Absolute failure in life

>absolute failure in life
>ruins Jim's life

Remind me why I'm supposed to like this bitch again?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Like ALL redheads she is for forceful throat swabbing until climax and literally nothing else.

She is perfect for Jim. Unlike Emily Blunt (more like Emily CUNT), she isn't a complete whore bitch.

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Her character caters to women who self-insert as her. She has interests, but no talent, no drive, and no ambition. Her man rescues her from a more masculine mate and treats her like a princess. With Jim, there is less give and more take, which is ideal for her. Despite her not making any progress in her life, failing at everything, and even causing the failure of her husband for the sake of her own vanity, she is forgiven and still put on a pedestal by him. Jim even tells Dwight how "worth it" she is, and how nothing else matters aside from her short-sighted happiness. She's the literary version of the feeling a woman gets when you buy her a piece of jewelry: "He wasted resources to buy me a shiny symbol of his devotion to me, I am important to him". She doesn't bring anything to the table, she is the thing she brings to the table. Her contribution is herself, and that's all he should ever ask of her.

Jenna pls. You have a family who needs you, you need to let this go.

It's a self-insert for women who are self-absorbed and think everybody is in love with them

tbf Jim is just as much of a trashcan as her

Why no Kelly & Ryan spin off desu?

She would have been better than Emily Cunt, that's for sure.

i hate those two people more than anything in the entire world

incels are so painful. theres literally an episode where a guy she went on a date with straight up tells her shes boring and isnt romantically interested in her

Because Kelly is fat and uggo

this isnt a plus for Pam
her and Jim teamed up and sexually harassed poor Danny Cordray for an entire day until he was forced to say that

Someone post it

You mean the episode where they kept pestering him because there's no way he didn't like her?

This. The show portrayed him as some sort of asshole for not liking Pam in that way.

I just want to see her nude. Is that too much to ask?

kind of
seems you could just get somebody irl that looks close enough to her

shes cute but not like she blows away the average nice looking lady

I don't get it, are you disagreeing with me or not?

I honestly don't understand why they hyped up Pam. Karen actually had goals, a drive, interesting hobbies, and was a success. I remember they tried to make it seem like Pam was more emotionally intelligent than her but that's it. She never utilized that EI in her relationship with Jim. When he worked in another town all she had to do was record their daughter's recital and she couldnt do that. When Jim was obviously upset Pam was the one who got all emotional not even thinking about Jim

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why care?

Pam is clearly the better woman to start a family with

Karen would just become a less hot Jan with her godawful pants suits

Rashida Jones still looks good, Jenna Fischer on the other hand is aging like milk. Pam is an art hoe who is a terrible mom. Karen would be a great mom

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Their romance works better when Jim is just a guy lacking motivation and she is simply a secretary where he works. But you give a show nine seasons you have to make them develop somehow, so Jim a well liked salesman has an obvious path to success. Pam, a failed artist who can’t magically find talent, doesn’t really gave much to do. Making her a house wife takes her off the show. If they allowed her to actually finish school that would have made it better, but giving up and going home is more romantic I guess.

Jim wanted white children, not quadroons

>Karen would be a great mom

no, corporate climbers dont make even average mothers

>leaves her kids with a babysitter so she could hang out with her office friends and be "office manager"
>leaves her kids with a babysitter so she can run a branch

Those times Jim was having trouble with his job, Pam should have helped Jim work through it. Instead each time Pam went off doing something different

Her and Pam are just lame self-inserts for normies who want to be funny but are too afraid of being unfunny so they play up "not caring about things" as some hilarious thing. Insincere and cringe.

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There is such a thing as too white. Just look at the british. You wanna throw in a little brown every couple of generations.

Jim would have been a great stay at home dad. He could work part time with just about anyone in the office

*Her and Jim, fuck.

This post was made by Jewish hands.

She is the self insert for every mediocre white woman on the face of the planet. If you express dislike for her publicly get ready to be ostracized even more than you are now.

Their whole love story falls apart when Pam starts having legit problems with him trying to better himself and make a better life for their family. The office they both work at is literally on the verge of layoffs or complete closure once a year.

The lamest thing they tried to do with Karen was try and paint her as a bitch when Jim reveals she told her boyfriend to get a haircut before an interview for an executive position he ostensibly wanted.

