All superhero movies are mediocre at best

All superhero movies are mediocre at best.

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Sky is blue, water is wet, man lands on moon

Unbreakable and The Dark Knight are some of the best films of all time. The rest are mediocre at best though.

Absolutely not true

just how i like it

A Century from now, the most influential films in History will be supe films

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I have literally never seen any superhero movie

Well yeah. Even the best ones are just flicks, not kino.

Have you seen Watchmen, Man of Steel or BvS?

TDK, Logan, Superman (Donner) and Spiderman 2 are decent watchs. Joker looks like kino but it's hardly capeshit so that's kind of cheating

>man lands on moon

Capeshit is boring.

Is there a capeshit movie where the hero (or heroes) lose?

Highest Grossing Film of all Time

Seethe more

The Incredibles is kino. But that's it.

doesn't the cooming guy smile?

you are right about Unbreakable. Dark Knight is a laughable bullshit with serious and "deep" tone that tricked you into thinking this is a serious and deep movie when in fact it's ridiculous as hell.

in the last 30 years

>Burton's Batmans
>Joker with Phoenix

these are the only good capeshits

You're right, they are not even mediocre. Pretty bad actually

Watchmen, arguably.

>Burton's Batmans

Aged like dog shit. Laughably bad today.

What about Hancock and Blade, you stupid cunt

>is a laughable bullshit with serious and "deep" tone that tricked you into thinking this is a serious and deep movie when in fact it's ridiculous as hell.
Imagine for a second making a post like this
And then listing low IQ shit like this
>Joker with Phoenix
Hilarious, imdb "movie buff"

Unbreakable can barely be called a superhero movie and is indeed great. The Dark Knight is laughably bad, and only got a good reputation because Heath Ledgers bizarre out of left field performance as the Joker that doesn't matter anymore because most people forget who he was or weren't old enough at the time to know heath as a pretty boy heart throb.

damn, we already hate Joker? LMAOOOOOO. What is it? Anti-male? Anti-white?

>fell for TDK meme

>blocks your path
>surpasses self doubt and becomes a hero in the eyes of his son while making you cry
>deconstructs an entire genre before it even became a thing

Attached: 26D55FDA-22A9-4608-BF49-18E87B61A805.jpg (1200x680, 106K)

endgame was released few months ago and it is already forgotten

Don't worry, the latest Joker movie would be considered a classic of the 2010s.

Only the Snyder kinotrilogy is worth watching.

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>ctrl f
>only 1 result

>sky is blue

Logan is unironically the most Reddit movie I've ever seen after Baby Driver.

only watchmen is

Megamind was great. But I get the jist of OP's argument.

For instance, Guardians of the Galaxy. If it wasn't part of some 20-movie-long plot and just focused on a good story that could support itself, it would be much better without shoehorning in Thanos and all this other shit. Sequels and tie-ins should be the exception, not the rule.

Superheroes as a whole are a celebration of mediocrity.

That explains why you like them so much.

>water is wet

Watch The Boys, it's a great show. I don't really like any MCU stuff but loved it.
Also Jessica Jones is great (especially first season) and Luke Cage is pretty good too.

Attached: the-boys-1-1564564650.jpg (3000x2029, 865K)

And why you're a faggot, too.


Burton's Batman had amazing set/costume design, cinematography, score and the performances were entertaining even if I didn't care for the plot.

People say the new superhero movies are fun but I don't get how. The cinematography is boring, the scores are generic and the performances don't stand out.

Attached: bat signal.webm (1920x1072, 2.41M)

>Megamind over the Incredibles
Are you serious?

Attached: Hitman gross.jpg (266x686, 60K)

no u

Looks like the truth made you upset

>Sky is blue
>water is wet
>man lands on moon
Only right answer


Except for The Boys! That show is epic! I'm so sick of superhero movies but The Boys is a hilarious parody of those movies so It doesn't count as a superhero show I promise!

Only good superhero movies are the first Tobey Maguire spiderman, the first Iron Man, and basically a montage of every Joker scene from The Dark Knight. That's pretty much it.

I bet you watch every MCU movie and liked them all.

Infinity war was good, otherwise yes

It was mediocre at best

iron man 3 is above average
spider-man 2 is shit though (i haven't seen nuspiderman or garfield spiderman)

>sky is blue
only sometimes
>water is wet
no, it makes other things wet
try "fire is hot" next time

aquaman was good

What will be the next fad after capeshit starts dying down?

Hopefully scifi will see a big resurgence with the Mars Space Race.

Wrong it's all trash. The whole genre is trash

>thinking we are getting to mars

This planet does not respect or wish to learn enough for whites and asians for that to happen.

>spider-man 2 is shit
5/10 b8 made me reply

I want fun and wholesome adventure movies back.

Live action anime

Unironically, superhero movies are movies for kids. Nothing more, nothing less.

No. But that doesn't mean they're not mediocre.

Supervillain movies are kino, however.


Unbreakable is Shyamalan's Magnum Opus. Also Unbreakable > The Dark Knight, but yeah, both are very good.

squandered potential
started off great and then they go all srs with it. should've stuck with the initial tone, just be the adventures of a drunken hobo superhero, could've been great.