Ciao! What's your favorite Italian movie?

>Ciao! What's your favorite Italian movie?

Attached: 1453194709627.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)

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Cannibal Holocaust


He cute.

unironically that's a boy

I though "ciao" meant "good bye"?

Then I'm gay.

This. I haven't seen many Italian movies.

"Ciao" is just "hi"
Can be used as a greeting, can be used when leaving ("hi then")

its actually a real girl theres a yt vid of it

The Good The Bad And The Ugly

italian for hello and goodbye
Spanish for hello
Is confusing.

spanish use it for goodbye sometimes as well

il serpente segreto

it can be used for both, t. spaghetti

Sorry, you are right. I typed it wrong. Is ONLY used for good by.
In spanish if you say "chau" insted of "Hola" you are retarded.

La Trappola

Not a male. Those are just anons that are too new to spot a trap with any accuracy or even care so it's just their kneejerk safety mechanism.

The Night Porter
*winks and mimics the sound of a whip cracking*

c a r i n a

it's obviously projecting trannies who wish they looked like that

L'eredità Ferramonti

Attached: 00386103.jpg (369x655, 30K)

You're both wrong it's reddit wanting to fit in.

Attached: 1552951621768.png (275x369, 8K)

Io Non Ho Paura

Attached: not afraid_.jpg (563x809, 318K)

>If Maxentius won every girl would look like this

Her name is Denise Tantucci
Fuck off

btw here's the video

Attached: 1516492523765.jpg (770x577, 91K)

begone discord tranny

Don't feed the reddit you newfag

Goodbye Uncle Tom

Cicciolina loves Horses

>tfw married an italian girl in april
>tfw have been living like neets since then in rural tennessee
>she shows me some italian movies I hadn’t seen before
>almost all of them are absolute shit
Probably 8 1/2. My wife likes la vita è bella

Attached: DABE4AC4-7D9B-4315-94B4-FB13EBAA16FD.png (395x474, 25K)

Alex l'Ariete, none of this pretentious bone chilling neorealist slow burns you guys are posting