Is this normie trash or is it really as good as some say? Wanted to watch a comfy show about the minds of serial killers

Is this normie trash or is it really as good as some say? Wanted to watch a comfy show about the minds of serial killers

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Well then you'd probably like it (season1)

I marathon'd it but have no idea what to think about it please tell me what to think Yea Forums I am dumb

s2 is shit?

it's kino, one of the few good things on netflix

season 1 > season 2

Not shit, but not as good. Hope you like an unnecessary lesbo arc

>or is it really as good as some say
nobody says that.

The problem with s2 is that they focus a lot more on character development, and most episodes absolutely nothing happens in regard to the main arc.

It's great
Honestly just skip scenes with Holden or Wendy with their girlfriends

If any of the following are true about you, you'll like it:

You're a snuff fetishist.
You're a pedophile.
You're a megalomaniac.
You're a suburban housewife.
You're a police officer.
You're a man who hates his Mother.
You're a murderer.
You're a 40-60 year old woman.
You're a Netflix shill.

What kills me is that there's an underline of Williams being a dindu. There are fairly strong evidences that he actually did do it. Simple Google search is enough for normie answers. But of course, the media will say it was THE BIG BAD SPOOKY KLAN. No chance they would make a convicted white guy be shown as innocent in the show. Fincher is an idiot.

What? Williams is still in jail. If anything it made the black atlanta outrage look silly

That's an eclectic list you got there.

It's good but held back from greatness by relationship drama. the relationship shit isn't that bad, it's just the downgrade in quality is so obvious when the show switches to it and it affects all three of the main characters.

What are you talking about? The show made it very clear that it was Williams and that people claiming it was the Klan were retarded. Our protagonist knew it was a black predator, not the KKK from the start.

literally what are you talking about the show implies Williams is guilty, they just dont outright say it because he's still alive and the investigation is not totally conclusive

I'm actually all of those

Is it renewed for s3 or will Netflix kill it cause they are idiots?

I think the Atlanta child murder case is so frustrating because there wasn't any slam dunk proof to eliminate all possibility since they closed the case early on to quell public anger but it's still pretty obvious that Williams did it. The show itself seemed to torpedo the idea of the Klan doing it which was pretty unlikely to begin with.

>dir. David Fincher
No way is Netflix killing the pet project of the man who made them what they are.

I heard its based on true stories, is it right? I find series like this to be better if they are so they dont create some fucking pedophile insanely talented murderer who is a genius capable of speaking 50 languages and calculating rocket-science operations in half a second who couldnt be caught for 50 years and just one day he got bored so he went to the police himself

Yea, but I felt there was an underline of not being sure it was him and strong possibility of the police covering it up. And since the police back then was connected to the klan, there was a chance they were covering for something. End of the season was a message of how in 2019., there is still no conclusion for 27 kids killed and trough out the whole season we see the local PD being unable or unwilling to perform their job. Of course the blacks were all so smart and capable so they took matters into their own hands. In reality most of Atlanta blacks are just thugs and good for nothing porch monkeys, while in the show they were living in good houses, were well mannered, well dressed, educated, smart, etc, etc. You don't have to be actually living in Atlanta to know this is as far from the truth as possible. Specially back then. The whole second season was total shit and I wont even go into the fact how comical of a character they mead Holden into or how they had to put obligatory homosexual relationship that brought absolutely zero to the story.

They're all true stories

It's about real cases. All of them actually happened.

I think you anons are blind for not seeing what kind of narrative Netflix and Fincher were pushing.

This user kinda gets were I'm going to. You don't have to be a /pol/ incel to see it was agenda before facts and historical events this whole season.

I think that the show ultimately suggests that, while he is absolutely guilty of some murders, Williams did not commit all of them, and there was some police fuckery (possibly in tandem with the KKK, who—it suggests—also got in on some of the action) to cover up whatever really happened.

It's unnecessary in the same way that Holts relationship arc in s1 is. It's neither forced or sjw, it's just a deeper look into the character.

We've already had a deep look intop Holts personal life in s1, so it only feels natural that we spend some time with the other two main characters in s2.

tl;dr: not unnecessary

>I think

Nothing to think here. It just it what it is. All these years after they can't accept the high probability that one of their own actually killed their children. They would rather have strong undeniable facts that it was the klan than to see their kids alive.


But it shit on the Klan theory from the beginning. All the nigs were acting irrational.


Or maybe it has to do with the character that Agent Ford is literally based on saying he doesn't think Williams committed all the murders and that there is a possible cover-up.

nah season 2 focuses on the main characters more than the interviews

It's pure serial kino sandwiched between normie shit. Holden gets the normie shit subplot in Season 1, then in Season 2 his subplot ends but the other two MCs each get their own so it's ultimately doubled

>All the nigs were acting irrational.

