Is he right?
Are whites responsible for the majority of school shootings? Not from the US.
Is he right?
Are whites responsible for the majority of school shootings? Not from the US.
Other urls found in this thread:
blacks don't go to school in burgerland so who else would be responsible?
>he needs to specify not from the us
the absolute state of the burgers
I was about to watch this but not anymore. Fuck Dave and fuck the people that support him. If you're white you're literally a cuck if you're still supporting him
Whites are responsible for most school shootings and blacks are responsible for most gun crime (per capita).
yooo... dis wyte boi gonna shoot up his school!
>t. 2014 black twitter
Get some new material
chill, no need to shoot someone over it wyte boi
who cares?
race isn't even remotely the most relevant factor and it reveals a certain level of racism in someone when they, out of nowhere, decide to frame a problem in terms of race when that's not the relevant factor
ssri meds
social isolation
why not frame the problem in terms of factors that we can actually do something about, that doesn't just divide people further by race?
because everything has to be about race with you yanks doesn't it?
someone shoots a bunch of kids dead in a school and you yanks run around going "was he white? was the shooter white??"
fucking freaks
so what's the solution? no more white people or black people?
Both. You’re about to get riced white boy.
School age truant negroes kill several of their own kind owr day per each. Few negroes attend school, preferring acts of violence
Yes, it is true.
White kids have shot up schools in the double digits this year alone, material can't get old if it's still cutting edge relevant.
Yea Forums is a breeding ground of hate that radicalizes a good portion of young white men which visit it and encourages their systematic killing/imprisonment by police.
If I was a retarded polfag obsessed with conspiracies, I'd start to wonder who is pulling the strings exactly when it comes to Yea Forums's massive, cult-level groupthink.
Are these retards basically just committing seppuku (socially and literally) or is someone guiding this shit? And don't say jews because that's the answer that is getting a lot of these white kids killed. I honestly don't think they would self-implicate and send people out in the world to try to kill them. So, jews being eliminated as suspects, who the fuck is doing this to you dumb kids?
How many blacks were shot in Chicago last weekend?
School shooters? Yes. Mass shooters? No.
Why? Because blacks don't go to school.
>And don't say jews because that's the answer that is getting a lot of these white kids killed
Let's say that someone is pulling the strings behind this whole conservative movement on Yea Forums. Why would it be jews when a lot of the movement is focused on hating them? Genuinely doesn't make any sense, lad.
Who's behind it? It couldn't be that people on here are just retarded and gullible, right?
>I'm not a retarded /pol/fag that believes in conspiracy theories...
>...but have you ever wondered if there's a sinister, secretive group intentionally promoting a disturbing social trend for their own nefarious ends?
Why are people laughing? It's not like I think that school shooting aren't funny, it's just that there's no punchline.
Hi kike.
Of however many unique users Yea Forums has, exactly how many turned out to be spree killers?
That's not exclusive to /pol/, many left-wingers think the same.
All crowds do this when a comedian is funny enough. Dave himself said that he could just walk out and look at people and they'd laugh at him, which is one of the reasons he stopped doing it.
>it's just that there's no punchline.
Because ethnic jokes never get old, especially for blacks.
A "shooter" in what context? terroristic mass shooter for policital reasons? yea, probably gonna be a white guy. In general, statistically? almost definitely going to be a black guy.
you don't have to be a "retarded polfag obsessed with conspiracies" to believe the powers that be use their power to manipulate people in public forums
they've been doing it for thousands of years, why would you think they're not doing it now?
multiple agencies have the means, motive, and opportunity to spread influence in forums like Yea Forums, from stormfront to the CIA, GCHQ to the JIDF.
as for specific shootings, each one should be taken as an individual case
who is giving these kids psychoactive meds and guns?
alt-right forums obviously influenced the christchurch shooter but are they influencing school shooters?
i'd say nowhere near as much as the meds, and possibly some kind of MKUltra/mind control psyop
>A "shooter" in what context?
Both OP and Dave talk about specific type of shootings.
t. future mass shooter incel
>A May 2018 policy brief by the Rockefeller Institute of Government at the State University of New York, which looked at any incident that resulted in deaths or injuries and excluded gang violence or terrorist activity, found that the perception that whites are responsible for nearly all mass shootings is a myth.
