You can replace Joe Rogan with someone more interesting to host the podcasts, who do you pick?

You can replace Joe Rogan with someone more interesting to host the podcasts, who do you pick?

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Karl Pilkington


John Oliver

anyone, quite literally anyone. a change in host would to be a massive improvement to the dullest podcast in the history of podcast franchises. seriously each episode following the mma “expert” and “comedian” has been indistinguishable from the next. aside from the insufferable stoner chat the series only consistency has been it’s lack of intellectual discussion.

perhaps the die was cast when rogan vetoed the idea of bravo talking flat earth full time: he made sure it would never be mistaken for a work of broadcasting that meant anything to anybody. the rogan show might be anti-intellectual (or not) but it’s certinaly anti xfm podcast in its refusal of wonder banter and excitement. no one wants to face that fact. now thankfully nobody has to.

>a-at least the guests are good though

“no!” the guest are dreadful. as i listened i noticed every time rogan wanted to site an anecdote, he said instead that he ‘was talking to a buddy of mine’

i began marking on the back of envelope every time that phrase was repeated. i stopped only after i had marked the envelope several dozen times. i was incredulous. rogan’s mind is so governed by the size of various apes and dmt that he has no other style of broadcasting. later i read a loving lavish review of the joe rogan experience by the same brendan schuab. he wrote something along the lines of “if these kids are enjoying the comedy of joe rogan at 11 or 12 when they get older they will enjoy the comedy of brendan schaub” and he was quite right he was not being ironic when you watch ‘the joe rogan experience’ you are in fact trained to watch ‘you’d be surprised’.

arnold, while he's still alive

Stanhope would be the logical choice for me.

>and turns out that a previous host of this show was...a little monkey fella

Bobo the chimpanzee.

You be the host then stuttering, sweaty palms glancing at your phone every 30 seconds for no apparent reason

>rogan’s mind is so governed by the size of various apes and dmt that he has no other style of broadcasting.

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werner herzog

>imagine being so autistic and full of rage you spend hours listening to a podcast you hate to count certain phrases and then write long hatefull posts on a right wing frog breeding forum

Supermarket potato.

Alex Jones
James Cameron

Newfag, it's the Harry potter pasta

Go back to bringing up photos of apes, Jamie.

Based retard


Hoe Logan

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Not bad.

He is SO fucking gay. His anushole leaks diarrhea cum

Theo Von

literally any other living human. I honestly don't get why ppl listen to joe roentgen

idris wouldn't support this racist podcast

What a stupid question, go on iTunes and take your pick of countless interview podcasts then realize Joe has one of the best

>t. joe rogan