Post your favourite movies in a 5x3, 1x2, 72x54 or whatever you want...

Post your favourite movies in a 5x3, 1x2, 72x54 or whatever you want. And then you can give evil critique to people's taste to piss them off.

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I can smell the vape juice from here.

pitiful taste, probably one of the worst I've seen on this site.
for shame user

I like some of your movies, and some not so much. You should watch more movies that are not in your comfort zone or not from a Yea Forums chart more often.

Pretty reddit list but i like a few of these films. I'd recommend
All the films on my chart that you haven't seen.
i'd also recommend
Paths of Glory
Der Untergang
Master & Commander: Far Side of the World
The Master
Mary and Max

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I just watched Das Boot. That was definitely about the same tier as Band of Brothers kino

and the rest?

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i also hate popular things
fuck that guy right? am I fitting in guys?

hi leddit

Reminds me of movies a group of guys I was friends with in high school watched all the time (2002-2006). Add Clerks and Dogma and you’ve completed the edgy millennial film club.

I too, would like to see more 3x3 posts where it's just Star Wars and the Lord of the Rings trilogy, with some imdb-core sprinkled in, of course.

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>implying reddit likes terrence malick

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kino chart

When have they not

The Tree of Life is the ultimate pleb filter. It makes plot fags seethe and it triggers plebs

Last Life in the Universe
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
All About Lily Chou-Chou
War & Peace (1966)
Millennium Actress
Road to Perdition
In Bruges

Just in case somebody asks like in old threads. Sage for no bump.


Redditors are plot fags and the tree of life triggers them

The only good movie ever made :)

t.intelligent film student

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No they aren't

there's enjoying popular things and there's having a completely worthless grid lacking even a ounce of personality


this would be fine but looks bad


there you go
too american
can't recognize most of these
good but fuck ghost dog
best itt

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Reddit loves Malick

I like Ghost Dog, I guess it's probably because I am a big Jim Jarmusch fan

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fuck him too

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I can actually respect this list. Magnolia is great.
anyone who enjoys Fellini is alright with me
Doctor Zhivago over Bridge or Lawrence? Why is that?

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>Mulholland Dr.
>The Tree of Life
>Blade Runner 2049
>No Country For Old Men
>the rest
haven't seen

I too am a movie guy

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>Doctor Zhivago over Bridge or Lawrence? Why is that?
Those are the best movies I've seen for the first time this year, 2019. I'll upload my all time in a bit. It has Lawrence.

>Punch Drunk Love
>The good, The Bad and the Ugly
>Apocalypse Now
>Django Unchained
>Barry Lyndon
>Fellowship of the ring
>American Psycho
>the rest
haven't seen

Pretty great chart user
I'd recommend Yojimbo,Ikiru and Zodiac

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Is the middle the priest from Fanny and Alexander? he was such a great villain.

lmk what yall think

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read about 10 before I cringed and closed the image


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>evil critique

Why the fuck?

jesus you can just smell the reddit on some of these fags

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>Good Time

>spaghetti westerns
>fear and loathing
>that entire image
>babby's first chaplin

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They Live
Falling Down
Spirited Away
Taxi Driver
Kung Pow

Rate my 1x1

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the wizard of oz and step brothers feel very out of place in that chart kek


>Crank High Voltage
>Godzilla v Mechagodzilla

based but
'i'm 16 and really into cinema' core, cool
cool chart, but blade runner and YWNRH is awful
50/50 based and cringe ratio

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>high voltage
my nigga

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>'i'm 16 and really into cinema' core
That's rich coming from a fellow Bergmanfag.