The only thing that makes any of this makes sense is the idea that Jim actually wanted to stay in Scranton and at Dunder Mifflin and that goes against the premise of the show.


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Better than failed art hoes are worse. A woman with some drive isn't bad. Pam already can't be a stay at home mom because she didn't want to quit work. I'd rather my wife go to an actual career instead of a woman who stayed in an entry level position for eight years.

100% and pretty much how relationships work in general.

clearly Karen was written as a focused career person

Pam obviously quit work when they went to houston or austin or wherever it was

also the babysitter was her mother, a grandparent

holy fuck

Karen also looks and acts like a man.

Jim also dropped a lot of his wants just for Pam
Jim had drive but Pam held him back to go under with a failed company. She didn't even want to move because she didn't want to work for another Michael Scott. Instead she wanted to stay at the same company and eventually get laid off.

That's racist.

imagine the list of criminal charges you would rack up for following a woman around work all day asking her why she didnt call you after one date 3 years ago

Found the seething roastie

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me on the left

>shit on an ugly woman's looks and personality
I would be praising her if I was a seething roastie, get your insults straight you incel faggot.

Based and Redpilled

thats not even Karen though

Women put down other women the most. Especially when they feel threatened by them. Pam is what all roasties want to be, a lazy selfish bitch who never faces consequences for her actions and gets everything she wants without lifting a finger.

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Based face blind user

smug cunt

>not wanting a cute corporate gf to play CoD with at work
>not wanting someone with snark on par with your own to exchange banter with all day instead of someone who always waits for you to come over to her desk and entertain her
>not wanting a social person who has friends in NYC that you can meet with and hang out with instead of boring old potato Pam
I dunno she sounds nice to me.

Facial blindness is a symptom of autism.

just sayin
i dont think rashida jones wants to work 18 hours a day at a paper company to get to corporate level

Why am I supposed to sympathize with a woman who’s not getting beat? She could have left at anytime. She lead him on in believing that she loved him.

He did want to stay at Scranton. Literally all his decisions revolved around Pam. He only left Scranton because he could not have Pam. Karen was his only period of independence, but once Pam did her silly coal walk the desperation made Jim willing to reconsider. But even with Karen he was looking for reasons for it not to work, and Pam’s approval kept the relationship alive for longer. He was never going to New York after becoming friends with Pam again

Based as fuck.

She has actual accomplishments that she can be proud of.

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Pam making Jim drop his wants/ambitions is particularly cruel because he would also choose Pam above everything else. And that is the appeal of the romance to basic bitches

aka like a man

Unironically says a lot about our society. Anyone who says they want to be Pam is a psycho.
So all the upsides of a man but in the body of an attractive woman. The tomboy pill is the best to take

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Any real man sees her potential as a cute nerdy secretary motherly GF

Depends what you’re into. For a girl next door type she is pretty fuckin hot.

Jim deserved to have his life ruined.

why whiteknight for a fictional character

i didnt mean to make you hysterical


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It's not really fair to chastise women for having ambitions and accomplishing their goals. People like you are the inverse of crazy third wave feminists.

>Remind me why I'm supposed to like this bitch again?
you're not. she's written only to be a foil that makes rashida look even more angelic in comparison

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Riddle me this brownstains, if Karen was such hot shit how come she couldn't even fill Jan's shoes in the NYC job hmmmm???

I'm just posting pics of a qt

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What a ugly cunt. John Krasinski deserves a cutie like Jenna Fischer. I think he still has a chance if he contacts her.

Jim is a total loser too. All he's got is his height. Women love tall guys.

Yes I'm a manlet how did you know


Jenna get off Yea Forums

Salient point

No real man marries a corporate stooge who enjoys a night out with the ladies more than motherhood.

>came in expecting a shitty pam thread
>tfw the based rashida bros are out tonight instead
If you didn't get a (You) then you didn't make the based squad. Try again next thread, Jennafags.

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You're just describing Pam

she is literally jewish

You have to be blind to think that whore looks even half as good as Jenna

or an n-word

What's with this bizarre influx of freaks waifufagging for 6/10 girls? Saying things like "angelic" and "goddess" it's really cringe and way more embarrassing than anything any self inserting Jim/Pam shipper has posted.

nigga you have to be joking

Too high?



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not really. Jim has a steady (shitty) job, tall like you said, no skin problems, no gyno, doesn't smell. Women love that shit.