They were but the the show portrayed them as innocents who are being manipulated by the system so they can't be blamed. It pisses me off how they blame everything on the system and the white man, yet when they get what they want, they become Zimbabwe.
There's this one joke, but it has weigt to it if you think about it. goes something like this...
>We are all fans of the rapper 50 Cent, or as we call him in Zimbabwe, 400 billion dollars"

It's so weird to me to see Holden as the main character. I had only watched the first season when it first came out and then the second recently so maybe that didn't help how I viewed the guy. He seemed arrogant and annoying in a way which wasn't likable. Everyone second guessed his train of thought, rightfully. They could have done a better job at building his character along with Wendy and Bill. His whole anxiety attack shit was put on the backburner after the first couple episodes. The closest I thought they came to it was that "he actually cared" about the murders in Atlanta, but the entire jumping fences with a cross thing was awkwardly designed.

I enjoyed the season quite a bit and didn't mind Wendy's subplot. It would be worse not having character development for our characters

Season 2 kind of meanders a bit more, but the main plot is solid. I don't really like the "his kid is a serial killer now" story plot all that much so I didn't like the focus on that, but they also cut out Holden's private life entirely from the show, almost like they realized his girlfriend and his relationship problems were the weakest part of the season so now the entire season his personal life never really comes up

>he doesn't think Williams committed all the murders and that there is a possible cover-up
Evidence points to Williams committing like 15 of the murders, minimum, so who cares if he did the others or not. A piece of shit serial killer got caught. End of story.

Friend, Ford is a fictional character. He's created to preach any and all bullshit they wish to be preached. Snowflakes just can't accept the truth and evidence. Everything has to be some evil master plan created by the evil white man

Or maybe John Douglas (the character Holden is based on) was acting like a bitch when he didn't reveal what his theory was in his book.

i agree with everything you said. The "kid possibly being a serial killer" thing is a little too convenient considering his job. Maybe if he grew up accidentally seeing crime scene photos all his life it would be more interesting? Just him having an adopted Damien makes it unbelievable.

I liked the season though

I really enjoyed the stakeout montage with M.E. playing.

>then in Season 2 his subplot ends but the other two MCs each get their own so it's ultimately doubled
Actually, all three have a subplot in S1 (Holden with his girlfriend and his anxiety, Tench with his marriage, and Carr with her dyke shit). Then in S1, all the Holden stuff is dropped, but the Tench family/marriage continues and the Carr dyke shit continues). So really, S2 has less uninteresting character development. They just spent a little too much time on the Atlanta child murders. If they had downplayed that and focused a little more on the serial killer research, it would have been as kino as S1.

S1 = 9/10
S2 = 8/10

Truth dart. Suck it.

I don't know if I'd say it's shit but it definitely has shit in it. Also most of the season revolves around catching this one serial killer in Georgia rather than interviewing lots of different serial killers to understand how they work, which was by far the most interesting part for me so I wanted to see more of that.

the whole montage scene of the stake out by the bridge to Gary Numan's "M.E." was kino

>kid possibly being a serial killer

It was that part of the plot that lures in all the zoomers. It was that or end credit scene of reveling Manson being the Joker.

Who's gonna be the focus of S3? Reminder that it's being filmed in Cali so perhaps Randy Kraft, he got caught in 83. Cast him.

Attached: RandySKraft1989.jpg (209x256, 15K)

>reddit spacing

He may have been "acting like a bitch", but only to any potential legal ramifications. You can only put so much in print.

it's weird because i had just been listening to it a ton recently because I didn't know "where's your head at" sampled it. Hearing the song every day from a playlist and then from your tv show can trip you out.

>Who's gonna be the focus of S3? Reminder that it's being filmed in Cali so perhaps Randy Kraft, he got caught in 83. Cast him.
If they are smart, there will be no "focus" of season 3. They will get back to what made S1 good and not focus too much on one case.

faggot argument

It was. I hope they do one of those every season.

This show was tailor made for faggots like you

I just hope they don't use Steve Miller again. I fucking hate Steve Miller so much.

Second season was boring. Very flat and didn't really go places.

just started with S2 but got the feeling already that it's going down a different path, when they continued with the "Holden has to deal with his panic attack problem, isn't that interesting?" thing.
Character development is nice, but please not some kind of relationship bs, oh no.. here comes the panic attack :^) and such

I hope he uses nothing but Steve Miller songs next season just to spite you.

>"Holden, that photocopying budget was for a MONTH! And you're telling me you spent it all on, what, 1,500 copies of a CDC epidemiology report on the sexual orientation of newly-infected HIV cases?!?"

Attached: 662_Mindhunter_108_unit_08745R.jpg (1200x810, 94K)

the completely abandon his panic attack thing pretty early on

ah alright, but then why make it such a dominant element right at the start?

Unlikely, shittard.

I don't see how saying "there was potentially a pedophile ring" is damning

>Of course the blacks were all so smart and capable so they took matters into their own hands
Yeah but what did they really do? Put up posters?

When the agents actually went to the missing kids houses they found out a massive amount of information, nobody had bothered to investigate anything.