>literally the most popular show of all time
>no one talks about it anymore
What went wrong?
>literally the most popular show of all time
>no one talks about it anymore
What went wrong?
Other urls found in this thread:
Season 8 ruined the whole show. Seriously would you recommend GOT to anyone when you know most plotlines went nowhere?
Mods delete half of the threads
What was the point of Jon Snow?
Rightfully so. Stop talking about this trash.
I don't think any tv ending has killed my enthusiasm for the show more than s8 of GOT.
I can't even fathom ever doing a rewatch, just a slow sense of dread creeping in as you get further along.
D&D screwed it up
to have a queen
>What went wrong?
The show did.
>build up a near unkillable villain over 8 seasons
>so powerful even a fully grown dragon couldnt do damage to him
>dies after getting stabbed by a 85lbs girl
I always wait until a season is over then just binge it. I haven't watched S8 and I have 0 plans to
Season 8 was that bad. Killed all interest. Those prequels are not going to do well.
they're finished after season 8. disney execs will eat them up. i'll be surprised if at least one of their star wars movies come out
>Season 8 ruined the whole show.
You need to go back to R.e.d.d.i.t
But weren’t you SHOCKED by the fact he was killed by her? Isn’t being SCHOCKED what made GoT successful?
>bran is built up to be this powerful inheritor of cool powers
>SURELY he will FINALLY do something cool
>sits by a tree all of s8 and annoys some dragons with some crows.
>becomes king (smugly)
Oh, Benioff and Weiss have shills? Everyday I'm surprised.
I was more SHOCKED by Quasimodo‘s nude scene without actually showing any TITS&ASS!
Reddit likes season 8 you mong
Got died way earlier than 8th season
Kill yourself nigger
Seasons 5 killed the show for bookfags and late Season 7 killed it for everyone else, with a terrible Season 8 finishing it off.
The problem is that with the wrap up we got, the better earlier seasons have no hidden depth to unravel, no reason to rewatch. It's all a big disappointment.
they literally don't, go to freefolk
It's almost like normalfags have the attention span of mayflies and only give a shit about what's trendy and popular at the moment or something
I haven't read the books but s5 is definitely when it went for shit. fucking noting happens.
Unlike you im not a redditor, faggot
Season 8 killed got and all its hype
the only way to really gauge interest in the franchise will be when the prequel gets released
I can't even think of another piece of media that disappeared from popular culture as fast as GoT did. Twilight perhaps? No one mentions it even ironically
People were talking about Breaking Bad for some time after the ending though. LOTR and Harry Potter still have followings etc. Not the case with got
>Tyrion somehow lives and stays in power despite him pissing off nearly fucking everyone at one point or another.
>Daenarys turns super villain way too quickly
>Night King amounted to nothing
>Jon Snow basically does nothing but stand around the entire season
>Jaime and Cersei die in the least climactic way possible
>Clegane bowl wasn't even good
It's like they went to the Rian Johnson school of anti-climax.
>The fanbase wanted a satisfying ending to the White Walker storyline, but it didn't feel right to us.
I would read the books for Mad Dany. I kind of want to know what set her off. I hope it isn't some random jump like it was in the show.
the whole show went nowhere desu. At least they killed it fast
I just want to forget about it honestly. I have never been so disappointed with a television show before.
But user, that is subversive !
>characters become retarded, plotlines become convenient, fast-travel is introduced, and lots of foreshadowing is thrown out the window the moment the dabids ran out of books
really makes you think
It's because she's shitting herself in bumfuck nowhere and plot device: the character, the fat fuck is a hack
She takes a shit and has visions in the books. Mad Queen Dany is lame as fuck. Everybody is a slave to their genes, unless they have some Stark genes. Then, they are perfect.
People forget about Breaking Bad almost immediately after it ended.
This could be a great example for future writers. ""Subversion"" and SHOCK value don't last.
We had threads up for 24/7 weeks after it ended
There was a thread on Yea Forums before you made yours
He died in Season 7 to be replaced by his doppelganger, Sheez McQueen.
We are talking about it now retard, it is still relevant
>Have like 3 long distance staredowns between Jon and Night King
>Never even have them fight
>Night King permanately brands Bran in a vision
>can turn babies into White Walkers by touching them
>grabs Arya by the throat
>nothing happens
>>literally the most popular show of all time
Not even
Thats how bad it was, a site known for being full of fanboys to their respective shows hated it
The show was ruined way before season 8 normalfag. People are acting like season 8 was the beginning of the downfall because they're bandwagoning brainlets that can't form an opinion without having the majority validate them.
this user is right
faggots. this was a crime
Looked pretty boring, and I already play rpgs so I don't need to watch a reenactment of some faggot's GURPS game.
literally no one like season 8
not twitter
not reddit
not normoid colleagues
not boomers on news website comments
no one
Why did they agree to banish John when the fucking foreigners just sailed away afterwards?
wasn't he king by blood?
it just doesn't make any sense,
>they're bandwagoning brainlets that can't form an opinion without having the majority validate them
Ironic that you spout the most common opinion here.
Contrarians love it because they are contrarians. The most extreme Dany haters/Stark lovers also liked it.
cause its shit
because they decided to nominate the king/queen from then on
did you even listen tyrions speech?
You haven't gotten the actual answer yet, so I guess its up to me. The entire "hype" around the GOT was actually a carefully constructed astroturfing operation intended to transform the season into a "must-watch" event. Now that the show is over, there's no incentive to keep funding the astroturfing, and so the show has faded back into irrelevance.
>if you have a popular opinion you couldn't possibly have reached it yourself
Kys faggot. The reason I accused them of being bandwagoners is because they didn't see a single problem with the show until season 8 when it became popular to shit on it. I knew a guy that looked at me like I just took a shit in his mouth when I said that I found seasons past 4 to be lackluster and about a month later when episode 3 of season 8 aired he was shitting on every season post 5 (for some reason he decided that one was his cutoff point). These people don't think, they parrot.
It was possible for the show to redeem itself but after the beginning of season 8 they made that impossible. Season 5,6,7 had good and bad parts but they didn't write everything into a wall, season 8 was the last straw, they wrote themselves into some bullshit and had to commit to it and couldn't fix anything at that point.
>take almost 2 years to make the final season
>still sucks ass
really makes you think
I fucking would not.
Because of this!
Your narrative is simply false. Season 5 is when the show got many detractors. Season 7 also caused major controversy. Season 8 is widely hated because it is a dumpster fire with next-to-no redeemable qualities. You aren't particularly original when you say that the show has been shit for years. The same sentiment has been posted here for years.
I regret being involved with the whole thing it ended that badly.
I used to watch and talk about thrones online at least an hour a day for many years and now it's just impossible to view any of it ever again knowing how utterly shit it became.
I was addicted to a great show that turned to shit.
I couldn't give a flying fuck about it anymore.
The whole thing was an overall bad experience.
And as the seasons after 4 decreased in quality so much im taken back to when i watched the first season and supsende the many moments of cringe, i wanted it to b good and was prepared to ignore some sketchy acting and some ridiculous english regional accents that would have been laughable on a soap opera.
