I don't get it

I don't get it

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How many times have you seen it? No matter what your answer is you should watch it again though. It's spectacular

Cult leader indoctrinated an idiot but also felt affection for him


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It's a film equivalent of "Big american novel"

cringe. joaquin is based as fuck

That's exactly what i thought, it looks like a Thomas Pynchon book

Would you cum for Amy Adams while she whispered manipulative thoughts in your ear while she jacked you off in front of a mirror?

Phoenix = id, Hoffman = ego, Adams = superego

PTA first tried doing this kind of film with TWBB, with Master he tried to go more psychologically subtle. Then more atmospheric when adapting Inherent Vice. Phantom Thread on the other hand feels more like a European novel.

there's nothing to get. it's about L Ron Hubbard.
honestly though, it's a pretty boring movie. it's hard to call it good or bad, like it's well made, but it's just pointless and blah.

It's a tragic story about two people who develop a deep friendship because each is what the other wants. Phoenix is free, but also lonely. Hoffman is regimented, but also part of a group. In the end though, their differences are what drive them apart

I always find the beginning more engaging than the cult stuff. That little interstice where the war ends and it's like "well, what do we do now?" is really interesting. I wish the film had been more about him teaming up with another veteran or just drifting around, you can see in the cut footage there was actually a part where he's hanging around with a buddy.

Terrible, shit taste.

>caring about matrilinearity
literally means nothing for a man
pater is king, pater is all that matters

Being jewish is passed through the mother retard.

imagine taking the time to look this up, care about it, and post it about actors in every thread.

then being jewish is a fucking meme
this is a man's world
every building out there, as far as your can see, was built by men, not women
from the sewers under your feet to the satellites far above your head, men built it
women are extremely lucky to have equal rights because they sure don't work for them

Have you ever noticed that there's a lot of Jewish people in Hollywood or is it just me?

i used to think this was a meme but it is 100% true. last time i watched i paid particular attention to peggy's interactions with freddie, there's a few scenes where she fucking glares at him (like in the naked dancing scene) where she gets so fucking pissed that he's acting out in such a primal way. the film works on the surface as a standard drama but there is a fuck ton of subtext (scientology specifically, religion in general, artistry, creation, freud, psychosexual theory, etc.)

Is Phoenix a good actor or is he actually fucking insane? Did he ever really come out of his weird method acting shit documentary phase?

he's a good actor, willing to go the extra mile and most of all, naturally charismatic


>after all this time ... I've become

Why is there 4 Amy Adams and 4 Phillip Hoffmans?

You aren't american right? I watched this movie and it was shit about fucking nothing, and even greatest actors couldn't save it. Turns out after I saw some comments its about scientology or something, only fucking burgers understand that shit so Im not worried I didn't "get" it. So for the rest of the world movie actually sucks.

i just decided to go full master with a dungeon in my house... dungeon master

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There Will Be Blood is about a man completely dominated by his will to power.
The Master is about a man dominated by untamed impulse.
Phantom Thread is about a man that seek to be dominated by another to escape his un-tamable perfectionism.

Not OP but i'm not American and the film is not only about scientology. There are many other themes.
See ,

I don't like him being typecasted as a deranged beta, but he's really good at. It's a shame since he's got range.

this didn't resemble pynchon at all, pynchon is slapstick

based DROPPED poster, the essence of Yea Forums


Literally Have Sex: The Movie

that's actually relatively accurate lol

You're gay

Freddie is fucking throughout the movie and doesn't change. Dodd's also cheating on Peggy that's why she jerks him.

100% agreed. I wish i liked Phantom Thread as much as i expected myself to. I saw it a few times and let me say that it gets boring in certain points... Technically soectacular tho, as usual.

nah she just knows that he's flirting with and leering at other women cause freddie awakens that side of him/is that side of him and peggy shuts that shit the fuck down

phantom thread just didn't have that x-factor, the hook. it felt somewhat pointless.

Imagine being this much of a capeshitter plebelord

It's "muh artistic process" film every auteur inevitably stumbles into. Hopefully he'll do something more interesting now he's got it out of system.

Can you not speak for the rest of us you fucking pleb retard?

Basically it's about male friendship as the previous poster said

>Maybe my real master is the friendship I forged with the british tit cow in the end.

What was the secret sauce of his beer? I had the feeling it was his piss.

it's an allegory for trump and his supporters

You are not suppose to get it. PTA made it to prove that critics and pseuds will praise his movies no matter how shitty they are

It was just too understated. There were several points I thought Reynolds was gonna flip out and he only does onc ein the entire film. But it was still a masterpiece, mostly due to the soundtrack.

Pig fuck

Shitty pretentious oscar bait movie

Phoenix is actually the master all along, a man who actually enjoy life without trying to find any meaning.

>[I Want to Break Free starts playing]

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Disenfranchised Joaquin Phoenix is manipulated into cult because the leader is a father figure to him. Cult leader also can hypnotise people into reliving their memories which makes it easier for Phoenix to come to terms with his past

When he learns the cult is a cult he decides to confront his past instead of hiding away from it. Also learns that the less you worship other things (people or material possessions) the healthier your life is

Wasnt that hard to understand desu

I am too dumb for this movie

It's also great how none of the characters change their ways. Pig fuck keeps on his quest even though not even he buys his own bullshit anymore, and Joker goes back to being a hopeless scoundrel, even superficially quoting one of the lines he heard once

they spent too much money on the boat scenes and had to reuse the cast for multiple characters

Good post

Hoffman was fucking great in this. Gone too soon.

PTA has gotta be the most interesting American director of his generation.

That’s not saying much

Thanks for stealing my thesis from earlier this year, last year, Idk when but whenever I brought up the ID, Ego, and Superego and actually explained it, unlike you, parroting what other's said.

i told my mother that i liked it and she called back after she saw it and told me she was concerned about my mental health

How fucking old are you, retard?

You go into this movie thinking it's a redpill about scientology. truns out Ron Hobbard is just a nice guy. Obviously this was produced by scientologists and both Phoeanix and Anderson were members

You assume there's anything to "get". The basic message, at least that I gathered, is that we all have masters. Freddie's master was his addiction to pleasure-seeking; The Cause's master was Dodd; Dodd's master was his wife.

Even when Dodd romanticizes Freddie's life at the end, he doesn't see that Freddie is as much tied to his libations as Dodd is to The Cause/his wife.

Eitherway, one of my favorite movies and probably PTA's best.

No one cares the movie isnt for you