He cries tears of joy at advertisements for soulless corporate products. He doesn't care about anything, he has nothing, he is nothing. He is the embodiment of human suffering in the 21st century western world. Perpetually kept in a state of suspended animation, fed through tubes, through screens and speakers, as his mind body and soul rots into dust. While he is assured by his masters that he is living, he blindly believes them, as they suck his life-force dry and leave him an empty inhuman husk, and he thanks them for all of it and begs them for more.
He cries tears of joy at advertisements for soulless corporate products. He doesn't care about anything, he has nothing...
What the fuck is up with his teeth though? It's like they are all flat, no cutters...
He's evolved to suit a diet of onions mush, he has no need for strong teeth
Cringe. Disney is the way forward
Dafuq is that mark on his cheek though? He had that in the previous reaction that fucks here spammed a few months ago...
Wish I could even pretend to be this excited about somethng 2bh.
>people still falling for his bait
>ywn make something so amazing and worshiped that the trailer alone would make people cry
These aren't people they're bugmen.
Based Eric. I have to say I prefer James though. He is truly /ourguy/
He was created by the same force that allows meme magic to happen.
>He cries tears of joy
he pretends by letting his eyes water by not blinking enough
Wait, James Youniverse? I need to keep up with the soibois
Yes that's him. Can someone please post all the edits?
Exactly. I'm surprised more people haven't noticed this, because he does it in every video. He's even doing it in OP's webm.
anyone got the blacked version?
somehow the brainlets here are falling for his trick and making him more and more e-famous
imagine getting so triggered by someone watching movie trailers
>making him more and more e-famous
he's lucky to get 300 views on most of his videos
that's 300 too many for reaction cancer
And you're helping to give him the attention and exposure he desires. Just stop. Ignore him.
This. I only learned who he was due to autists spamming him in this board.
you don't need canines when you drink onions all day
mark of the beast
Do we have any explanation on what the fuck that permanent lesion on his cheek is?
The cancer from within has manifested on the outside
too much s¤y when he grew up, baby teeth
He is literally the perfect goy. Imagine being excited about the latest Jewish corporate indoctrination propaganda and looking forward to give them money just so they can mindrape you and use you as a tool.
Disney MCU fans are just as bad.
to quote another user.
>Maladaptive escapism, the eternal crutch of the unambitious asocial wageslave.
>His life is so soul crushingly mundane that in that brief moment he is able to suspend his disbelief and immerse himself in a fictional world entirely different from the living hell he typically inhabits he feels the collective weight of a lifetime of cosmic dread finally lifted from his shoulders.
>Never forget that somebody DID this to him. Try not to hate him for it; he deserves our pity.
man he's based even leaves comments open for shit talk he knows he's a soiboi and cashes in on it
I really think he's a jew himself.