Do you think this Peter Parker browses Yea Forums?

if so, what kind of poster is he

Attached: Tom-Holland-As-Peter-Parker-Homecoming.png (970x546, 535K)

he's a dedicated Alita poster, no two ways about it

he shitposts on /g/

Probably the bloke who posts he wants to kiss Ryan gosling all the time

But based chang probably does

Attached: ned.jpg (540x405, 26K)

Guaranteed Ned spends a good couple of hours on /toy/ every day

he's a 20 year old coomer

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Evert single zoomer you will know has been here by now after hearing it was an edgy nazi headquarters.

He would be in antifa and trying to get anyone who didn't support far left wing beliefs banned from reddit.

Why the FUCK would I think that!?

Sometimes I question the age of these posters...

Jazz poster

he posts sneed and discusses actresses feet at every opportunity.


shut up

Yes. He makes extra money shilling for ShareBlue and Disney. Then jerks off to the dilate gifs

Lego general?

don't understand the appeal of this little fag

Fuck no he wouldn’t, he isn’t an incel. Antifa Peter would work with Mysterio to bring down white billionaires and collapse the West.


I wouldn't worry about it.

He looks like he has a thundersplace account and follows up alot of before after jelqin threads but hes to afraid to start

zoomer that contributes to the endless capeshit threads while always asking for sauce and recs with zero understanding of board culture

logposter on Yea Forums

He used reddit and was probably the kind of person who was "scared" for lack of a better word of Yea Forums. This is an undeniable truth.

posts on /pol/ under a vpn hates poos
incestfag on Yea Forums and /gif/

He partakes in black women threads on /gif/

Posts on twink threads

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>after hearing it was an edgy nazi headquarters

damn straight

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This, but I could see Ganke on Yea Forums