Disney have an unlimited budget for design and promotion

Disney have an unlimited budget for design and promotion.

But they used a photograph of a toy for the poster of Episode IX.

Expectations of quality, erm, subverted.

Attached: 4F8E2AE6-19B1-4AE7-8BE3-A4C00FDB02AC.jpg (1125x742, 184K)

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So what comes after this movie? Will star wars be officially dead forever in Disnep's firm grasp?

They will keep pumping out abortions. Buying the Star wars name cost a lot, you know.

Because he doesn't appear like this in the film but if they were going to false advertise they might as well have got Ian McDiarmid into make up

>They will keep pumping out abortions

Seeing how Phase 4 is all about crashing shit i doubt they have the capital to finance anymore bombs

The Mandalorian, Edge of the Unknown trilogy, Old Republic trilogy. Star Wars forever until people stop buying it

Stop posting this thread already

Some days I honestly feel like I'm stuck in a loop.

Why would they spend money on a teaser poster?

>Disney have an unlimited budget
This is exactly what they want their investors to think.
In reality, they're deep in the hole after buying up all those properties and studios, not to mention their failed theme park, and most of their major releases would've flopped if they didn't buy up fake tickets.
In a year or two it's all going to come crashing down and we'll remember Disney only as the man who made all those nice cartoons.

Attached: 1553664833220.jpg (922x915, 131K)

Also why on earth would they spend more than they have to?

Attached: sheev.jpg (675x1000, 656K)

One can only dream that this is the outcome

I''m dead

Last I checked their theme parks are still doing pretty well. Not sure if they are benefiting from that recently new one in China...I think they are

>sheevposting is back

wtf i love dismey now

Both Galaxy's Edge parks bombed

Oh wow it really has been a while since I last checked

The toy looks better!

Can they use Sheev in the posters if he doesn't actually appear in the movie? Seems pretty false advertising.

I think its more telling about the absolute lack of competent direction and quality control than lazyness or cheapness. They ""outsourced"" the poster without an intelligent or passionate lead (see: Im sure Lucas was heavily involved and interested in the posters for the original and prequel trilogies) so when Kathleen "clown" Kennedy pays you X amount to shit out something remotely tied to the movie, some pajeet is going to put in the least amount of effort imaginable to make something. It speaks of stupidity, neglect and tech/ design illiteracy. Anyone with a brain would have at least mirrored the image of the toy but like everyone has said already it screams of fan-art. It looks like dogshit because dogs are making it, not artists

>Can they use Sheev in the posters if he doesn't actually appear in the movie? Seems pretty false advertising.
Almost every movie trailer these days contains shots or entire scenes that aren't in the final product. Sometimes movies are completely rewritten after the trailer is released because of the audience reaction.

Faceblind retards general?

>used a photograph of a toy
Those aren't even close to being similar, user. Where has this meme come from? They don't even match up.

He will appear, AS a toy.
The kids playing with toys stuff at the end of TLJ was foreshadowing.

>overlay two completely different images to trick brainlets into thinking they look similar
not today retard

This isn't the movie poster
This isn't the movie poster
This isn't the movie poster
This isn't the movie poster
It's a promo poster
It's a promo poster
It's a promo poster
It's a promo poster
Stop caring about stupid meaningless bullshit
Stop caring about stupid meaningless bullshit
Stop caring about stupid meaningless bullshit
Stop caring about stupid meaningless bullshit

That's pretty clearly an original render

The nose, head shape, and mouth are all wrong

>2 Mousebux have been added to your account, haha!

Why put any effort into it? The movie will print money regardless

Attached: 1482236650453.jpg (1920x1233, 512K)

Fucking kek


This happens literally every time a new Star wars movie comes out and every time Yea Forums thinks it's the final theatrical poster

Attached: Star_wars-the_force_awakens_001.jpg (800x1200, 192K)

Just like in Spaceballs, right Rian?

All the money in the world will do you no good if you still leave sjws in charge of making decisions

As someone who gives little shit about star wars, I have to say that the toy looks realistic to me. Like, before someone pointed it out to me, it just looked like a man in makeup. Even now that I know it's a toy, it still looks like a man in makeup. I literally can't tell the difference.

So why shouldn't Disney use the highest quality rendition of the character they have? Why spend money making a new render, when you can photograph a toy that's so finely detailed, it can be photographed in high definition, and still appear realistic?

Every wrinkle and tooth matches up personally, you are the faceblind retards

>So why shouldn't Disney use the highest quality rendition of the character they have? Why spend money making a new render, when you can photograph a toy that's so finely detailed, it can be photographed in high definition, and still appear realistic?
Everyone but you immediately recognized that it was a photo of a toy.


I find that VERY doubtful. Only those who own the toy, perhaps. Or have seen the toy on display and had a particular interest in it. Those people probably recognized it. But I don't think 99.9% of everyone else did. Some nerd pointed out it was a toy, and then the news spread like wildfire. Now everyone is pretending like they knew all along, because it's fun to shit on star wars, even though you're all going to see it in theaters.

It's also pretty clearly different if you compare it to the poster instead of the face morphed version in the middle

I thought it was a poster for a new Star Wars animated series, just badly made. If they had faded the eyes more, then it would have been ok. As it stands now, it looks fake as all hell.

Did Disney ever actually respond to this or pull the poster? What a fucking embarrassment.

I guess it's slightly wider on the poser? That's the only difference I see.

remake the original trilogy

I thought they brought out the eyes intentionally. Going for that glowy eyes in shadow effect, ya know?

It's also based off of the same person in the same makeup they have been using for decades, I don't know how different you guys expect it to be before believing its an original render

Hell, the fact that it's a toy is completely trivial. The person who made the OP image could have used a shot from epsidode 3 of him facing the camera on the right and we would be having this exact same conversation. Just a desperate attempt to drum up controversy.

You don't pick your budget based on how much money you have you pick it on expected revenue. Disney knows Star Wars is dead so expect all the special effects to be done with clearanced toys.

Think I can get a job at Disney?

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does the toy appear in the film lololol

Honestly if it grosses less than 700m then Star Wars movies are done.

>fake tickets
not this shit again

citation needed

Everything Disney does at this point now is a desperate attempt to save the frachise. They apparently have multiple cuts of the movie made and the leaks, promotions, trailers etc. are part of a market research campaign to decide which will be the final cut.
If it's true.


It's the same reason they didn't give Hasbro anything to go by for Luke, and there was no figure for TFA's opening. They don't want to "spoil" new Palpatine in pre-release content. No one cares about SW anymore, but its still treated with more secrecy than a spy ring, its pathetic.

phase 4 of what?