>they probably discussed before shooting that Jenna would pose with her tits forward and Karen would show us her ass
I bet this happened and it makes me hard.

jewberg all day

Wait, how did she ruin his life? I stopped watching after it got boring


The chick on the left IDK who the dude on the left is.

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There is absolutely nothing wrong with being Jewish.

Creed spinoff when?


Have sex contrarians

Creed works best as a minor side character. A show about him would be terrible.

Well requiring a rabbi to terrorize and torture an animal to death before you eat it to appease your saturnalian volcano god for one. We are all gods creatures after all. Even the lowly goyim who are apparently only made to serve the jewish people. Also having a racial purity test for entry into your ethno state of self styled "gods chosen people" isnt exactly modern and progressive.

There are a few things desu.

tough but fair

jewish supremacy and jewish supremacists have to be rooted out from civil society though.

Fuck off anti-Semite


eat a jewbaby dick


>fails art school
is this even possible?

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Ohh honey, did you forget? John was only acting.

Even more than Andy’s dad

have sex.

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so based

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>He has this saved on his computer

imagine failing art school lmao


Incel post right here

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pls go jenna

Jim is the worst

>goes behind michael's back about taking his job but lol i'ts okay cus michael gets promoted
>might not even want job as he has to move
>omg michael why didn't you give me the glowing recommendation when i didn't tell you

She is a scot I thought

season 9 is shit, the show should have ended when Michael proposes to Holly, candles provoke a fire and everyone dies, cheerful music starts playing and credits roll.

shitler failed and threw a shitfit called the holocaust

Face that could sink a thousand turds.

Her Pam-Pams.

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finished binging a s01-09 rewatch last night, pams a selfish nigger and jims a dumb cuck and the last 4 episodes (two 2-parters in a row) were devoid of any comedy, like zero laughs from a fucking comedy series. the feels baiting was really cringe and ineffective

what a terribly unsatisfying ending lol

Carrell carried the show alone, when he left The Office made no sense anymore.


Jim was a cunt. Complete ass to his coworkers. Work sucks. Making it harder for others because you're unhappy is just a bitch move.

>saturnalian volcano god
El is a supreme sky god and Yhwh is a warrior god. At least get that right

yea but boobs

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If you want a feels-baiting finale, just watch basically the whole last season of Parks & Rec. The show just becomes “EVERYONE GETS THEIR DREAM AND WE’RE GONNA SHOW IT AND CELEBRATE IT!!!!”

>ruined Jim’s life by giving him a loving family
Yeah what a bitch. I’ll never understand why you virgins hate on the most realistic portrayal of a relationship ever on tv

>the running joke that Pam has huge tits
Do Americans really think C cups are big?

nice* tits

No I assure you, the size is being mentioned multiple times.

They're not huge, but they're certainly big.

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They're about average for a Northern European woman.


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So now he has 3 dependents (one being his adult wife, of course) he's legally obligated to provide for and he has to work for the rest of life to keep the wheel spinning at the speed pam is accustomed to while she sits there with her free house, her free kids, her free life.

Women act like giving you a kid and not fucking around on you is the biggest sacrifice you can do instead of the bare minimum as a wife lmao


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Sneed spin off when?

Rashida >>>>>>> Pam

It's the in genetics.

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rashida was born into royalty and the best thing she can accomplish is side roles and funding from her daddy to make shitty docs.
jenna hustled to become a star

>looking for the Jim to my Pam!

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>not picking Jan

W-what do you mean hustled?

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David Wallace was a racist , his choice of Ryan the Fire Guy was a colossal failure and crashed the company

They moved so Jim could make a ton more money and be happy at the sports marketing job. You are assuming she won't get another job in the new city. No where in the show did it indicate she would be a stay at home mom once they arrive in the new place.

i mean her dad was an engineer in Indiana and not the Gay Kang of Hollywood

she looks like she smells

He deserved nothing. Fuck this smug cunt.

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Dawn was cuter.

yes i failed art school
i really didnt like it, its just designing logos and stuff

and i missed scranton




jenna plz go

incels hate jim and pam

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yeah i'm gonna say based

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how do they have the exact same nose?

He realizes what a shithead he's been, though.