I feel bad for Preston jacobs, he got me thru the fall of thrones but even now i'm kinda done with his channel too, preston was my GOT bud.
Hope he makes some new series i enjoy, the show wasn't his fault!
season 5 was dire but passable and season 6 had a few good moments so I can understand how the more forgiving normalfags might’ve not noticed the quality decline
no clue about season 7 though
Very soulful post
This, but season 8 was just the moment the bad writing reached the normie favorite characters. In reality, the show went downhill somewhere in season 4 after the current king dies, but it went OFF A CLIFF in season 5 and never really recovered apart from some okay-ish episodes like Hardhome. It was shit for years now, but normies didn't notice because their favorite characters weren't suffering from bad writing YET.
They fucked up really big, I don't care if they don't followe the book, but at least understand the show. Last seasons were boring as fuck and didn't deliver all the build up.
The only satisfaction GoT left me was the pureness of emilia waifu
Had they played the same ideas but with a good direction and proper script. This would not be the mess it ended up to be.
He is kind of right in that until the third episode of season 8, barely any one you'd speak to irl thought the show had actually gotten shit. And then the rest of s8 aired and 90% of the people agree that the show's been shit for year. I definitely remember people saying that they found the beyond the wall episode 'pretty good'
The "normie favorite characters" suffered from bad writing for years, but it was amped up to absurdity in season 8. Also, those were the only characters who were left. Stannis, Roose, Tywin, Mance, etc. were gone by that point.
How was Preston's season 8 fix? If you watched it that is
Jesus you really are braindead aren't you? I never said I was a special snowflake for saying the show was shit you absolute faggot. But I formed my opinion on my own and not because everyone else was doing it. 99% of people only started shitting in GoT during season 8 because that's when it became cool to do so.
it was going to shit two seasons before that. I knew there was no hope for season 8 being good after the season 7 finale
cheers Yea Forumsro
me on the left in the back
Me behind the curtain
What do you mean what went wrong? Only the shite fucking ending that discredited the whole thing.
I live in Belfast and have a few acquaintances who worked as regular extras on it. Christ they're still posting every day arguing with comments and trying to save their shows rep. Fucking embarrassing. GoT is trash. The spin off series won't last (great shame for Belfast) and in 5 to 10 years it will be forgotten.
>99% of people only started shitting in GoT during season 8
YOU. ARE. LYING. Lying. Absolutely lying.
I tried to watch it but found i had no interest in more fan fiction.
His channel was the total business during the fall of thrones, he was the Mr Plinkett of GOT and he helped me not feel like a un-entertainable dick who can't find joy in things you once loved a lot.
So, A Song of Ice and Fire will leave no real cultural impact and essentially die with George, alongside his genetic line. How sad...
Maybe meet some people in the real world next time before making judgements like that.
Based and cutepilled
not him, but he does have a point. maybe not 99% but certainly 80% of people in real life would call you a nitpicker or overcritical if you pointed out the giant flaws of the later seasons
because they show got worse and worse each season and was not really enjoyable after season 3 anymore
but most people just realised something was smelling wrong after the producers literally shitted down their throats in season 8
I had multiple coworkers complain about the writing of season 7 while it was airing. A lot of people liked the show up until season 7. The narrative that NOBODY was complaining about its faults, is a complete lie. Season 5 made countless people bitch.
The show is being criticized now because the ending fucking sucks. Nobody unlocked the fucking Matrix code by regurgitating shit that has been spouted here for years.
>What went wrong?
the quality of the show went wrong. i could write an essay on this but let's just say that most of the blame can be put on the writing room
Yes, seasons 7 and 8 were shit but the show is still worth watching
You're retarded
Personally I think the show started taking a nosedive when Jamie killed his cousin (which he didn't in the books) and Robb when instead of marrying some noble girl he sexed at deaths door in the books he decides to bang a brown doctor out of nowhere in the show
Talking about it in the context of people having forgotten about it doesn't exactly count
S8 ruined the Targaryen prequels too (if they're ever made). House lost its agency when Arya ended the Long Night, I'm willing to bet that's their grand purpose in the books.
Starks won everything. An entire continent and TWFTD, no one will even remember Dany's contribution because she'll be victim of damnatio memoriae. End me.
Why do all of the fictional characters I root for get the worst endings
Still more popular than Endgame
This, also boomers who watched it casually generally thought it was all right
Heh, you think television is worth remembering.
The entirety of The War of Five Kings is contrived bullshit done to ensure that the Lannisters stay in power. Everything goes right so they could stay in power. Even when things go wrong, they eventually go right for the Lannisters. The series cheated to have the Lannistere win in the beginning, and it will cheat to have the Starks win in the end.
i got really bored of it around season 6. 4 was my favorite, if you ask me. You did ask me, didn't you? Ah, but you didn't come to listen to an old man rant! Now pull down your pants, BITCH
harry potter and hunger games also
then why didn't they nominate john?
even if they didn't want to do the 'by blood thing,' how is bran more qualified than john?
because sometimes he can be a raven?
It's "Jon," for fucks sake.
No one was talking about it past s6. Everyone just watched s8 for that satisfying mercy bullet to the brain
Ask me how I know you've never browsed reddit.
Replace Night King with Lich King. What changes?
>No one was talking about it past s6.
In what universe?
because greyworm was still present and wouldn’t have allowed it
if they just waited til greyworm left then you have a dangerous situation where any one of the other lords could notify greyworm to overthrow the throne
Grey Worm controlled 4000 Unsullied. Why would Westeros be afraid of him?
M8, got to freefolk or asoiaf right now and look 9ver posts over the last week alone. or television in the days around this season and after. Even gameofthrones hated that shit
does anyone have an army left to compete with that apart from the dornish?
Do you think Westeros would let itself be conquered by 4000 dickless foreigners? Grey Worm has nothing to threaten them with.
the moment all went wrong
>the king who cared
not all of westeros but surely has a good chance against a ruinous kings landing
maybe in this scenario of king jon he could rally up the other lords but it doesnt seem unlikely that others would conspire against him for the throne too
The Unsullied can't do shit. Like you already said, King's Landing is ruined. It holds little strategic value currently. There are 4000 Unsullied. They cannot do shit against Westeros. They aren't a threat.
my initial point was that they couldn’t elect jon as king because of complications of their promises with greyworm, none of this continent domination thing
I dont know how you can be so sure either when every westerosi armys numbers and confidence has been shattered by the recent events and furthermore dany didnt bring all the unsullied with her (or was that dothraki? or both?) but regardless they surely could recruit more
I know one thing for a fact: Westeros wouldn't let 4000 fucking dickless men walk all over it. For some reason I do not understand, you seem to believe that Grey Worm would be considered as a serious threat. Nigga, everybody would kill his invading ass like it was nothing. Westeros might be divided politically, but it sure as hell wouldn't let some foreign fuck with 4000 men dictate what will go on.
>by a 85lbs girl
Yeah, sure.
85lbs wet, maybe.
>Wouldn't it be sweet to watch the sun curve down meets the waves?
>And taste the ocean spray and realize we'd been living as slaves
>We've got to learn to
>Get back. Get back
>But is it worth the price of our soul?
