>tfw I have such s burning passion for film and film making I want to make my own film but have no ideas where to start.
Tfw I have such s burning passion for film and film making I want to make my own film but have no ideas where to start
Unironically Youtube
Go to film school
>t. film major
maybe get a camera?
Go to films
What kinds of films do you like? Do you have any ideas or do you just not know how to go about actually making them?
Just start making films. Bad ones. Make mistakes, learn, create a style. Go to film school to make connections, 98% of which will be useless.
You're a braindead frogposter though so you're probably just going to post on Yea Forums all day and jerk your life away. Also, if you immediately want to jump to making big films, chances are you're talentless anyway.
I bet you don't even own a camera.
i keep writing screenplays that will invariably never be produced. maybe i'll move to LA and throw copies over the wall at film studios
Just film something with your phone. This is how they scout for new talent.
Make a music video and put it on youtube. They love it when you can show that you can work with music.
I have some really cool ideas for comic books that I want to write and pitch to Marvel (because it uses Marvel characters)
And then I have three separate ideas for original comics that I want to self-publish but I have to find a way to sort of advertise myself properly. I can't draw for shit, so I have to find an artist who wants to work with me as well.
Also a screenplay that I want to email to a certain someone in Hollywood someday, just on the off chance that he ends up reading through some of it and wants to work with me. Maybe I'm not even a great writer, but I know I'm better than a fair portion of "professionals" in Hollywood these days, and especially in the comic book industry.
t. Quentin Tarantino
Ew, nevermind. Forget that advice I gave you.
Tfw ideas out of the ass but no money to make them.
I'm not OP
And only the one Marvel comic thing is capeshit related. My original comic ideas aren't superhero-based and my screenplay is entirely based in reality.
Get a computer. A buddy told me it'll do most of it for you.
>that second paragraph
holy based
Go to film school if your parents already are famous hollywood people or you're a super rich white kid or you're a rich minority or your parents are connected Jews otherwise you might as well just piss 100,000 dollars down a drain because you'll never make a movie
Otherwise get a job that lets you make enough money to self fund youtube videos and hope you make a viral short and some CEO hires you to direct a horror movie sequel.
>I have such s burning passion for film and film making
If that was true, you'd be making films. That's like saying you have a burning passion for writing fiction but you don't write anything.
Go to film*
>Also, if you immediately want to jump to making big films, chances are you're talentless anyway.
extremely based and redpilled
everyone wants to be rich and famous
no one wants to make art
if you had real talent OP you'd just be a writer
buy a camera, start shooting shit, then start editing it on your computer. You will learn some basics with that. Then start watching and reading about filmmaking. There's plenty of good material available on the web.
>burning passion
no you don't
passions gnaw at your mind until you are forced to follow them
It’s the same for me but it’s not worth it dude. You can’t get anywhere in the business unless you’re already well connected beforehand. Just find something else you like. You don’t want to be one of those people who moves out to LA and spends a decade there trying to make something happen and then go back home after ten years with nothing to show for it
Invest in ammo. The recession is coming. You'll need a generator to power your TV if you want to watch kino after the collapse.
1) Capeshit is on its way out so you're jumping way too late into comic book garbage
2) Anyone can write super hero garbage
3) Even the most successful comic book writers with previous successes to their name sell to about 10-40k people there's no money in comic books anymore and the only reason Hollywood ever made movies about some of the obscure comics they did is the corporate brand name belief that nothing should get made without a pre existing fanbase to leech off of, plus comic book stories and characters are so bland and generic that its easy to convert old spec scripts they got lying around about shit like the X Men into whatever cheap indie comic they bought by just renaming the characters and changing some of their appearances
4) Any script delivered to hollywood without a huge well known insider agent handing it directly to a studio exec goes right into the paper shredder. Hollywood has literal warehouses filled with old scripts from writers who already made their bones. Unknowns get tossed. And kek if you email it it won't even pass the spam filter and will get auto deleted. Best case scenario some intern sees your email and deletes it.
The only way an outsider like you who can't produce anything on your own can make it is to move to Hollywood, learn to be extremely charming, wrangle up some drugs and good looking teenagers and sneak your way into Hollywood parties and hand out free drugs and hook up insiders with teenaged pussy or boipussi.
the cattiness of this reply makes me kek
paranoid but true
I hate when people on Yea Forums say if you don't have insane connections you can't "make it" as if everyone wants to be a $100 million Hollywood director
Even "indies" requires connections you naive goyim
enjoy making youtube homemovies no one will watch
Apart from connections i think one major factor would be luck
'Luck', shut the fuck up
Yeah it depends on what you set out to accomplish. If you invest the time and money into the right education and start at the bottom, you can definitely work your way up to making a living working behind the camera. It's just a grueling work schedule where really the only payoff is telling people you work in the movies. Doing the same in front of the camera is a bit more tricky but it can still be done.
>there's no money in comic books anymore
I disagree you could probably make at least minimum wage producing stuff independently with a patreon and a social media following
Just b urself
There's a fair few comic creators who work through crowdfunding and pull in six figures per year just by putting out a couple of books.
the payoff is making something good and feeling fulfilled :)
An over-the-top rendition of the Abrahamic endtimes complete with general Abrahamic lore in a Man of Steel/BvS look and feel. Make Mel Gibson the Mahdi and a large nosed small-hat the Anti-Christ or False Prophet. Also make it a trilogy.
Buy Premiere, After Effects, learn Blender, Buy a Camera (or a high end Phone)
Voila, you can make a movie
Go to a good film school (European or the top ones in the US), read the essential books, and try things out. But there's more to filmmaking than directing, you might like something else. Honestly directing feature films can be annoying if you don't like working with actors, although commercials are always a blast.