Also it's a fucking sitcom not reality, it's supposed to be ridiculous.

this was Rashida Jones mother

i cant find a picture of Jennas mother but she played her mother with her in the movie Lollilove and seems like she couldve been even better looking than jenna when she was young

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Absolutely based

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>Her character caters to women who self-insert as her. She has interests, but no talent, no drive, and no ambition

aka not a feminist
aka ideal women
her real talent is being mommy
in my headcanon she quit the stupid paper job when she had her first kid.

Giving up makes her more relatable to the audience, especially the women who self-insert as her.

Bravo. Couldn't say any better.

Her character caters to women who self-insert as her. She has interests, but no talent, no drive, and no ambition. Her man rescues her from a more masculine mate and treats her like a princess. With Jim, there is less give and more take, which is ideal for her. Despite her not making any progress in her life, failing at everything, and even causing the failure of her husband for the sake of her own vanity, she is forgiven and still put on a pedestal by him. Jim even tells Dwight how "worth it" she is, and how nothing else matters aside from her short-sighted happiness. She's the literary version of the feeling a woman gets when you buy her a piece of jewelry: "He wasted resources to buy me a shiny symbol of his devotion to me, I am important to him". She doesn't bring anything to the table, she is the thing she brings to the table. Her contribution is herself, and that's all he should ever ask of her.

>Jenna is aging like milk
Why do you lie

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I start getting choosy with episodes in season 6. Half of 7 is garbage and 8 and 9 don't exist for me.

Jenna pls go

in my headcanon the series finale was the conclusion of the Michael Scott Paper Company arc

enough is said in this one image

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tranny pose proves jenna is superior

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lol you can have that fridgebod mutt

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Who in their right mind would dump Amy Adams for her??

>Hitler didn't fail art school, he just wasn't accepted into one

So that'll be a yikes from me, friendo

Jenna > Amy >>>>>>>>> Rashida


>he just wasn't accepted into one
sounds like a failure to me

It did to me at first too, until I looked into who did get in and what their ''''art'''' was

>Jenna > Amy
Ok, this memehas officially gone too far. I'm actually starting to believe that Jenna unironically shills herself here.

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go on...

you’re in a gooey sack. it’s dark and smelly. suddenly you’re being squeezed through an opening. you’re being birthed from Pam’s PUSSY!

amy hit the wall hard after catch me if you can

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>the wall
Everyone hits that. Amy however took it with grace and ascended to mommy tier.

the crazy thing is, you aren't wrong

I stopped watching shortly after the wedding. The show was past its prime and wasn't very good anymore.


Ok but aside from her uncontrolled narcisssism what did you expect from a woman? You expected her to see the bigger picture and think past herself?

idc about any of this, just gonna say dwight is based

Why was her hair so thin and greasy? Yuck!

wtf i hate women now

Jenna fischer is really fucking hot
They toned her down in the show for some reason though

How do I get as good at character analysis as the random Yea Forums poster?
Also based.

all of you are literal coombrains

Normalcy and constance. That’s why we as an audience are supposed to find her attractive; she’s not unphased or anything as she’s just as vulnerable as any girl, but the normalcy is put on a pedestal. You don’t need to reach, because why do you need to?


I mean you could say that's because the show is from the setting of the office, so it would make sense

who are you going to reach for instead of Pam?
Karen who obviously will just turn into a less hot Jan

the recurring stripper character?


>le enlightened asexual
back to tumblr

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In the early seasons they toned down the makeup on all the women to make them look like normal people.

Pam and Jim were two shitty people that deserved to be together. This is stated outright in the episode where they go to Roy's wedding and he is shown to have become hugely successful with a beautiful and talented wife after ditching the frumpy sack of potatoes known as Pam.

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A post so real and patrician nobody is ready to ever apply it
B&B : Bravo & Based

>tv shows are real life
It makes sense that people like you exist when you think about it

to be honest the girl in the right looks like she smells like cigarettes

Was Pam frigid in bed?

a great example of this is when she "jinxed" jim and told him not to talk until he bought her a soda, knowing insecure jim couldn't get out of it without looking like a pussy. she does these shit tests all the time, like the time she spoke up during a meeting to say jim has a relative with drug problems just so she could attempt to embarrass him.

good post

Dwight truly got the last laugh
Are there episodes where Jim gets his comeuppance for pranking Dwight? I know the cold open where he gets plastered with snowballs and then cries about it after starting it

Why do women do this?