>You know you had to
>Kill her. Kill her!
>Oh my dirty hands It never fades
>And if we
>Get out. Get out
>I'll think about the price of our soul.
>We've got to learn to
>Live free, live free
>We'll live a life without lannisters
>How long I haven't seen the light shine through in my life
>Lost everything
>Family, confusion on the way
>Someone tries to talk to me and I burn the usurpers
>My dragon inside
>Can now be tamed to go
>Over the wall
American Tolkien
Daily reminder that everything after season 4 is shit and you're a normie if you think season 8 was the only bad one.
Really breaking new ground with that statement!
Has there been any other show that utterly destroyed itself as bad as got.
At least it was obvious from the beginning that Lost had no ending in mind. This shit was planned for almost 30 years, and it fucking sucks.
>most popular show of all time
the finale of MASH had over 100 million people watching it
Not even How I Met Your Mother?
God I'm so glad I skipped that, I knew after about 4 episodes in, it was going to be shit, fucking JJ and his mystery boxes, how the fuck is he still getting work, Westwood comes to mind also, great first season, but they shit the bed big time in season two.
The fandom is full of whiny manbabies so nobody wants to embarrass themselves by associating them with the fans of the show.
I assume you mean Westworld. I skipped season 2. I also skipped season 3 of Mr Robot. I don't regret it a single bit.
more like season 5 and the breakneck pace that they retardedly decided on that ended up in cutting and splicing entire storylines and characters.
Yeah I meant Westworld, you didn't miss anything, don't think I'll be watching season 3 either.
Everyone complaining about how the last season or couple of seasons ruined the show deserves the bad ending they got. The show went to shit season 2 episode 1 when they decided to start drastically altering plot points in order to make them more cliche and general audience-friendly.
Everyone who defended the terrible decisions D&D have been making (technically since season 1 with added/altered scenes that contradicted the narrative) deserve a shitty and contrived ending.
The War of The Five Kings was shit. Fuck you and you shadow babies.
>Let's make the Lannistere win!
Fuck off.
Agreed, s2e1 made it clear they were already diverging from the books in a retarded way, which they only continued to do.
>s2: who cares about the books user the show is freaking great
>s5: oh yeah what you’re saying sounds cool too but the shows fine nothing can adapt perfectly
>s8: oh wow, yeah once they stopped adapting the books the show became unbearable.
What changes did they make in season 2? It's been a while since I've read the books/watched the earlier seasons. I remember Arya's adventures in Harrenhal being different but not much else (not even sure that was season 2).
The Theon shit was dumbed down--no Reek or Ramsay--completely, the Jon plot was dumbed down, the Dany plot was dumbed down and altered, and Stannis only had one shadow baby.
>gave Robb a new waifu that ruined his character
>completely changed the House of Undying
>Jon and Ygritte running around nonsensically in the snow all season instead of ranging
>Jaime the kinslayer
>Shae the whore with a heart of gold
>Ros the OC
>Brienne and Loras totally rewritten
>Harrenhall stuff as you mentioned
>Littlefinger becomes an idiot taunting Cersei
The list goes on. That's just off the top of my head.
Renly was rewritten too. Book wise he's a charismatic Chad, in the show he's a sniveling fag caricature, which is weird to think that D&D are Renlyfags considering they ruined his character so hard.
>Littlefinger becomes an idiot taunting Cersei
Lmao almost forgot about that
That's true. I didn't mention anything about how they tried to turn Stannis into a plain villain instead of a morally grey character. Even going so far as to say he hated his wife because she wouldn't give him a son which makes no sense.
>>completely changed the House of Undying
all those visions dany has would be completely ridiculous on screen. there was one of a woman being ravaged by 5 midgets lmao
They turn all Baratheons (except Renly, who they butcher as a character instead anyway) into straight out villains and make fucking Cersei out of all people sympathetic from Season 1, which makes no narrative sense as was mentioned before.
>no one talks about it anymore
>What went wrong?
Season 7 and 8 completely killed it, not even casual audiences liked the ending and its hard to upset a casual audience.
Which reminds me that they also started attributing the evil things Cersei did to Joffrey instead. You know, to make him MORE evil. They even had Renly say he'd bring the Starks Joffrey's head instead of Cersei's. And they had no Renly's peach either for no reason.
Also, Valyrian Stone was invented in season 2.
>Winter is coming for 7 seasons hype, literally the tagline on posters etc
>It's over in a day
Idgaf what anyone says. Half the season should've been about dealing with the whitey menace.
Remember when Yara randomly decided to go save Theon with the "best killers on the iron islands" only to get scared off by naked twirly mustache meme man Ramsay and a few dogs?
It's been shit for ages.
Don't forget that show Joffery had better forethought than fucking Tywin when he told him that maybe taking care of the 3 dragons that were thought to be extinct should be a priority.
A broken clock is right twice a day.
Also ruined Loras by reducing him to just a faggot and not showing his attack on Dragonstone.
But it's okay because they all dieded in ebic explosion! X)
It should have been a full season and possibly half of another one. IIRC HBO offered D&D more seasons and more episodes, but they said they can finish it in one with 6 episodes. I think they went on to do some Star Wars shit so they probably rushed it so they could go work on that.
I love that it got destroyed. Someone I dislike loved the show, so this gives me pleasure.
This. Season 8 ruined the entire series for me.
So you liked season 7?
buncha dicks
Do you not see the clear quality difference between those seasons? Season 8 doesn't even have good action.
Yea Forums described in 2 sentences.
Aww, thanks! ;)
>bragging about forming your own opinion
what a faggot
Me next to Peter
He was a dick, though, read Ayn Rand and everything.
That's because there was nothing else to watch back then.
>season 8 was just the moment the bad writing reached the normie favorite characters
I'm pretty sure Tyrion was most people's favorite character, and after he convinced the slavers not to separate him and Jorah in season 5 he does absolutely nothing for the rest of the entire show, except telling terrible jokes and just being present.
They couldn't even mercy kill him in the end.
>season 8 doesn't even have good action
>implying season 7 did
They pussied out of the true ending.
>posts the worst part of The Spoils of War as proof instead of the fucking dragon part
Next, you're going to complain about potholes.
It's Normie Core to the max and Normies have the attention span of goldfish
no one fucking likes it lmao
fucking excuse me ?
Not to defend s8 but 7 was worse.
1 > 4 > 6 > 3 > 2 > 5 > 8 > 7
No, I'm going to complain about one of the smartest men in westeros getting outwitted by 3 children with minimal scheming experience and the king in the fucking north going on a suicide mission. Smart characters were acting like fucking retards the whole season.
As for the dragon bit, it was impressive but it suffered from the same problem as the battle of the bastards, which is that every relevant character has so much fucking plot armor on them they could jump in a dragon's mouth and still somehow live.
jews, feminist shit
That doesn't address my point. We are comparing season 8 to season 7. Season 8 didn't have any good action in it. At no point, was it engaging in any way. I won't defend the plot holes of season 7, because I wasn't defending season 7 in and of itself. I took issue with one equating season 7 to season 8, because season 8 is next level garbage.