>“Despite common misperceptions that all mass shooters are white, the findings indicate that while a majority are, this proportion is just over half of the perpetrators (53.9 percent),” said the study, noting that almost all were men. “More than one in four shooters is black and nearly one in ten is of Hispanic descent.”
>Amy Swearer, senior legal policy analyst at The Heritage Foundation, said about two-thirds of shooters are found to have serious mental problems but that the media coverage has focused on those with an ideological bent such as racism or nativism.
Isn't one too many? And do you really think we're done? Somebody is stoking the fires of hate on both sides of the political debate. I've genuinely never seen so many people thoughtlessly subscribe to political ideology (left or right) in my life and can't remember it happening to this level of divisiveness anywhere else in history. Hell, the civil war itself was mainly a struggle for the elite in Washington. Most people on either side didn't give a shit or were too poor to care about the issues at stake.
Doesn't it worry you how radicalized people are becoming?
School shootings make up a minority of mass shootings, even ignoring the fact that not all school shootings are mass shootings. Most mass shootings are carried out by non-white people.
School shooting numbers are also super inflated. They count a guy getting shot in a parking lot near a fraternity house as a "school shooting," a kid who got hit by a bullet they're not even sure was fired while riding the bus as a "school shooting," and a gun accidentally discharging in a dorm as a "school shooting."
>Are whites responsible for the majority of school shootings?
Nope its still niggers and spics. Its just when whites do it theres a media outrage while with the former theres a cover up
nowhere near enough
>theres a media outrage
*There's* typically an emphasis on what an atypical loner he was. Which ought to suit your class of retard.
oh shit baste!
no more Americans, and or Sharia law.
>Which ought to suit your class of retard
lmao did you pop a stitch during dilation?
>Isn't one too many?
No. Given the site has so many users (11 million monthly visitors) having a few murders is just going to happen. You know, there's been murderers who used Youtube and Twitter and Facebook. Fuck, didn't the New Zealand shooter livestream his shooting on Facebook? But you don't hear people screaming to shut those site down or acting like Facebook caused them to kill people. But oh, when someone who happened to use Yea Forums instead of reddit or twitter (or even in addition to those sites) commits a crime, every faggot like you clutches their pearls. It's bullshit and you should slap yourself across the face as hard as you can for even typing up such a retarded post, asshole. Fuck you, get off this site if it's so fucking evil.
not with specific reference to Yea Forums and certainly not /pol/. Yea Forums's all mouth and fated always to be because of its effeteness while on /pol/ the same qualities are even more pronounced
personally I'd love to see a bunch of /pol/ or /pol/-influenced Yea Forums types self-consciously waddling about uniformed as Mosleyites or something similar
>tries much too hard
There's always one.
He may have a point. Perhaps black kids have a better way of coping because they have a wider variety of outlets provided by the environment they live in. Drugs, gangs, acting out and becoming nigger delinquents, that sort of thing. they're often expected or encouraged to do so. Meanwhile, white kids are forced to go to school and try to excel. they're coddled and sheltered (more like forcefully hidden from the world by their parents) and put on strict rules, regiments, and expectations. Like living in a psych ward or something. Idk I'm not white or black.
>Washington times
I'm not talking about shutting the site down. And one is too many, user. Mass killings shouldn't be something that require the cold hard application of statistics for you to denounce them as morally objectionable. I'm talking about how people are on here, how they talk, how any dissenting opinion gets shouted down (which you're presumably attempting to do now even though I've expressed no political opinion).
Terrorism, war, all that shit always starts with one act. It's not even the acts that worry me as much as the collective shift in attitudes, left and right. And I'm not biased against the right. One trip to r/politics will be enough to make anyone realize that the left is just as crazy.
>implying most of the negroids weren't gang on gang crime
Whites are the majority of mass shooters targeting civilians. These are facts.
This right here,
Believe it or not public shootings have been going on for decades. It’s simply caught media attention only recently because it’s boosting their ratings. So it may seem like more but it’s only because you are getting more exposure to it now. In fact there’s a lot of things going on in the world that many people are simply unaware of right now like mass genocide and all out war in smaller third world countries but that shit is far less interesting then a couple people getting killed here and there at home.
Oh and before you say it’s heartless of me to not give a shit let me remind you there’s about 400 million Americans in the US and school shooters maybe kill 5-10 people on average. That’s less than .001% of our population but hey let’s continue to poor resources and attention into such a minuscule problem.