The only slice of power they have


lmao i posted this to reddit

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She's literally half Ashkenazi and half nigger. Her face is nasty as fuck.

Why do men allow this behavior?

>*takes a deep puff from pipe*
>is there anything more based than this anonymous poster?

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ALL characters in the Office are bad persons. Isnt that part of the joke?

Wrong wrong wrong wrong and wrong.

Pam is a representation of the new generations inevitable deferred dreams. She realizes an artistic career isn't reasonable for her despite having natural talent. Don't forget she also gave up returning to art school for her relationship with Jim.

Pam realizes that shes failed at most of her big ventures and reflects the American condition when she has to accept that and find happiness in smaller things, like her fun days in the office with her friends.

She's also an emotional support to Michael. When the office gives up on Michael, Pam is a, usually, willing ear for him and she looks past his ignorance to see someone who just wants a genuine friend. That's why her final goodbye to Michael was so important and had it's own circumstances. Over and over again Pam reached out and helped people that were abusive to her, like Dwight, Angela, and Michael. She even recognized she was being unfairly cold to Karen and went out of her way to be friendlier. Maybe she's not the best at what she does professionally, but she's self sacrificing, she takes risks (art school, office administrator, coal walk, the speech after the coal walk, etc.), and she appreciates the people around her.

And let's not forget that Pam also works every day just like Jim, so to say she brings nothing to the table is just incorrect, even with her emotional compatibility with Jim put aside.

R.I.P Norma

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holy fuck you are getting BTFO so bad, it's embarrassing

leave plebbit in plebbit you fag

the writers were sperged out millenials that had no clue how to present the "every man and every woman" Jim and Pam were supposed to represent.
They were supposed to be the normies that the audience viewed all the other wacky characters through.
But they made them annoying, especially Jim.
He didnt even play video games and he was supposed to be a normie millenial???
Half the time Jim is too cool for dork shit and the other half hes trying to duck out of social activities.

no, Jim and Pam were supposed to be the representation of the audience to view all the other assholes through

yeah I got the impression that the writers had never worked at an office

subreddits are circlejerks, nobody in any subreddit devoted to a tv or movie will listen to anything that criticises any aspect of it

remember jim and pam making fun of amy adams for being a cheerleader in fucking highschool??? i bet the person that wrote that unironically calls other people incels

Halpert was a sleazy psychopathic jerk, playing mind games on people pretending to be the nice guy, I fucking hated him and still do to this day.
Also fuck that retarded blind aliens movie of his.

kevin was based though

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Do you need blackup user?

There’s some. I vaguely remember a moment in season 9 were Jim tries to get David Wallace to invest in his company but gets btfo’d by Dwight for getting full time pay while being part time



Plus their relationship seems like the one real relationship in most movies/shows. My husband and I have been through the exact same things and we are so much stronger as a team. It’s a learning process and that’s what I saw while watching them throughout the show.

And to OP, Pam sells their house at the end so they can leave DM and pursue Jim’s Athlead career while there was still a chance for Jim. There is even a specific scene where they tell the cameras that Jim would be allowed to jump back in if he ever wanted to so I feel like the opportunity still being on the table for Jim is why they were so comfortable withdrawing at that time when things in Scranton were more important.

Unless you’ve personally been through a huge change with your partner like that then you really shouldn’t judge Pam. It’s not just some black and white when it comes to decisions like that.

you fucking god

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T. Contrarian faggot

yeh dwight got to listen to Jim get rejected by wallace

then he teased him something
"id like to invest a million dollars in your company hahahaha"

pam is boring and if you're like pam you're fucking boring

Holy shit

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who lowkey hates phillis
Shes like a bullied kid whos actually a mega cunt when given the opporutnity, also shes a disguisting cow

also the whole Idris Elba arc
Dwight was his pet but he hated Jim

i absolutely hate feminism, they harbor such a deep hatred for straight male sexuality, it's disgusting. their women are absolutely not feminine or attractive, and they're all so judgemental and bitchy. the only feminist movement i support is free the nipple, and thats only because i like seeing tits.

>Pam isn't in the office
>or maybe it's Michael, doesn't matter
>the point is that Jim needs a new audience for his Dwight pranks
>tries to figure out what makes Stanley laugh
>turns out he loses his shit over meatballs
>fills Dwight's drawers with meatballs, etc.
>revealed that Stanley and Dwight are just using Jim for free food
Can't remember the main plot of the episode that goes with that though.

those meatballs mustve been disgusting, covered in lint and dirt, they should've chosen something actually wrapped.