>>no one talks about it anymore
user... there is literally ten GoT threads with +100 entries given any hour of the day.
That being it shouldn't be talked about it just isn't worth talking about any longer; it was made by two people who thought "themes are for eighth-grade book reports". Especially since there are on-going shows that are actually kino but nobody talks about them, such as Succession and Mr. Robot.
it's forgotten now, literally nobody talks about it
>tfw you haven’t read the books but stopped watching after season 5
I told you why I found the dragon scene underwhelming. The only other action scene I cant think off is the beyond the wall one which was just plain shit. So I guess I'll give you that season 7 had at least 1 ok action scene whereas season 8 had none.
>the better earlier seasons have no hidden depth to unravel, no reason to rewatch
>tfw I used to rewatch the entire show before the start of each new season
>tfw I thought I would feel empty after the ending
>tfw everything just went away along with my desire to ever revisit it
women and jews
>So I guess I'll give you that season 7 had at least 1 ok action scene whereas season 8 had none.
Thank you for acknowledging my point. And Beyond The Wall looks like Citizen Kane compared to anything in season 8.
No they don’t, lmao.
If season 8 ruined the show for you, then you’re tumblr.
The show was dead and trash since season 4 ended. Normies need to stop pretending that s5-7 were serviceable or decent. They were total dogshit seasons as well.
Not justifying S8 at all. It has no redeeming characteristics but I can’t stand it when people pretend that the show was just fine and didn’t already jump the shark.
>Reddit likes season 8 you mong
>this is the person that calls anything you like reddit
Thanks for confirming something everyone knew.
It's over, what else is there to talk about at this point? There's a prequel coming but not much about it is out.
Literally nothing because that plotline didn't matter.
>what else is there to talk about at this point?
Our newly acquired waifu Emilia Clarke
Will we get any other cute targaryens in the prequel?
>newly acquired
speak for yourself, m8.
nth for the Sad Queen
Is she destined for shitty holiday romcoms at this point?
>written by Emma Thompson
u wot m8?
Last Christmas is not a normal Christmas romcom, also she's making a autistic femcel poet movie soon
5-7 were pretty bad but people hoped that it was gonna be worth it to get George's ending but it wasn't
litterally twitter "engagement" doesn't make for "...most popular show of all time"
nobody cared when they stopped the nudes and tried to tell a story.
Oops, forgot the fucking cunt pic.
Her X-Men movie wasn't as bad as I was expecting to be, just mediocre
That scene is unfairly criticized desu. Arya killing the Night King made a lot of sense. She was trained as an agent of death at a temple that worships the god of death, which is also what the Night King represents. However, she struggled with losing her identity and never fully became an agent of death.
Thanks solely to not being able to lose her identity, she wanted to go to Winterfell and defend her home. She killed the Night King with Valyrian steel, which is kind of like Dragonglass but not quite. Dragonglass made the Night King, and Valyrian steel unmade him. A god of death made the Night King and an agent of the same god of death (but not quite) unmade him.
It's like poetry, it rhymes.
Probably yes since she doesn't like Whoreywood. Maybe we can hope for a renaissance in smaller movies of higher quality. Think something like Robert Pattinson.
How can you even cook that?! There must be another whey!
Here we go again
>Arya killing the Night King made a lot of sense
Why was Jon Snow revived?
>That scene is unfairly criticized desu.
No, it isn't.
>Arya killing the Night King made a lot of sense.
Arya had nothing to do with the White Walker plot.
>She was trained as an agent of death at a temple that worships the god of death, which is also what the Night King represents.
Nigga, she washed dead bodies, swept, sold shellfish, fought with a stick in the dark, and failed assassination mentions. How does that grant teleportation?
>However, she struggled with losing her identity and never fully became an agent of death.
I don't know what that has to do with anything.
>She killed the Night King with Valyrian steel, which is kind of like Dragonglass but not quite. Dragonglass made the Night King, and Valyrian steel unmade him. A god of death made the Night King and an agent of the same god of death (but not quite) unmade him.
Wow, you're just regurgitating the stupid plot! That totally makes up for 23 years of buildup!
you don't really create a "shock" to the primary villain unless it's a twist or you want to disappoint your audience. Oberyn was a shocker but he was pretty irrelevant, he only managed to get all the womyn cry because the dude was chad. The NK was pretty much about the show as soon as he died in that retarded way the show was over.
>it can't get much more retarded than the Night King's dea--
>Dude hits 4 in a row
about 50 scorpions can't hit a diving dragon
bravo nolan
they didnt build up the nightking for 8 seasons, he came in like season 3 or 4 and isnt canon
First scene of the show is white walker buildup, the night king represents the white walkers
The White Walkers appeared season one, episode one, scene one. They also appeared in the first chapter in the books. The Night King is the show's embodiment of the White Walker (or Others, if one is autistic) problem. He was killed in a completely retarded way by somebody who has nothing to do with that plot.
>the whitewalkers arent the nightking
ok lol
It's pretty well known that the writers ran out of GRRM books and had to start making shit up themselves, which they obviously couldn't. GOT was practically a different show by season 7. I didn't even bother to watch 8, what I have seen of it looks like complete shit. The thing I do like about 8 is the evil Dany twist. It's something the show has been building up to from pretty early on, albeit very subtly, unlike fucking Arya casually killing the Night King.
to be fair, they did some alright oc scenes occasionally back when they had the rest of the books to lean on
that scene with robert and cersei in s1 was pretty good even if it made no real sense considering they fucking hate each other
aside from that though theyre hacks and cant even adapt well considering their ego went to their heads and they started doing what they wanted for the show they wanted rather than what george wrote or what actually made good television beyond i want naked ramsay man dual wield dabid zombie dragon dabid
Because it's overrated
Alright, I'm gonna say what everyone wants to say but they're to afraid to admit it. The series finale was good.
Am I the only person that wants to strangle everyone who always qualifies their hatred of season 8 with a "oh man but the acting was good!" The acting was the absolute worse it's ever been, and that's saying something. Tyrion could act but he phoned it in all season, and Jorah wasn't given any opportunity to do anything. They were the only two actual decent actors since fucking Tywin and Stannis.
Stannis wasn't in season 8, nigger.
dany going mad queen was good
everything after was forgettable and stupid
That would only be half true if the series finale was episode 5.
>dany going mad queen was good
Only if she managed to stay Queen longer than a day and didn't burn the city for no reason
yeah, but if you isolate the sequence in which she goes mad and try to ignore the rest of the absolute retarded garbage surrounding it, you could almost pretend it was good.
like a lone drop of water in a sea of piss.
>burn the city for no reason
Tbf if some faggot killed my best friend in front of me in cold blood, I'd probably go ballistic too. That is not to mention all the other trauma she went through up to that point.
Literally the only one (1) thing that happened this season lasted half a episode
Also i hope Emilia wins the Emmy
Why spend all that time intentionally hunting down, chasing and burning people who had nothing to do with her friend dying, her dragon being killed, being betrayed, losing Jorah or Jon not giving her the D?
