Which character would you like to become the most and why.
Which character would you like to become the most and why
Obviously Bateman.
He’s the most loser out of those four, Cliff is patrician choice
Pat, obviously.
I would kill for Cliff’s contentment
cliff couldn't even get a reservation at fucking mcdonalds
Cliff so I can let her deepthroat me while driving
If dubs, basedman. Otherwise Pittu
he's not a loser really. he's rich, has a pretty hot wife, and extremely good looking.
he's prob most successful after paul allen in his company too
Holy based
Patrician's choice
Dubs in a bradu pittu thread, how did he swing that?
I love how Yea Forums only idolizes women murdering misogynists and poc-hating racists, really gives you perspective on what kind of demographic posts here.
How'd a nitwit like you get those digits
The digits don't lie
Bateman didnt kill anyone. He was a lover of women and sometimes invited over prostitutes just to listen to some Whitney Houston and Phil Collins with them
...and he is extremely shallow and only feels greed and disgust. Why would you want to become someone who is filled with nothing but hatred
>I love how Yea Forums only idolizes women murdering misogynists and poc-hating racists, really gives you perspective on what kind of demographic posts here.
You missed the entire point of the film
Yikes. Let's unpack this
take that home to you're little chow cliff
>No thanks, I am already comfortable with who I am.
>assuming paul is still alive
Guess that makes Bateman #1 top dick
>want to become
Bitch what?
Cliff is the best choice
>55 but still looks great
>cool as fuck
>strong as fuck
>the definition of a chad
>has a cute dog
Tyler is 2nd
>great body
>has a few good points when it comes to society
>absolute chad
>is completely free
>embodiment of chaos
>lives in a shit house
Cruise is #3 because he's short but he is based as fuck
Bateman is a total loser so I'd place him at number 4
cliff lives in a fucking trailer
>rich at 27
both tyler and cliff live in a shit house tho and tom cruise is a leader of a world’s biggest cult and richer than all of them, he’s long past the point where he has to worry about height.
is this tom in an interview? I don't recognize the movie
I don't mind Cliff's house and I don't want to be the leader of a cult
>he’s long past the point where he has to worry
about height
manlet cope
100% this
>cliff's trailer is a house
it was super comfy but it wasn't a house
That's me now but I'm not rich.
Bateman because he's fucking rich and high status
I'm not Caucasian.
that sucks bro
it's not your fault, don't be hard on yourself
sorry bro maybe next time
Or handsome and in shape.
damn man, I am so sorry
Cliff is the only truly happy one, so him
>implying Tom Cruise isn’t the happiest man on this planet
Its okay, nobody's perfect.
Bateman. How is it even a debate?
cliff, the rest are neurotic retards
>brutally murders teenage girls and lets his nigbull maul one guy
yeah bro he’s totally normal, not neurotic at all
Re-watch the ending. Bateman never killed anyone.
Wrong. Bateman killed everyone and the only people left alive were in his imagination.
Why would I want to be deficient?
Based nigga
literally he did kill everybody.
how will we recover
Tom Cruise obviously
>easily the wealthiest
>number 3 in Scientology
>has free slave labor from his church
>can fly a jet
>looks great for his age
>still making blockbusters
>always happy and outgoing in interviews
>could run for president and probably win
Ya... I wouldn't say no to being tom cruise. Or Bateman. The other two the only thing you have is looks. I could probably live like cliff or Tyler if I wanted to (or close enough anyways) but it really doesn't appeal to me
>two literal whos
>one does not even exist
>one rich person with exquisite taste and get power
Cruise because he's actually real.
Cliff was kinda gay even if the movie tried to go full "no homo".
This. He's poor, he has a pretty shit car, he lives in a trailer, he barely gets any work, but he has a great, great friend and he's satisfied with his life. Nothing beats that.
Besides, he can fuck Margaret Qualley and wreck Bruce Lee, and that's alright too.
Check 'Em
Impressive, very nice