox PARC" do you? You don't know a fucking thing about Bill Gates.
>Why do they make it seem like Bill Gates is Einstein or something?
Americans unironically think anyone who is rich is also a genius. Since Americans worship money and wealth they figure that anyone who manages to acquire what they worship must also be a genius etc.
t. burger
Look it up, shithead and learn what happened between Apple and Microsoft and the people involved. Actually read Microserfs if you really want to know.
because they're boomers who remember computers before Windows. They know what windows is. They're conscious of it.
Not like Millenials and zoomers who think winds is just their home screen and a loading logo.
Musk is the fire under a tech world that was a sleeping giant for decades. His impact on Private Space Ventures and Spaceflight in general is only now starting to really show. He might not have done all that much himself as the actual engineer but he was the one to take the future off the shelf and show NASA and the world that 'The public don't care/resent Space exploration' is bullshit.
In a fraction of the time it takes NASA to bring a rocket to the drawing board this fucker is a few weeks from being finished having two finished prototypes reading to fly. Only now they're stainless steel and silver.
He's a genius because he makes shit happen.
To be a millionaire you don't need to be good at making money. All you need to do is not to bleed money to addictions and vanity.
Americans are dirt people that watch others rise economically and think they're kings. Americans are like a Cargo Cult. Look that up.
Yeah sure no one would know about Xerox on 4channel, fuck off smartass redditor.
Read, you dumb fucking idiot.
>Look that up.
Kek fucking redditors.
You're that creature that is really as stupid as you sound. You won't learn a thing, but you think you're right. What is your age. Please tell me you're under 16.
Read a fucking BOOK ASSHOLE. Microserfs. It was probably before you were born but grow up and read it.
>Read a fucking BOOK ASSHOLE.
Kek fucking redditors.
It's not about the money, it's about the power and influence. The chance to do something important. To have enough money to be able to realize any ideas.
Well, you'll always be accountable to them, then. I'm talking about the "self made man" myth. My folks have everything riding on me, and it's not much, and they're already on the brink of sanity, so...
Eh, I'm already a bad man. I came to terms with that a long time ago.
So is this all just a game of connections? You're fucked if you're a nobody?
>Could easily be fixed with some calibrations without any further deeper knowledge
You could say this about everything desu.
You're like an incel shooter level of loneliness to keep replying. You're probably on an FBI list by now. Considering the site you post on and how many shooters exist here.
Read fucking what?
About short sighted Xerox got fucked by Apple?
Or Apple got fucked by Microsoft by their exact same mistake as Xerox?
And what do these things have to do with Gates's intelligent?
Better that than all the Western Euro countries, where the Counts and Lords come down, get drunk and act like degenerates with the whole pub, then the mornign comes and it's "do I know you, peasant". All because their great-great-great grandaddy fucked someone else's shit up. At least in America you can climb the ladder. I can't understand you people "nostalgic" for Kings and Lords and Courts and such, and such, and such.
Just don't bother, kid. Shrug it off. Don't learn a goddamn thing. You're like talking to mold.
newsflash, capitalist society creates capitalist idols
Just don't bother, kid. Shrug it off. Don't learn a goddamn thing. You're like talking to mold.
America is a shithole because their "Constitution" was written by land owners for their kind. A Parliamentary system would have innoculated them from kingdom because that system already cut the head off of charles the first.
I can't even talk to you dumb assholes it's like talk to dirt. You're so fucking dumb and ignorant to history. Go back to 1066 you stupid stupid people.
stay poor
lel might as well trip, little Redditor. Off you pop with your Reddit Player One: bargain basement IT parody edition. Pleb bait.
Wish I'd shot up your school 2bqhwy
holy mother of based redditor
go to bed Elon
/g/ here: Bill is great. Not exactly a genius, but he was, unlike Jobs or Musk, the real deal.
>read 1 book
>think he's smarter than Bill Gates
>he doesn't like everything nice
it is shit but at least it doesn't take a week of work to set it up right
The Gates are a powerful ruling class dynasty. Bill Gates' father is the cofounder of Planned Parenthood abortion factories. Remember that Microsoft didn't create DOS. It bought it from another company, then used it to get a government contract. Why didn't the creators of DOS do that? Because they didn't have the Deep State connections, but Gates did. That's how he became a billionaire. Pure nepotism.
Because Americans still buy into the idea that it's smarts and drive that make someone successful and not moneyed parents and connections.
>Why didn't the creators of DOS do that?
Because he was a fucking retard that died in a bar fight
sure to become a meme it requires lots of luck but Bill Gates would have still been a multi millionare without the freak luck.
just like tons and tons of other millionaires who were the children of millionaires
Jesus he's fucking old.
when exactly did he become Larry King
>the amount of cope in this thread
Im a millenial and i too remember norton commander, basic and even fortran. boomer dont think youre hot shit just cuz youre senile and febrile.
I miss him so much.
Based. I love my Xbone and Windows 7
sony > xbone
But I'm not the child of millionaires...
good riddance
becoming a millionaire is about a thousand times easier than becoming a billionaire though
Wasn't Bill Gates actually a programmer, though?
Sounds like you've never written a compiler
Yes, but he went to a prep school that had computers that he could use to learn. Computers were unavailable to most kids at private schools let alone public schools. He had as much time as he wanted on the computer which is an opportunity that most did not have but still had the interest in learning at a young age--so yes, he was smarter than most other kids.
>Gates was small for his age and was bullied as a child. He preferred to stay in his room where he would shout "I'm thinking" when his mother asked what he was doing.
nah he was masturbating