Popularity doesnt always equate to quality. And besides, the only reason it was so popular was the hype on online media which was never as big as it was in the show's run.
They ran out of books.
She's blowing up and it feels good. She lost everything she lost because she did what Tyrion and Varys told her to do and now, after executing Varys and with no one she can trust to calm her down decided to kill everyone. She did the exact opposite of what Tyrion and Varys wanted her to do. I believe it makes sense, just not in the way it was portrayed.
Not true, they didn't even bother to adapt AFFC or ADWD.
>It's like poetry, it rhymes
But not quite
Season 6 was good.
the last 5 seasons were treated like final semester of senior year
Another fucking tumblr cope.
S6 was bad. S5 was bad. S7 was also bad.
Season 5 was where it all went wrong but I see your point
So the new buzzword is tumblr now instead of Reddit?
Nah. She's lost plenty of shit and been betrayed before even by people around her who she knew for a while and she never resorted to burning random people as fucking stress relief. Especially not regretting that shit after. Burning the city she wanted to rule and still does according to her speech and killing all the inhabitants street by street by street is ridiculous
Nigger people talk about those all the time when referencing trump.
That was stupid cause you knew she was gonna die, if she didn't die it would still be bad but kinda fun.
>literally the most popular show of all time
>no one talks about it anymore
Bravo Martin
book fandom has known dany was a mad targ for about 20 years
S6 doesn't adapt a book, D&D thought they were the real creators when they wreren't
also nb4
maario naharas guy
we did that 20 years ago too, and its Super Daario
fuck off, boomer.
get better shitposting if you want me to play with you
this lame rookie shit talking isnt worth my effort
yet you still responded, N I G G E R.
They only think she's a mad Targ because she's a Targaryen in the first place. See people also thinking fAegon is unfit to lead and might be crazy because he gets angry at Tyrion cheating and winning at cyvasse
>one of the fan theories was correct
Holy shit
sure, the backstory of the Targs demands that they all be viewed with suspicions of madness
westeros.org has been having Mad Dany threads since forever. There is lote of foreshadowing.
In the books we mostly only see Dany's story through the pov of Dany herself. You dont get inside the heads of the others characters around her saying "holy shit this bitch is nuts"
She has been executing people in cold blood and revelling in the dopamine rush of the act since the early seasons. She enjoyed watching her brother die at the hands of her rapist who she ended up loving because he promised to either make her a queen or destroy the world if it wouldn't bow to her. She crucified people in revenge and had no problem manipulating and eventually executing someone without even being sure if he was really conspiring against her. She hooked up with an assassin because he brought her the heads of her enemies. Her dragons killed children before and she only chained them for political reasons when in reality she didn't give a fuck. She has threatened repeatedly to burn people if they won't bow to her. More often than not, she followed up on her threats. People were blind because usually her targets ''deserved'' it. As if that makes her actions less morally bankrupt.
Again, I don't believe they did a goo job in portraying her turn in the end but her eventually going mad and burning down KL does make sense. She followed Tyrion and Varys' advice and it cost her nearly everything. She's being told that Cersei will try to use civillians as a shield. When she breaks in the end there is no one she trusts. Her best friend? Executed. Jon? She considers him a traitor. Varys? Same. Tyrion? Same. Jorah? Dead. Daario? We kind of forgot about Daario. It's not unreasonable to start killing civillians after snapping like she did.
And just like that the innocent people stopped being people in her eyes. And I'm pretty sure she enjoys watching people burn considering how many times she did it throughout the series.
Maario Naharis
that was one of the arguments that the no she isnt crazy side would use
but iirc selmy doesnt get his pov chapter until DWD
>Khal Drogo is her rapist even though viserys forced her to marry him
>muh she kills evil men means she's crazy
>she didn't give a fuck that's why she told daario of all people in private she fel het guilty about it
>Surrender or die (to people who attacked her first)
>just like that the innocent people stopped being people in her eyes.
>"Cersei used their innocence as a weapon against me"
You're retarded bro. Nothing in season 8 is even possible in the first place since Jon bending the knee got retconned
Season 1-4 was decent all things considered. If you consider the season 4 finale the end of the show it is pretty kino.
>Just analyzing the obvious is an argument
She has 30 + chapters where you see her internal thoughts conscience and dealing with leadership, you might like that she's just crazy cause you hate a fictional character but it just being she's crazy and it's all made up makes a good chunk of the series worthless
They made an absolutely fatal flaw when they chose not to learn the lessons taught to us by Anime, and they moved past the Manga. You can't truly understand characters that you didn't write in the first place. When you add in the fact that the two hacks that ran the show suddenly think they are geniuses for adapting something they didn't create, you end up with GoT seasons 5-8
>you might like that she's just crazy cause you hate a fictional character but it just being she's crazy and it's all made up makes a good chunk of the series worthless
>Khal Drogo is her rapist even though viserys forced her to marry him
Yes, he did rape her. That doesn't mean that her brother didn't whore her out.
>muh she kills evil men means she's crazy
The way she did? Yes. Remember Sam's family?
>she didn't give a fuck that's why she told daario of all people in private she fel het guilty about it
Okay, you got me there. I had forgotten about that scene.
>Surrender or die (to people who attacked her first)
>Sam's father attacked her first
>city after city in Essos attacaked her first
What were they supposed to do when a crazy bitch walked up to them and told them to bow to her? She wasn't exactly subtle nor discrete about her plans to conquer fucking everything. Not just Westeros, she wanted to ''free' the entire Slaver's Bay.
>just like that the innocent people stopped being people in her eyes.
>"Cersei used their innocence as a weapon against me"
And she fucking nuked them. What's your point?
Daenerys burning shit down was the only somewhat logical plotline in s8. Keyword: somewhat.
I'm not saying she's not going crazy later, George made her do a 180 already in dance of dragons at the end by shitting herself in a field being sick, he already admitted it, but some people think she was just crazy the whole time and everything is just made up in her head which is retarded
i saw an episode commentary where one of the D's was bragging that they were the first people to ever film a scene with powerful leaders planning battle strategy with only women
no shit Dave, maybe theres a reason for that
nobody ever made a movie where everybody in the NFL is a woman either
Yep. Quite simply the final season destroyed the show. There's not even a reason to rewatch it, because you know the final conclusions are trash
> cersei and jamie die from falling rock
> dark battle where nothing can be seen
> everyone important survives till the final episode.
Jesus it was such shit
well she did impale a shitload of people
like the real count dracula did
we get most of her stuff from inside her head, a crazy person that thinks they are doing righteous work isnt going to acknowledge to themselves that they are crazy.
if they are a Queen then nobody else will tell them either
He raped him like everyone did their wives in that time, you're gonna blame her for loving him in a Stockholm syndrome situation after he treated her better than her brother ever did and threatened her baby?
>Remember Sam's family?
She gave them a choice after they turned on her ally and slaughtered her and pillaged highgarden, that's like Robb executing theon being a bad thing
>wanted to ''free' the entire Slaver's Bay.
So what, they were all slaves, she wanted to free then not conquer them, she left slavers bay in the show to their own devices. And yeah tarly started it
>And she fucking nuked them. What's your point?
