Never gets old, huh?

Never gets old, huh?

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I love Egyptian kings

I love BBC

Good lord both of those commercials were pure unadulterated kino. They were also something of a swansong for Discovery channel and really the entire family of channels (Discovery/History/etc). They've been overrun with by-the-numbers reality TV garbage, we'll never get that golden era back.

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Reminder that whites and asians are the only people capable of being spacefarers

humans btfo

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how can one dog be such a chad that they cuck the entire human race?

What went wrong with Jews though? What force is keeping them earth-bound?

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demons can't leave hell

>US+Europe+Russia+Japan expanding ISS lifespan and also building a space station in orbit of the moon
>NASA launching manned moon missions starting in 2024 with goal of men on Mars in the 2030s.
>Spacex and private corporations about to open the floodgates into space
>China planning a permanent space station
>Russia and China both hope to finally have men on the moon around the 2040s
>Europe and Japan tagging along for the ride with US and Russia and both developing cool rovers and probes
>Canada making badass robot arms

>India decades off from launching a human into space
>serious space projects from Africa: 0
>serious space projects from South America: 0

Feels chad man.

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Americans are so dumb they’ll watch shows about UFOs in their history channel and documentaries on Sharks on their science channel over and over without questioning whether what they’re getting is worthwhile or not.

>try to make a feel good thread where people list random things they love
>not 5 posts in it devolves into a /pol/ circlejerk

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Discovery is fucking unwatchable now

God bless

I love the horse pussy

>>try to make a feel good thread where people list random things they love
What you really want is Yea Forums from 10 or so years ago when people indulged that shit and OC wasn't seen as reddit garbage.

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I tuned in the other day for the first time in years and all I could find was shows about trucking and gold mining. I miss back when it was a true variety channel that taught you about science and the world around us. There was something for everyone and it didn't appeal solely to the TLC demographic.

jews are white and asian

>He's still rambling about Americans

The absolute state of this rent-free trippy.

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Stay mad mutt. If you don’t like it stop being so easy to laugh at.

don't reply to him, it only encourages tripfags

I love all of the great things whites have gifted the world with and if more people admitted this we would be living on a better planet

I just want to skip ahead 20 years into the future to view this stuff before I get too old.

You and me both brother

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I-I'm not American, ease up bud, you're gonna get v&.

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this ad makes me tear up, which is pretty pathetic, being that it's a fucking advertisement, but it does anyway.
all things, good and bad, have their place, and they're all where they're supposed to be, whether we as human beings are capable of understanding them or not.

the first time I said "I love you" to my gf was during this commercial
She said she loved me too and now we're married


>and my gf's name? albert einstein

>constant redneck bullshit

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t b h most user's stories end badly so it's nice to see a change
i'm happy for you user

You know she loves you the first day you can gently urinate in her mouth.

kek im doing a tf2 SFM remake of that ad right at this moment.
im halfway done.

Great, neither am I!