I don’t think enough people have seen Fargo season 3 for that. Also this ep was complete filler
Love me some Stuhlbarg
TFW you're a Larry
great at being a slightly condenscending professor, see call me by your name and A Serious Man
Literally just found out Rabbi Nachtner was Colonel Sandurz
user... you are jesting?
Just like at that parking lot, user
for me it's when he played a hesistant civl war era southern congressman
Why was that guy's house right next to a bend in the road? Seems like a pretty stupid way to die when.
I'll check em out, thanks. My primary experience has been the Coen movies and his portrayal of Arnold Rothstein in Boardwalk Empire.
It introduced uncertainty in his life
Wait what? I don't remember this
he was great in this, too. look at this fucking guy
For me? It's Arlen.
I didn't even realise that was him
For me? It's Richard Kind, the most Jewish man in Hollywood.
It wasn’t. He was trying to turn to pull into the country club to play golf.
She turned me on so much when I watched this.
Spielbergs Lincoln?
Based actor desu
Do you know where the bathroom is?
so the whole thing was about the absurdity of religion?
the korean student says he doesn't get the math but gets the stories and thus should get a passing grade. MC says that the stories don't actually matter, they are just a tool for explaining concepts. MC in the beginning talks about schrodinger's cat and that all life is random, yet constantly looks for answers from the stories of the torah and rabbis. He teaches that life is just random possibilities but in personal life he believes that god has made set path in life.
or was it all just a modern imagining of the book of job?
and what was with the brother's notebook that could apparently predict everything?
I heard this coen borther's flick is almost impossible to get unless you're jewish
>or was it all just a modern imagining of the book of job?
This is pretty much the "unstated goal" of the film, but I like your first interpretation more. The Job thing always rubbed me the wrong way because things HAPPEN to Job, but Larry lets things happen to him. Every time someone pushes him, he just goes "ah, okay okay."
i'm pretty positive it has some relation to kierkegaard. the title comes from a kierkegaard quote and there's an overt shot of a painting of abraham and isaac, which is the central focus of fear and trembling. i'm a brainlet though so i don't understand the connection, i've never seen anyone else mention this relation either, though the coens have made movies inspired by kierkegaard before
How many times has he been a character that's been screwed over badly?
>Almost impossible to get unless you're Jewish
Mere sir my sir
Are you stupid or something?