You said she didn't view them as people anymore when she did, that the show is retarded
>mfw people said this was going to eclipse Lord of the Rings
>All these other pages where she's doing mundance shit like establishing guilds, trade, negotiating with people, compromising, it's all fake because she got angry one time and did some eye for an eye justice to child murderers
It's shit
>the 'Murican Tolkien
>a crazy person that thinks they are doing righteous work isnt going to acknowledge to themselves that they are crazy.
You realize that's not how craziness works though right. Your own mind doesn't just shift everything happening, that you decide or think into positive biased shit. If you could read an actual crazy person's mind or a real tyrannical dictator you wouldn't find sanitized shit
A good adaptation goes on hiatus to wait for more source material.
A bad adaptation adds a bunch of filler to try and avoid catching up to the source material.
A terrible adaptation blows past the source material and tries to come up with its own ending.
The producers of fucking braindead shonen anime made for children know this, but Hollywood is so greedy and too arrogant.
there were more times than that
my memory is hazy on all of it
westeros.org threads used to always have super autist breakdowns
all the stuff with her brother was from her PoV, what if he was actually a nice guy
the point is this has been a known thing that people argued about for years, this was figured out since r+j=l days
What does this mean I've forgotten every single plot point
Everyone knows Viserys is a little shit, Illyrio said he tried to fuck Dany before drogo and he put guards outside her room. Asoiaf fans are cultlike retards
>asoiaf fans defend viserys cause he "took care" of Dany
Flush that whole fanbase down the drain
>fuck Dany before drogo and he put guards outside her
family tradition
illyrio is a dirtbag anyway, he was probably salty because he wanted to fuck her
robert + lyanna = jon
>He raped him like everyone did their wives in that time
That doesn't make it any less of a rape.
>you're gonna blame her for loving him in a Stockholm syndrome situation after he treated her better than her brother ever did and threatened her baby?
No but it doesn't exactly scream mentally sound. Quite the opposite. And she jumped on the I'm gonna bend the world to my will and take the iron throne and my son will rule the world. This is not the trait of a righteous liberator and benevolent ruler. She was on a conquest and anyone who opposed her was going to die.
>She gave them a choice after they turned on her ally and slaughtered her and pillaged highgarden
They were prisoners. Tyrion literally spells it out to her and she just executes them. Tyrant 101.
>that's like Robb executing theon being a bad thing
Executing people didn't exactly work in his favour. Theon was a piece of shit but we are talking about the same show where he gets redeemed in the end, so yea, in GoT executing people BAD. Unless you're Sansa and Arya.
>So what, they were all slaves, she wanted to free then not conquer them
She started everything to get the iron throne. She got messiah complex and attempted to free every slave despite how ridiculous of an idea it is. S8 finale has her full delusional speaking about freeing all slaves. Back in Slaver's Bay she decided to conquer every city in order to free slaves. Believing this would go well is delusional and outs her for being a self righteous cunt. Her tactics were dirty and she treated her enemies with extreme cruelty. There are double standards at play here.
>she left slavers bay in the show to their own devices
1. She didn't really care.
2, (Most likely) D&D didn't care to give a proper explanation as to what happened there after she left.
>And yeah tarly started it
No, he didn't. He fought for country against foreign invaders. Believing she would just stroll through and have everyone welcome her is delusional of her.
>tick tick tick booom
>time bomb
>You said she didn't view them as people anymore when she did
Actions speak louder than words. At that point we know she was mad. Delusional and self-righteous. I would take everything she says with a pinch of salt.
>that the show is retarded
>She's submissive to her husband who wants to conquer the world so she can't undergo character development after he dies even when she shows a merciful streak
>Muh Geneva conventions
Omg executing defiant traitors who killed your ally bad
>Theon got redeemed later
Totally irrelevant, Robb was planning on killing him and it would be the right thing
>She started everything to get the iron throne
Uh no, she could've left any time to get the iron throne she stayed to help out. Freeing slaves isn't a ridiculous idea, slavery is illegal in Westeros and the fee cities and many other places.
>1. She didn't really care
But doesn't she wanna conquer the whole world lol, yet she gives up conquered territory
>No, he didn't. He fought for country against foreign invaders.
Yeah he did he turned on his leige lord and slaughtered her and her city to help her enemy. It's not like she just went around making people bend the knee, Jon didn't bend the knee and she didn't kill him or do anything to him
>At that point we know she was mad. Delusional and self-righteous. I would take everything she says with a pinch of salt.
Yeah cause of the shit writing. You said she didn't view them as innocent and she said they were innocent that's the whole point
>>She's submissive to her husband
She never was. She quickly learn to reverse the dynamics in their relationship and pussywhips him. Drogo got called out for it by his men.
>shows a merciful streak
She does but the positive popularity she gets ultimately just feeds her ego. ''Breaker of chains'' gets added to her myriad of titles.
>Omg executing defiant traitors who killed your ally bad
Yes, bad. They are prisoners who could be used for political leverage. She executed them in a most blatant display of power and authority. It's not just about showing mercy. It's also about not being a murderhobo.
>Theon got redeemed later
>Totally irrelevant
You brought him up. He got redeemed. What is right in that world is what the writers of the story decide to be right. If he gets redeemed it's because the writers believed it's better and how it should end. Therefore in that world it's what is right. The fact that he gets redeemed by a godlike figure only nails this point even harder.
>Uh no
Uh yes. That was her primary goal and the reason she started. She felt sympathy for the slaves and decided to postpone it but that was her ultimate goal.
Freeing slaves isn't ridiculous. Freeing all the slaves is. She got messiah complex.
There was also a 2. It was an either/or thing. And yes, she wanted to conquer the world. Killing the masters of the world was how she rationalised her campaign in her self-righteousness.
>yet she gives up conquered territory
She doesn't. She left Daarioto rule in her stead.
>he turned on his leige lord and slaughtered her and her city to help her enemy
Not saying he was right about everything. He was a retard of his own. But he did what he did in service to his queen to fight what he perceived as foreign invaders and defecting traitors.
> It's not like she just went around making people bend the knee
Exactly what she did. Jon was the exception because the writers decided she was madly in love with him. But even in love, she wanted him to bend the knee. She had a breakdown when she learnt of his claim to the throne. She didn't kill him but she stopped trusting him.
>Yeah cause of the shit writing
>You said she didn't view them as innocent
No, I said she didn't view them as humans. Because she didn't. She viewed them as Cersei's shield, and an obstacle on her way to the throne. She lost half her army and a dragon trying not to kill them. In the end she snapped, said fuck it, and killed them all.
>They are prisoners who could be used for political leverage.
She already got Randyll and his son. What leverage can she get through ransom?
>But even in love, she wanted him to bend the knee. She had a breakdown when she learnt of his claim to the throne. She didn't kill him but she stopped trusting him.
She saved his life two times after finding out he had a better claim, and she wanted to rule together with him.
>She didn't kill him but she stopped trusting him.
Imagine believing this. Lol, even after he rejected her several times and told his secret too and she still wants him on her side. And he bent the knee of his own volition after she promised to help for free after also flying in to help them for free
>She does but the positive popularity she gets ultimately just feeds her ego.
