Was he a volcel?
Was he a volcel?
He canonically banged Misa.
this board is complete shit
he had a 10/10 goth gf
but he didn't want to fuck her tho
Well yeah, he was focused on his goal and didn't have time for bitches. He exploited Misa's admiration for him because it was convenient.
He had the right idea but he was a megalomaniacal narcissist aswell. L was smarter than him.
>L was smarter than him.
Then why did L lose? :^)
he is a closet gay
L was based, stopped watching this shit as soon as he died
Unfortunately I kept watching till the end. Did the artist get threatened to keep writing after L died? Near and Mellow were cheap as fuck knockoff wannabe L's and that whole arc was shit.
>Character who is literally me
what are you talking about he was banging the weeb equivalent of a supermodel
He didn't like her she stalked him and found him remember but he still had sex with her so no he's not a volcel L was though
Because Light could rely on godlike supernatural powers.
Did he though? I don't remember it even being hinted that they slept together. He was basically so autistic that he didn't even show any sort of human emotions or desires. He just wanted power. Not money. Not sex. He wanted power. Plus it's kinda hard when you're under 24/7 surveillance too.
There is no such thing
there's already a word for that "celibate"
it covers all the same bases.
The magazine that printed the comic is the nip equivalent of Disney where they can't show or directly imply sex.
Also you can bang and even enjoy it without being emotional about it.
Light, did, however, have emotions. His entire arc was driven by emotions.
He was a delusional idealist trying to rid the world of evil.
If he just wanted power he would lay low use his abilities for gaining personal power, not pretend to be a god who punishes evil-doers.
you might be retarded
Unironically NOU.
He saved the world 2bh
>Light, did, however, have emotions
>If he just wanted power he would lay low use his abilities for gaining personal power, not pretend to be a god who punishes evil-doers.
Okay so he had one single emotion - pride, if you can call that an emotion and not a vice. He showed a severe lack of actual human emotions. It's pretty obvious when killing Ray Penbur (or however you spell his name), his wife, and basically everyone. Most obvious is post time-skip when his sister was abducted and he clearly didn't give a shit if she actually had to die, but saved her because it more convenient if she lived than died. Same when his dad died, it was clearly "how can this work in my favor or at least not hinder me".
Affirmative action
>Okay so he had one single emotion - pride, if you can call that an emotion and not a vice.
He also shows anger, glee, and panic multiple times throughout the show.
because he got the ghey for Light
Unironically yes. He was contractually obligated to do so.
l has all the jews on his side. fucking infinite money, moves in complete secrecy, and surveillance
EXCELLENT maymay! There is only the incel.
He smashed Misa when he wanted to tho