Is it kino?
Naked and Afraid
having ticks nest in ya bunghole
that manface
if you enjoy looking at tramp stamps all hour long
I want to be naked and afraid with her if you know what I mean
how often do they fuck? i remember watching an episode years ago where it was heavily implied that the dude and the girl started fucking not five minutes after they met each other. is this common? i got the impression it wasn't all that common but I only half watched half a dozen episodes top
Holy fuck source
Damn they're rebooting Xena with Robert Redford?
looks like something from skyrim
those fours
there was an episode where it was two females - a hippie and a dyke, with one guy and the dyke was seething the entire time because the hippie cuddled with chad on the hammock "too much"
>that face
They dont fuck. You're in a shitty environment, naked, exposed to the elements, you're dirty, the chick probably smells, it's probably the least arousing thing ever. Even if by some weird chance 2 people decided to ignore all that and smash bits together I'm pretty sure they sign something that says they won't fuck.
you are naive like babby
if people fuck in the smelly slums of Calcutta they will fuck on the "set" of this show, contractual promises that they won't be damned
fuck this $0y boy
Do they ever cast fatsos? Imagine chad being stuck with a landwhale or vice versa kek
What did he mean by this?
Who the fuck is babby?
ask reddit
I did.
>Nudity is censored
Literally what's even the point?