What does that even matter, she feels good from doing good things. It's not even really true, she doesn't do anything when the people turn on her, or when they spit on her face, doesn't want statues built of her
>Yes, bad. They are prisoners who could be used for political leverage.
No they couldn't, they were traitors for queen cersei, they're irrelevant to everyone except Jon because he happens to have a friend who's related to them
>What is right in that world is what the writers of the story decide to be right. If he gets redeemed it's because the writers believed it's better and how it should end. Therefore in that world it's what is right
Fucking retard, I can write a story about how pedophilia is good right now.
>Uh yes. That was her primary goal and the reason she started. She felt sympathy for the slaves and decided to postpone it but that was her ultimate goal.
Yeah, freeing the slaves had nothing to do with the iron throne, her wanting to conquer the world was an asspull
>Freeing slaves isn't ridiculous. Freeing all the slaves is.
At the very end out of nowhere,
>There was also a 2. It was an either/or thing. And yes, she wanted to conquer the world.
>She doesn't. She left Daarioto rule in her stead.
She let daario oversee a transition of power to the people, that's it
>Not saying he was right about everything. He was a retard of his own. But he did what he did in service to his queen to fight what he perceived as foreign invaders and defecting traitors
I can write up a shitty psych analysis for why he was just a sociopath who only cared about personal position and being lord of the reach and it'd make more sense than your psych analysis into a shitty story. Sure he's relatable when he kills his own city and Dany's bad for killing him. She was actually wrong for giving him a chance to live
>Exactly what she did. Jon was the exception because the writers decided she was madly in love with him
She only asked Jon and the tarlies to bend the knee, the tarlies after they attacked her. She did nothing to Jon before she loved him. Lol at dismissing whatever writing goes against what you believe
>Jon says punishment for treason is death
>Smalljon never pledged himself to House Stark
>Lord Karstark never pledged himself to House Stark
>but they're considered traitors anyway and Jon only doesn't punish their heirs because they'll bend the knee and didn't actually fight
>Jon also let's Ramsay get eaten by dogs after taking him prisoner
This is "good"
>Olenna pledges the reach to Dany
>randyll tells Jaime he's pledged to Olenna who's pledged to Dany
>says it'd be Lannister level scheming and backstabbing to go against Olenna
>turns on Olenna with Dickon
>they kill everyone in Highgarden
>force the farmers in the Reach to give their harvest
>Dany kills them after they refuse to bend the knee or take the black after committing treason
This is "bad"
The last season is honestly memorable for me, not because of the show itself but of the shitstorm it caused and the memes it spawned, the night everybody got BTFO with that total fuckup of an ending in the designated livestream was hilarious
My sleep deprived and horribly versed in politics mind tells me there are more uses of living lords as prisoners than piles of ash. For one, she could ask Tyrion about it before throwing away their potential. Also, showing mercy in front of that crowd could have earned her some good will.
On the condition that the truth remained hidden. She didn't want to share the trhone, she was going to pussywhip him into submission the same way she did with Drogo. The show spells this out.
She says to Tyrion that Jon is a traitor. She wanted him by her side because she loved him and knew or thought that she could control him. Her relationship with Jon was horribly written from the start.
>she feels good from doing good things
True. It also fed on her ego. She saw herself as the second coming of Christ, coming to deliver everyone from evil. Self-righteousness 101.
>doesn't want statues built of her
No but she wants to rule over everyone and have people bend their knee to her. She threw a shitfit when she learnt Jon had a better claim. In her mind only she could be a good ruler. The offer to Jon to rule beside her was a trap. He would renounce his claim to be with her but she wouldn't do the same for him.
>No they couldn't, they were traitors for queen cersei, they're irrelevant
According to the show it was a bad decision. I'm not arguing irl morals here but Tyrion spells out how evil it is. In GoT it was an evil decision and presented as such.
>I can write a story about how pedophilia is good right now.
Yes, you can. In the setting of your book you can present it as something acceptable and moral. A work of fiction doesn't have to reflect irl morality. More specifically, itcan't reflect everyone's morality. I'm sure you can find people who would argue for and against every character's moral decision based on what they believe. Doesn't matter. In the show, what is right is what the writer's decide to present as right.
>Get a scene with Sam being sad about father dying and Dany feeling bad
>Umber and Karstark kids beg for mercy to angry Sansa
the same thing that's about to happen with star wars.
How could anyone get BTFO when there were already credible leaks for everything?
>thought that she could control him
Control him how? She was still going for his cock twice after she learned he told his secret. He still held power and influence over her, not the other way around. Dude even walks away with no punishment after refusing to kiss her
Honestly season 7 was even worse
>Yeah, freeing the slaves had nothing to do with the iron throne
It literally didn't. Not initially. At first it's just Drogo promising the world to her and her liking the idea. Then she sets out. Then she decides to free the slaves on her way to the throne.
>her wanting to conquer the world was an asspull
If you consider it an asspull since s1 then yea I guess.
>At the very end out of nowhere
Breaker of chains was pretty early on and she postponed her trip to Westeros because she wanted to first free everyone in Slaver's Bay.
>She let daario oversee a transition of power to the people, that's it
She did. But if the people reinstated slavery, all we have suggests she would return to re-free them. This scenario played out before.
>Sure he's relatable when he kills his own city
Who said anything about relatability? I just said what we were shown. He chose to serve Cersei and provided his reasoning for his choice. No analysis. I just say what we were shown.
>Dany's bad for killing him.
According to the show? Yes.
>She was actually wrong for giving him a chance to live
According to the show? No.
>True. It also fed on her ego. She saw herself as the second coming of Christ, coming to deliver everyone from evil. Self-righteousness 101.
When, when she told Jon she didn't deserve it? That was pulled out the last minute
>No but she wants to rule over everyone and have people bend their knee to her. She threw a shitfit when she learnt Jon had a better claim. In her mind only she could be a good ruler. The offer to Jon to rule beside her was a trap. He would renounce his claim to be with her but she wouldn't do the same for him.
She threw a "shitfit" cause people were trying to kill her over Jon and the plot demanded she couldn't marry him for some reason. Jon wouldn't even tell the truth about why he bent the knee so he wouldn't look bad, she did way more for him than other way around
>According to the show it was a bad decision. I'm not arguing irl morals here but Tyrion spells out how evil it is. In GoT it was an evil decision and presented as such.
The story morals contradict themselves, Tyrion reads the Geneva convention all of a sudden, but he thinks starving the city is more moral than a precision strike. He also extended slavery, but he's the voice of morality. It's not evil in got universe most of the characters did the same exact shit, the series started with Ned beheading someone who was just trying to survive
>Yes, you can. In the setting of your book you can present it as something acceptable and moral. A work of fiction doesn't have to reflect irl morality. More specifically, itcan't reflect everyone's morality. I'm sure you can find people who would argue for and against every character's moral decision based on what they believe. Doesn't matter. In the show, what is right is what the writer's decide to present as right
Don't criticize anything then cause whatever the author says is law
>For one, she could ask Tyrion about it before throwing away their potential.
