What is your opinion of Ryan Gosling?

What is your opinion of Ryan Gosling?

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I like him because I relate with him.

i'm literally him

He was good in half nelson

thought he was cool until he said the moon landing was a world achievement

The greatest living actor

Unironically love him

im ryan, ama

Can't unsee his lazy eye in every scene.

Did you smash, Goose?

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yes, it was awful.

seems chill, bretty good in blade runner

That’s what made him incel kino

Hes a cool guy who doesnt afraid of anything

You guys had plenty of germans working on that project so he is kinda right

He’s alright, not very talented but takes on decent roles and does a serviceable job. Doing good work on behalf of unconventionally attractive men I suppose.

Oh, how so?

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He is what happens when you're so good looking that you just show up and people want to be around you. He just looks too good to ignore, and he has a cool voice so you want to listen to everything he says.

I hated Drive so much that now he ruins every movie he's in: Nice Guys sucked, BR2049 became unbearable, hated First Man, didn't even watch La La Land.
Now it's insta-drop whatever he's in.

>tfw your name is Ryan

he's a big guy

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He's a good actor, but I'm more partial to Cyan Gosling, personally.

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good at playing roles

>Germany = the world
uhhh Hitler is that you?

His asymmetric eye sockets freak me out

I fucking love Goose and not because of some Yea Forums meme shit either. I just think he's extremely watchable and I've yet to see him in an annoying role.

He's alright. Honestly can't tell if Yea Forums's worship of him is ironic or unironic. If it's ironic I get it, but if it's unironic, I'm at a loss.

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it started with Drive memes

Don't worry, Brexit is about to tell Germany to fuck right off.

He's in so many kinos and geniunly a good actor

He has as the acting depth of Kristen Stewart

Guess I've outed myself as a newfag (only been here a couple years).

Guy is so relatable.
I was in montreal one time in a public restroom and started sobbing when i did realize i chose the one stall without paper.

He just heard me and gave me a fresh roll of brown paper.
I was like, thanks man!

I know he could have gave me some paper from the other stall but still, nice guy

Thanks again man.

Hey guys,

It's me, Ryan Gosling. I just want to say thank you for all the support over the years. I couldn't do what I do without people like you cheering me on. The fan community is what keeps me driving!

Your pal,

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I'd be gay for him 2bh