>personally I'd love to see a bunch of /pol/ or /pol/-influenced Yea Forums types self-consciously waddling about uniformed as Mosleyites
They wouldn't do it. These people have an acute sense of personal vulnerability which precludes giving the appearance of serious commitment to anything.
since we're preponderantly mutts on Yea Forums I think it's time for a long overdue celebration of MUTT PRIDE
>Mass killings shouldn't be something that require the cold hard application of statistics for you to denounce them as morally objectionable.
Literally who is defending mass shootings, outside the usual crowd of cranks, malcontents, and edgelords that always - and will always - glorify violence?
So if you get killed while shooting up a school you wont end up on /pol/s shitty chart? Very nice.
Gang members are also civilians, dude. Learn what words mean.
So 53% of whites commit 53.9% of all mass shootings that's not gang related?
They are saying that because that's what "whites" are saying about them and criminal stats.
It's easier for everyone to talk about race, just look at the board.
Just a proxy for China.
Who specifically are you trying to say isn't on that chart that should be? Who was left out? Name names.
>I do it for free
Because for the first time I history we have set up capitalism and this is the end result of that. Companies are fucking with us all for the sake of profit. We no McDonald’s is unhealthy we know cigs are bad for your health we know gambling is highly addictive and yet they continue because it turns profit. The common man is waking up and is smelling the bullshit but who’s to blame for it is impossible because they are covering their tracks and making diversions all along the way. Did you know recycling was actually invented by corporations so that people would feel personally responsible for all the trash produced instead of the companies that pump out all these plastics?
It depends on how you define "school shooting". I was in high school when Columbine happened. Even my liberal anti-gun teacher pointed out how the idea of a "school shooting" epidemic is a media fabrication. More kids are killed in inner city gang violence each year. It's just that those are black kids and the media doesn't care about them dying.
They've been pushing this narrative for twenty years. Meanwhile you don't hear any major media outcry about all the dead black kids in places like Chicago. Doesn't help that they already have srrict gun laws there and they do jack shit, so it goes against the narrative the Dems push.
>criminals killing criminals in the midst of criminal activity and criminals killing families out at the movies are LITERALLY THE SAME THING
I'll be sure to let Tyrone know.
the niggers clapping at the joke on white parents's higher risk of rising a shooter... irony at high level.
Sam Hyde's fault
You've moved the goalposts from "they weren't civilians" (they were, get a fucking dictionary) to "they were criminals!" Cool. So if you're a criminal, you deserve to be murdered? If you sell weed, you should be shot in the head? That's just beyond retarded, but why don't you go outside and try it, and see how long you get away with capping jaywalkers, you fucking psychopath.
if you look at the stats blacks are actually more over represented than whites
>whites commit 64% of mass shootings (and are 63% of the US population)
>blacks commit 16% of mass shootings (and are 13% of the US population)
>asians commit 09% of mass shootings (and are 05% of the US population)
special shout out to hispanics for never committing mass shootings
I wouldn't be too sure on that last part since hispanics are often considered white by law enforcement.
I remember a relative worked at the court system and found it intersting that hispanics are labeled subset of caucasian
It's just powerless losers being attracted to a violent ideology, has happened all throughout human history, it's just now useless autists who'd never leave the house before can now get radicilized online.
Goddamn Kyle any drywall left??
It's funny that you call them "powerless" and "useless autists" when you're simultaneously scared shitless of them to the point where you want to surrender your rights just to be "safe" from them.
No, when blacks do it it's called 'inner city violence. Back in the 90s metal detectors and cops started getting put in city schools due to it, but it's only a news story when it's someone white.
It's china
if you consider "them" white then yea.
Been talking about epsteins global elite pedo island for a decade, it was all "crazy conspiracy" until it wasn't.
Being a psychopath with a gun is the newest way to troll the libs.
shiggity diggity
>Who's behind it? It couldn't be that people on here are just retarded and gullible, right?
That aryan IQ takes them very far
>School shooting numbers are also super inflated.
Holy shit this is real.