Daenerys had Randyll Tarly, who was the lord of his house. Daenerys had Dickon "Kill Me, Too" Tarly. Daenerys had Randyll's armies, as well. There ain't no reason for ransom. There is no gain.
>On the condition that the truth remained hidden.
And what did she do when he told the truth? Beg him to rule with her.
>She didn't want to share the trhone, she was going to pussywhip him into submission the same way she did with Drogo.
Jon is the reason Jaime was spared, and he wasn't even paying attention during that "trial". Dany was more submissive to Jon than to anybody else. Ever. Even with her massive power.
Are you serious? Do you not remember how many times he said: ''You're muh kween!''. Do you not remember Varys literally spelling out how it's impossible for him not to get bent to her will?
Tyrion certainly doesn't feel bad about all the people he blew up on the Blackwater, huh?
She only wanted to conquer westeros not the world,that is an asspull, she helps the slaves along the way and stays to help but she doesn't want to rule them forever
>She did. But if the people reinstated slavery, all we have suggests she would return to re-free them. This scenario played out before.
Why is that bad? 90% of the people don't want to be slaves that's why they chose her
>He chose to serve Cersei and provided his reasoning for his choice
He made a choice she respected his choice and killed him, it's war, her being bad when she has a perfectly valid reason for it and Tyrion being all good is shit writing anywhere let alone "muh grey morality" GoT
Did they say this? (Or anything for that matter)
Is this sarcasm? Cause he explicitly didn't do or go along with what Dany wanted several critical times this season
>When, when she told Jon she didn't deserve it? That was pulled out the last minute
How is that connected with what you quoted above?
>She threw a "shitfit" cause people were trying to kill her over Jon
Then why didn't she offer to have him be the king and be his wife and rule together instead of the opposite? Jon was the one to renounce his claim, not her.
>Jon wouldn't even tell the truth about why he bent the knee so he wouldn't look bad
Exactly, he couldnt stand up to neither Daenerys nor Sansa.
>The story morals contradict themselves
>Don't criticize anything then cause whatever the author says is law
Whatever the author says is law within the book. Of course you can criticise it the result if its shitty but your criticism means nothing to non existent characters who are written with a different morality than your own.
>Do you not remember Varys literally spelling out how it's impossible for him not to get bent to her will?
Do you not remember Jon always doing whatever the fuck he wanted with zero consequences? Varys also said that Northerners don't marry aunt to nephew. Technically correct! They haven't married aunt to nephew. They have married uncle to niece, though. Twice. And cousin to cousin. Ask Ned Stark's parents.
But Jon is disgusted by incest that isn't incest by Westerosi standards, because Varys says so.
The books are consistent and believable. The only truly retarded thing was arya not naming Tywin, Cersei and Joffrey when Jaquen asked for three names, and even she says so herself
If she's just self righteous she wouldn't listen to other people constantly and wouldn't have cried to Jon about how she didn't deserve it, she would just do what she wanted
>Then why didn't she offer to have him be the king and be his wife and rule together instead of the opposite? Jon was the one to renounce his claim, not her
She did at the end, she couldn't do it before because of shit writing. Also he dun want it
>Exactly, he couldnt stand up to neither Daenerys nor Sansa.
He did, repeatedly in season 7 and 8, and then he makes her look bad so he won't look bad.
>Whatever the author says is law within the book. Of course you can criticise it the result if its shitty
That's what I'm doing, what are you even arguing about
>Faegon plot device
>she doesn't want to rule them forever
Correct me if I'm wrong but iIrc she got cold feet when Tyrion suggested she lets people rule themselves back in Essos. She lets them do it and moves on to Westeros. After Westeros she planned to ''free'' everyone else. Her freeing process always includes a conquest at first. And if things go wrong, she throws shitfits. Of course she wasn't as far gone back in Essos. The writing and pacing is poor but her self-righteousness was telegraphed from the beginning. Ever wondered why some audiences said she acted like a spoiled brat?
>Why is that bad? 90% of the people don't want to be slaves that's why they chose her
Not bad bad she is in a perpetual campaign because she sees herself as the breaker of chains. She is megalomaniacal and believes she can save everyone.
>He made a choice she respected his choice and killed him, it's war, her being bad when she has a perfectly valid reason for it and Tyrion being all good is shit writing anywhere let alone "muh grey morality" GoT
Agreed but that's the morality that exists in that world. Doesn't matter if it's shit or sometimes contradicting.
If you just forget about everything that happened before and treat it like a separate movie than episode 5 is pretty good, desu.
Because no one expected the fucking leaks to be true, plus it was actually even worse than thought so we were getting mindblown while watching it
Theres a really bad one on my street and the city wont fix it!!!
He willingly renounced his claim and even questioned whether he did the right thing after killing her. If Tyrion hadn't talked him into killing her he would be lapping at her feet as usual. Varys predicted it.
Not saying the writing's good but Varys spells out why Daenerys must die in a blatantly obvious way. Might as well get rid of the actor and have D&D talk directly to the camera.
>If she's just self righteous she wouldn't listen to other people constantly and wouldn't have cried to Jon about how she didn't deserve it, she would just do what she wanted
She didn't listen to everyone all the time, only those that she trusted as subservient advisors and only as long as they were effective. Jorah got exiled and had to go through hell to regain her trust. Tyrion stopped having an effect on her after his blunders.
>She did at the end
It was a last call. It's not what she wanted.
>Also he dun want it
That mixed with the fact that he loved her and believed in her and wanted her to rule.
>He did, repeatedly in season 7 and 8, and then he makes her look bad so he won't look bad.
''You're muh kween''. For one season straight. Because the writers thought it would be a great twist to have him be pussywhipped only to backstab her in the end. And in the previous season he stood up to her until he fell in love. Then he bent the knee.
>That's what I'm doing, what are you even arguing about
I'm agreeng with some of your criticisms and disagreeing with some others. It's a conversation. So far I'm enjoying it since it's mostly civil.
And Varys has no reason to want Dany to die over simply having her marry Jon. It's shit writing.
Agreed again.
Tyrion actually convinced her to stick around longer
>After Westeros she planned to ''free'' everyone else
Only pulled out the ass at the very end, she wanted to be queen of westeros, same as stannis, Margery, a bunch of other people, big deal.
>Her freeing process always includes a conquest at first. And if things go wrong, she throws shitfits
Yeah that's how it works in feudalism. Throws a shitfit, what the fuck are you even talking about? She has legitimate reason to be mad about people dying or attacking her.
>Ever wondered why some audiences said she acted like a spoiled brat?
Nah, cause she's a woman. She only ever acted like a brat in that made up season 2 storyline
>Not bad bad she is in a perpetual campaign because she sees herself as the breaker of chains. She is megalomaniacal and believes she can save everyone
She has dragons so she can fight slavery, it's not a crazy thing
>Agreed that's the morality that exists in that world. Doesn't matter if it's shit or sometimes contradicting
Yes it does
>Her dragons killed children before and she only chained them for political reasons when in reality she didn't give a fuck.
Not true, she did care, but that doesnt detract from ber becoming evil it just makes it more tragic