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wtf trump is dead?! (formerly alive)

cringe and chuckpilled (formerly based and sneedpilled)

Our work isn't over until every car in 'murca looks like that.

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Just say “sneed” dipshit

Ironically that is no different than any faggot that covers his ride in band stickers, anecdotal slogan decals, and ugly paint themes.

imagine looking like amy klobuchar and not being jewish

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Is this what mental disability looks like?

I'm a daily weed smoker and decided to go cold turkey from now on
Wish me luck

Would Bill Watterson approve of this use of Calvin?

Does anyone actually like the Democrats?

I'm for the far right but this is just pure cringe

Conservacuck were a mistake

Is this a deleted scene from Eraserhead?

how fucking fat is this driver

What about gay people who aren't promiscuous and don't associate with the 'gay community', user? What are your thoughts about the quiet, god-fearing gay men such as myself?

Faggots,womyn and """"""minorities""""
In other words, retards

Bill is infamous for refusing to greenlight any official merchandise or adaptations.

>d-do you like faggots like me??? I swear I'm one of the good ones!

well atleast it aint no fancy german car

>liberalism is a mental disorder
this is true. fuck trannies

not even it's voterbase i really can't wait to see usa political powerdynamics once pedro gets majority

>nothing about Israel

Yep, he's based


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Reminder this video is de-listed from Google because its off-message

less fat than heather heyer, tranny

Don't make me suck your dick, edgelord

>simpsons tackling politics
I'll take the sneedposter anyday.

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formerly culturally relevant


im glad every show is political now and all about owning dup

i just hope he gets reelected to see america go further in tds-syndrome

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Its the only way to defeat Blorf, sweetie.

>He can talk he can talk he can talk

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> Step Aside Girls
> The Alpha Males are back

Wait a second...

Lmao this is genius writing

>all the right winger replies disavowing this
This is based, who cares if a couple of low-T Zoomer """communist""" """"working class advocates""""" cringe at it. This guy probably watches Bill Whittle and Ben Shapiro but that's 10 times better than the left-wing alternative.

Only white men are real humans, the others are soulless animal-like primate beings

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>god fearing
Maybe you fear Zeus or Odin or some cringey Hindu shit but not THE LORD GOD.


I see you're a man of sound logical reasoning.

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Found thr boomer from r_TheDonald

sneeds feed

no nigger, it's cringe.


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wtf is wrong with their mouths. They look like they secretly live in water.

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>look how unique and different I am
literally Facebook tier

The coexist with guns is always what gets me the most

Now that's a true patriot! MAGA 2020! WWAGWW1. usususususu

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This is exactly what I imagined the driver looks like+1 if he's carrying a gun cause muh minorities muh statistics

Its from [slanderous infographics about personal sex lives]

I promise Yea Forums not all gun owners are like these country hick peckerwoods

>tHe LeFt iS tHe sIde OBseSsed wItH idEnTitY pOliticS


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According to the popular vote for every Presidential campaign for the past four decades. Yeah.

Why are you sucking up to someone who clearly thinks you should be put into camps and gassed?

>the alpha males are back
I would love to meet this chad and cuck him.

you are the malignant tumor that acts as a gateway for the others of your kind to destroy civilization and subvert the family unit

And yet you allowed the Joos to subjugate your entire culture. Truly based Master Race™ you lot.

>remember benghazi
Fighting for Israel must be so rewarding

>between 24% and 90% of lesbian report being psychologically abused by their partners

What the hell is this? That's a gigantic margin of error.


the person who took this was probably seething too hard to take a step back and get the truck nuts in the shot

really well put together post

>1/4 gay men in America have had over 1000 sex partners
>The average gay man has several dozen sex partners per year
Based gay Chads more masculine than any boomer gun-toting incel

controlled opposition. boomers like this faggot are the reason things have gotten so bad

based bernie bro

Ever wonder why fullcommunism is replacing the alt-chuds my gullible friend?

Based. Reminder that Hitler was a tranny and alt-chuds can only seethe at the facts. Zionists might be bad but Jews overall are more based compared to white manbaby incels on Yea Forums

these fat fucking retarded “come and take them” faggots talk a lot of shit and do nothing. gun rights chipped away year after year, spics flooding the country, white men dying in droves for pointless wars, mass surveillance, kikes entrenched in every bank, branch of government and corporation and the most these guys mustered over the years was “obummer” and watching oreilly and listening to limbaugh

National Bolshevism is the only answer to this situation.

Take the NazBol or fullcommunism pill if you haven't

Join the winning side, user

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Can you explain this meme. National Socialism already has socialist elements. And Hitler absolutely hated communists

>literally no communist state exists in 2019

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Getting rid of the disenfranchisement of the working class and providing them equality, removal of class, purging of the elites and a white ethnostate ensues.

kill yourself desu
t. czech

Is Tulsi even in that skit? The actually decent Dem?

I'd say North Korea is pretty successful. As would many people here.

based as hell

>not being Yang Gang like the rest of Yea Forums

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>Getting rid of the disenfranchisement of the working class

This is such a fucking stupid meme

Do you like being a wagecuck or poor as a result of elitist 1% globalists? Answer yourself this question now.


>step aside girls the alpha males are back

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There will always be a ruling class you fucking faggot. Only a retarded child would believe that "workers" are all magically going to play nice under the cherry trees together.

thats just communism with “white ethnostate” ducttaped to it

There doesn't have to be a ruling class if its in the hands of the working class. Also, a revolution is highly possible at this point. The Hong Kong revolutions, despite fighting for cucked enough reasons, will serve as inspiration for many of us as we attempt to overthrow the current President as one.

Don't get me wrong, I think many people here would be in favor of a totalitarian white ethnostate. Especially the younger people. Just with Stalin instead of Hitler.

>There doesn't have to be a ruling class if its in the hands of the working class.

You are a retarded child if you think workers are going to be able to agree on wages with eachother. If you worked 1 second in a blue collar setting instead of being a prissy college campus faggot, you would know this.

Yeah i know tons of young people that would love to give up the idea of having big expensive shit, their own big house on a nice plot of land. That shit is for losers.