>34 year old shot in a school parking lot
>22 year old shot in a school basketball court during a fight
>13 year old kid shot in a playground in the bronx
>15 year old shot in a parking lot during a fight
>25 year old shot while playing basketball at an elementary school
>student shot during a football game
>student shot NEAR a university facility
>21 year old shot NEAR a fraternity parking lot
>kid riding bus hit by drive-by shooting
>gun accidentally discharges in dorm
>46 year old shot by neighbor at a school over a parking dispute
>kid shot outside of school during a basketball game
>kid tries to buy weed, gets shot
>kid shot with a pellet gun (YES, THEY COUNT A FUCKING PELLET GUN)
>17 year old and 20 year old get into a fight OUTSIDE a school and shoot at each other
And of those actual school shootings, only a couple were the kind where the kids bust in a shoot up everyone. A lot were "student gets bullied, shoots only the bully." Still counts but should be considered.
He’s absolutely right.
If you meant Jews, then its correct.
Based Jeremy Jahns loved the special
How's that article coming along?
He's always been /ourbro/ though
What race is this guy? He looks mediterranian.
Lost your way on your trip to the Guardian?
The rate of death/violence against children from school shootings is nonexistent compared to abortion. Women are the most violent, murderous creatures on earth.
White men are a mistake
It's just because the media doesn't report on non-White Christian mass-shootings. It doesn't fit their narrative. There was even a mass-shooting on the same day when that one in Texas happened. 9 people got shot by a Black guy on some football field in Alabama.
See image:
lol at you not naming the single biggest factor, internet use. even the columbine kids, the ones who started the whole school shooting thing, were playing video games and posting on blogs. truth is, white kids who spend too much time online tend to run to shit like and white supremacist shit. how many people here unironically think the holocaust was a hoax? do you at the same time believe you are smart? dumb white kids and dumb muslims are the ones most susceptible to mass random violence. they get so salty and then go online and find the wackos who indoctrine people into bad ways of thinking.
before, you had to write a book and hold meetings to sway peoples opinions this much, now you just have to blog post
Take a bath you faggot hippie.
>white people are only responsible for 55% of mass shootings so stop pedalling fake news
not him, but good god the absolute cope hahahaha thank you for the giggles
>by country
>european union
Fuck off jean-claude
no, spy agencies dont operate by getting their highly trained agents to say random opinions in public
Black kids don't shoot up schools because they run out of ammo on the way there
>all these seething potential school shooters ITT
Jesus you weren't kidding, Dave
*sniff sniff*
Yup... smells like incel
Yeah, its true but you have to ask yourself, what actually is white in America?
After that he talks about being poor and ends up saying "that's when I wanted to kill everyone at school".
I will say there are lot of crazy people on here nowadays. I think it's the way society has changed with internet being very important, smart phones, social media, identity politics at the forefront and a culture that is hateful to some people.
Some people on here are very aggressive in their responses and they have very strong opinions on certain political subjects. They believe many conspiracy theories. You can tell there is something wrong with them. Some people really believe the Joos are everywhere and behind everything ever. Most people are just half-way memeing and joking. Others take it serious, some even take action about it.
What the media doesn't focus on is that most of these people have social media accounts too. Why didn't that radicalize them? Like the shooter that shot the Republicans in 2017. His FB page was full of anti-GOP and anti-Trump news articles.
black hands typed this post
t. Black user who posts shit like this all the time.
Metal detectors at Black schools too.
Middle-eastern and North-African people count as White now. All Hispanics too.
Jews are over represented in the most powerful positions in the world, there are literally thousands of quotes from high powered jews about subverting western culture and white men.
It's not a conspiracy, it's an observable fact that jews are a powerful force in the push for the normalisation of degeneracy and the break down of the family structure.
Blacks are responsible for nearly all total gun crime in the United States.
When whites shoot, they symbolically attack Government institutions, even if they don't consciously know why. A school is the primary Government institution that they have interacted with during that time in their lives.
It is instinctive rebellion and not based on monetary gain or petty disputes (unlike black shooters)
i used to fantasize about shooting up my school quite often
bit sad i'm just gonna kill myself normally in a week's time
ah well
t. not white
school shootings, yes
mass shootings, no
most "mass" shootings are 3-5 people in the ghetto
probably because it's a majority white country. other races are overrepresented in the data. moron
school shootings, yes
when blacks do it, its just called black-on-black crime and no one cares
it's the same reason we only hear about pretty little white girls getting kidnapped, it's more marketable
I actually agree with you. That's not what I meant but that the Jews are everywhere and behind everything like there aren't tons of goyims who push this garbage too. Of course someone will take that literally and goes on a rampage. Like that guy that shot up the Synagogue or Breivik shooting Norwegian kids.
