Mad Men

Why didnt these two end up together?

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Because she liked moustache rides better

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don't spoiler shit pls, i read it as why they did and thought of the scenarios how this could turn out, because till season 2 they didn't realy interact much together but i know she was working for him before so there could be something going on.

i'll better fuck off Yea Forums and finish this season and move on. see you soon, fella's

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Godspeed user

She had better chemistry with Don and she understood him I think better than anyone.

She was too busy being my wife.

>she understood him I think better than anyone.
thats exactly why they didn't end up together

She threw Don under the bus after his Herseys debacle and he lost respect for her for the Jaguar thing

I always wondered why the government stopped looking into the employees when Don told Pete to kill the project. Isn't it more suspicious for them to tell the defense whatever that they don't want what was essentially a sure thing? I mean it's obvious that they're hiding something and just wanted to evade the background checks.

Were we supposed to find Peggy hot?

He respected and cared for her the same way he did for Peggy; there was nothing for him to sink his superficiality into. Likewise, she saw through his shit, and wouldn't have been taken in by his false charisma even if he tried.

>She had better chemistry with Don

Not really, the few moments they were alone with each other were very awkward.

>he doesnt want a hot woman who's smart enough to understand him

That was kinda OOC of her.

Don dumped the doctor mommy for Frenchleaf slut

Her drive is hot, her looks is not. She's a 4/10.

They understood and cared for each other but they weren't interested romantically.

It never would have worked anyway.
Don always ends up with childlike women who admire him, and she's too independent to let anyone get in her way.

>Don always ends up with childlike women who admire him, and she's too independent to let anyone get in her way.

In the end of the day Don is a broken man who searches for answers. if she could give him said answers and chemistry is there then I dont see the problem.
The fact that he kept going through countless women who are the same and was never satisfied was already saying a lot.

Because Joan was incredibly competent, at least in the sense of hard work and judgement. Don might've slid by on talent, but Joan had to work for everything she had. As the 60's marched on, Don's charm wore off, Joan moved up.

biggest misplay of TV history

I thought so too until I saw her titties in Hot Tub Tyme Masheen 1

Also highly unrealistic doctor lady didn't rat Don out

They were awkward because they're two alphas sharing the same space, it's literally two opposing forces trying to cancel out each other, which also what makes them perfect.

More like she doesn't want a womanizing, chauvinistic fraud by her side.

>a womanizing, chauvinistic fraud

That's not really who Don is, that's a facade.
He literally became Peggy's mentor so that she would succeed.

he did it initially to irk Pete though. he only started treating Peggy like that until season 7

To be fair, Peggy dresses like she's 12 and is very timid, in their time and workplace it's no wonder it took time to take her seriously.
However he did take Joan seriously and had respect for her since the very beginning, they told him not to cross her and he didnt.


It goes to show you that when he takes something seriously, the real Don comes out, not the show he puts on.

The background check was just routine and they probably weren't thinking much about it. The reason for killing the project would more likely be a financial one than one of the parties hiding a secret past.

I think Don liked her and somewhat respected her. Obviously he knew she was probably great to have sex with, but somehow i think he had this logic that he wouldn't fuck her cause she'd probably cause more trouble than a basic hot secretary.

Sure but for the most part he still can't help being a drunk mess that will cheat on any woman he's with if the slightest discomfort arises in the relationship.

Surprisingly great answers in this thread.

Don wants to be loved and understood but at the same time is terrified of being seen for who he really is, should that mean rejection.

Joan is an astute person and sees the damage and dysfunction behind Don's slick exterior. She wants stability, not another fire to put out.

These two have insane sexual chemistry and an easy rapport that comes from being articulate and charismatic. But it would never work: she doesn't want to 'fix' anyone, and he doesn't want to be spurned.

as if you wouldn't

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I accept your answer, however I raise you this.

What if them ending up together would've helped her fix herself as well?
In the grand scheme of things, people want to find another soul to grow old with and not be alone.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but both Joan and Don ended up single in the end of the show, didnt them? If I remember right, then Joan herself also benefits from this by simply finding a man who's exactly on her level.

Didnt they*

He respected her and didn’t want to attempt a commitment to her because he knew she knew he wasn’t that type of man.


She also has phenomebal jebs

How come they all started wearing such funky hairstyles and clothes all of a sudden? I don't get it.

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>marrying the office slut
look at Liam Hemsworth and his decision to marry a hoe

She was the office eye candy not slut.
If anything, Don was the much bigger manwhore.


Because that would piss off her irl poo in loo husband

Because it was the 70s man

Peggy was the office slut, which was inexplicable considering how ugly she is.

He can score any chick he wants- why bang the office merry-go-round. I liked the one from Palm Springs.

ugly chicks put out

That's what happens when you date the wrong person for you while you're a broken mess of a person. You make bad choices. The right person for him would've been someone who'd fill that void for him and thus cancel the need to continue his endless searching.

I can tell you're a roastie from your post.


I thought you were the roastie by constantly insisting that he's chauvinistic womanizer without even understanding his character.

Nope, guess its just the one blown out roastie here.

Because the writers weren't retarded


shame about her tits. everything else body-wise is literally 10/10


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>wide af hips
>cute delicious tummy

what's the problem?

She looks like a goblin.


I bet you think Maisie Williams is hot too

She'd have woken him up with a fuckin gun in his face at some point if he didn't tell her who he really was.
And he'd have beaten her out of a window for it.

Why was that ending montage so comfy bros? What a wholesome show.


>As the 60's marched on, Don's charm wore off, Joan moved up.
Joan's charm fuckin vaporized as soon as McCann finally ate them.

No, she would have figured him out completely in no time.

I tried getting into it again recently, because I don't think I made it past the second season the first time.
It aged terribly.