Just saw this.
What did I think of it?
Just saw this.
What did I think of it?
well? what did you think of it?
Tried to marathon this a few times.
Not enough action.
did you reach dick gun?
>Tried to marathon this a few times
It was good until the vampire stuff happened
It's kino.
One of the greatest movies ever made, always wondered what would happen if Kate went with Seth at the end
I was kind of annoyed Seth lived desu
You thought it was garbage.
It was bad until the vampire stuff happened
Made my peepee actually like Juliette Lewis. It was a fun albeit shallow movie. It's memorable for goofy imagery rather than because it's good. Salma Hayek is always milkie-tier.
probably talking about the netflix series, which im trying to watch right now and getting bored about it, im basically dragged myself to watch it after seeing Danny Trejo was on season 2, but still is awful overall.
reptile/snake vampires but still turned into bats
the first half is fantastic
the second half is fantastic
salma hayek is fantastic
I vant to suck your toes
I fell into this movie on cable. I didn't know what to think of it, but I thought it was a fun ride. 8/10 (gets bonus points for hot chicks)
Imaging writing a script for a movie just so you can suck on Salma Hayek's toes. Yeah, I'm thinking he's based.
One of the worst films ever made. Clooney can't act and he's a smug faggot, Tarantino can't act, the fucking beaners can't act, the action is shit, the writing is shit, the pacing is shit. If you put up the storyboard and showed it to me I'd tell you it has the making of being the best movie ever, but somehow every aspect that could go wrong goes wrong.
Hayek is fucking hideous.
I actually wanted to bang Juliette Lewis in Cape Fear.
They killed him off too early
>Hayek is fucking hideous.
I got a foot fetish watching this.
Fucking Tarantino.
I was shown it without knowing anything about it previously, and that genre-shift was one of the most jarring but enjoyable things about it.
There's a TV channel here that shows it monthly and I watch it every fucking time.
based and agree 100%
You either love the second half or hate it. No inbetween
why was Tarankino a passable actor in this one but terrible in every other role he's had
he was shit in this, you're just retarded
S1 was just the movie with a bunch of unnecessary shit thrown in to drag out a < 2 hour movie into a series.
Couldn't make it past ep3 of s2 because it was fanfic tier.
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The character was clearly autistic, so it didn't require much acting on Tarantino's part. Clooney can also carry anyone.
So who`s gonna win and get to El Wray?
Howdy pardner.
>t. faggot
>that average flat body
I love this movie a lot but I don't like any of the sequels or the tv show at all, not even a little bit
just a movie like any other
you loved it and would really like to suck salma hayek's toes