All this degeneracy that is pushed by both is because they are hardcore leftists who basically hate the status-quo even if it's great, like a teen rebelling against his parents. Jews are huge leftists like in the 70-80% for some reason and they are over-represented in many areas because of nepotism. The guy playing Han Solo in Solo (2018) got his job because Spielberg went to a Bar Mitzvvah and met him there. I think many don't identify as White either and they push this anti-White stuff to get more support for their leftist cause. I don't think some Orthodox-Jewish Rabbi is behind it all. Neither is Ben Shapiro.
Why do only American whites shoot up schools?
The real question is when we talk about gun control and gun violence why are we obsessed with school shootings or mass shootings? If we want to discuss gun control we should start with gun deaths and gun homicides as a whole problem is when you do that it's not so clear cut what race causes issues
The Brady Campaign's, who's responsible for most of the anti-gun slanting statistics that float around, definition of a school shooting is any discharge of a firearm in a legal school zone. Jamal and Tyrone blasting each other with stole Hi-Points on the other side of the block from Malcom X High School counts as a school shooting in their eyes.
So from the very mouth of the liberals themselves, niggers are responsible for the most school shootings.
they don't. eat shit
>gun accidentally discharging in a dorm
Hang about, Yanks are allowed to have guns in shared university housing?
Holy shit all the cliches are true, you're all bloody cowboys.
yes, americans are allowed to defend themselves, believe it or not
Don't you have a school shooting to plan?
don't you have a bull to prep?
Do you think a lot about black penises when the topic is school shootings?
Do the thoughts of black penises occur at other unrelated discussions as well?
your antiwhite bullshit doesn't work here. whoever's paying you is wasting their money
You are the guy thinking about black penises. I'd say their tricks already work well enough.
that's nice sweetie
>ayooo dis nigga scuff muh shoe imma finna blass his ass
Also the CIA was revelaed to literally have a meme division in the vault 7 leaks.
unironically curious what happens after step 6
Well you have to, otherwise black people look like violent thugs. Selective statistics.
>all the black people going DAS RITE and all the white people doing the white person frown
Consider the following
>the white person frown
Why do y'all do this?
Poor little yboi
>race isn’t the most relevant factor
Culture is, and niggers unfortunately have been sold a culture that glorifies machismo without wisdom and violence without restraint.
There are plenty of non-nigger blacks out there who are no more likely to shoot someone than a non-black person. But unfortunately too many blacks believe the ‘gangsta’ lifestyle is aspirational, and the niggers that buy into it are 400-500% more likely to shoot someone than a non-black.
The black men who fought so hard for acceptance and fair treatment throughout the 20th century are probably spinning in their graves at the thought of what’s been made of their life’s work by their descendants.
maybe brown people should take a hint and go somewhere else. im pretty sure there are other countries to live in that dont have any big meanie scary white people.
1888 so far this year, with 348 fatalities. One person every three hours and one killed every sixteen. See for running totals and other amusing trivia.
>Been talking about epsteins global elite pedo island for a decade, it was all "crazy conspiracy" until it wasn't.
Weird to interact with normalfags who acknowledge that it is real, but then shrug and slip back into comforting ignorance.
It's not the jews fault you're an incel
Seriously tho wtf is wrong with white supremacists/incels? What do they hope to achieve with this?
ah here he is
Fuckin kek
>white nationist
they aren't even trying to tie these to white people anymore, are they?
why does the incel get so mad when you name it?
cope tranny
It's literally mentally damaging. Can you stop?
Why would they leave when they’re winning?
So when are you coming to collect these stupid boers?
>white nationalist
>just some guy who went crazy because his marriage was falling apart and threatened to kill people while saying he was the reincarnation of hitler
How do we stop /pol/cels?
Gang violence is different than killing innocent school children randomly
America is 72% white, you dope.
I mean it matters more to white people because they're more afraid of being personally shot by an incel than a black kid.
Why don't black lives matter to you?
>killing people is different from killing people
Most "school shootings" aren't "killing innocent school children randomly." See
That number of "actual school shootings" should be 0
6 in one year is absolutely out of the question