What's your favorite baseball movie?
What's your favorite baseball movie?
Other urls found in this thread:
None whatsoever. White men play Cricket
Twilight specifically the baseball scene
Perhaps the most boring sport to ever exist
you never seen soccer?
Major League
I keep hearing this in a English accent. We scots say CUM but southerners say COME
>all blacks
>west indies
Eight Men Out is the only right answer.
chingchong pingpong me frow barr rerry frast
The Sandlot, followed by Major League and The Pride of the Yankees
Name or sauce pls
Ken Burn's Baseball
Rookie of the year
Shit, I love all the baseball movies.
A League of Their Own
For Love of the Game
Major League
Major League II
The Sandlot
Mr 3000
Bad News Bears
Bad News Bears - Remake
Angels in the Outfield
Field of Dreams
But if I had to pick an absolute favorite, it'd be Mr. Baseball. Tom Selleck joins the Japanese Central League like ten years before the big weeb explosion in America occurred.
Suck and fuck
>anything but this is objectively wrong
why would i watch a movie about the most boring "sport" imaginable?
he's old now
>lots of men like fat, wide-hipped women
Don't get it.
Are there even any movies about cricket? Only pajeets still play it.
for me its bend it like beckham
Million Dollar Arm is about a poo playing cricket who gets scouted by a big-brain white man to play baseball an in turn ascends to temporary status as an honorary pseudo-white
>White men play Cricket
Based user
How can (((white “women”))) even begin to compete with asian goddesses like that?
They can't, that's why we have feminism
The one with Brad Pitt and the fat Starlord
I want an azn gf, any tips?
btw i'm white
i wanna watch someone hit that ball she throws and it speeds back at her at 120 mph and hits her in the face. haha what a prank!
I am not even a braapuneseur, but i just want to get my face all up in there, you know.
Do Japan even knows about baseball?
Step 1. Be white
Congrats you did it
How do i get a cute japanese gf in Serbia?
>Step 2: Be wealthy enough to pay for her high-maintenance lifestyle
Westernized Asians are just like niggers in their need to show status symbols. The only difference is that for the most part, the Asians can actually afford to drive a Range Rover rather than having to live in it until the wheels fall off.
You’ll never have an asian gf. Why are you trying to give tips on it?
major league
based tripfag
Embarrassing samefag
Mysterious Skin
He's right
Go to Croatia. I see tons of Asians there when I'm vacationing
The seething never gets old
That's the most popular sports in Japan
And the pic is Korea
based anti-coomer posters
The Mets or the Yankees had a Japanese pitcher for a good part of the 90s-00s. Baseball is huge in Japan and they have their own league.
yes, murrican used to force feed their shitty sports to countries they invaded until it proved too unpractical so they only do open up macdonalds these days.
Baseball is Japan's number one sport
>Sadaharu Oh
>Hideo Nomo
>Hideki Matsui
>Yu Darvish
>Shohei Ohtani
>Masahiro Tanaka
It's literally the #1 sport in Japan
the natural
The Benchwarmers
>nobody has posted Mr. Baseball
fuck this internet discussion forum
Posting an under-rated gem. 61* - Thomas Jane and Barry Pepper play two Yankees chasing Babe Ruth's home run record. Really good watch.
HBO made some really good little movies in the 90s and early 00s.
Billy Crystal directed 61* btw
I watched that with my dad when it first premiered. He's a huge Yankees fan and loved Mickey Mantle. Maris got a raw deal but his personality didn't help matters, especially in New York.
Great movie user
>But if I had to pick an absolute favorite, it'd be Mr. Baseball. Tom Selleck joins the Japanese Central League like ten years before the big weeb explosion in America occurred.
I'm finishing up a novel/screenplay that incorporates a lot of these movie themes but is a one-off original idea. If interested in reading it, visit amazon.com/author/djborn in the near future.
You might run like Mays but you hit like shit
The Naked Gun