>posts a non brit



That's ideal


Plus their relationship seems like the one real relationship in most movies/shows. My husband and I have been through the exact same things and we are so much stronger as a team. It’s a learning process and that’s what I saw while watching them throughout the show.

And to OP, Pam sells their house at the end so they can leave DM and pursue Jim’s Athlead career while there was still a chance for Jim. There is even a specific scene where they tell the cameras that Jim would be allowed to jump back in if he ever wanted to so I feel like the opportunity still being on the table for Jim is why they were so comfortable withdrawing at that time when things in Scranton were more important.

Unless you’ve personally been through a huge change with your partner like that then you really shouldn’t judge Pam. It’s not just some black and white when it comes to decisions like that.

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This amount of basedness should be illegal.


>I'm convinced that OP is Toby but worse
>FFS your post history really sheds light on this dumpster fire.
>imagine feeling threatened by a fictional woman on a mockumentary because you have
>You sound a lot like the people getting posted in /r/niceguys
>Mate, take your incel bullshit elsewhere. If you don't like the show fine, but don't come in here trolling because you can't get laid.

no amount of reddit satire posting on Yea Forums can prepare you for the real thing

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Based Michael

Yeah, I'm thinking he's based.

Kek reddit is so fucking fake and gay

youve got a lot to learn about this town, sweetie

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You know I read these threads you guys

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t. incel

phylis is alright until something gets her horny
then its creepy

top left and top right look good. This looks like a high school though

she cute

>people actually think Toby was ever at fault for anything
Parks and Rec handled the "Toby" archetype (the actual normal and well-adjusted person who's bullied by everyone else for doing their job) a lot better by making Jerry actually very happy and successful outside the job just to show that everyone else was projecting.

>black AND jewish.

Attached: yikes.jpg (600x799, 42K)

HR is the sjw of the professional world
nobody likes them
thats the joke

You're not. Her and Jim ruined the show later on.

Oh no! Redpills!

>oy very shut it down

That would make sense if Holly was supposed to be unlikable too, but she clearly wasn't written that way.

I'll be damn, I didnt realize that was her

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except there was a whole episode where holly went full sjwtard and everybody hated her, then Michael had to save her.

There was even a one off joke in new york where David Wallace complains about his Toby.

Then the company picnic Toby talks to the HR guy from another branch and hes just as much of a no personality sad sack as Toby

Imagine wanting anyone from that show over /our Jenna/

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complete nonsense

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>Jim didn't raw dog Kathy in Tallahassee.

This is the moment I began to hate Jim.

Not that user but which part is not true? Pam is a loser. That’s just a fact.

heh my gf kinda looks like her

Nice argument



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Post pic

t. Tranny

Jim practices safe sex

>subtle tan line

based falco

obviously not since his first child was an accident

a surprise

Literally what even is the point

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What the FUCK is wrong with you people?

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How is it a surprise. He obviously finished inside her. I guess she forget to take the pill that day?

Welcome to nu Yea Forums

stfu you'll lower my karma

imagine if pam was your girlfriend

Attached: jenna fischer 4.jpg (2000x1333, 338K)

Hello I saw your post on reddit! Please welcome me to the community :)

i was just quoting the show

I'd brutally rape then murder here, possibly eat/have sex with the corpse

this guy fucks

pam is pure wife material. i cry myself to sleep every night because i know i will never find a girl like that (or any kind of girl)

would be a downgrade for me

>Jenna feet

Attached: 268D8CE9-783F-43F8-A0D5-DA0B0BEA6466.jpg (750x738, 92K)

You must have some pretty girlfriend. Good for you.

she obviously is showing her feet on purpose

>Jenna will never give you this playful and eager look before sticking her tongue in your asshole
why live

Pam is not an art hoe kek. She's a normie basic bitch who makes basic bitch art (poorly)

Jenna would never do that

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life is unfaair

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shut up Gil

This is the incel AND the person calling you incel

Redditors...they walk among us

>Pam participates in an art show on her own. That's rather ambitious.
Yikes. Imagine having such low standards for yourself and others.

seeing all this ribbit shit in this thread made me think that if you've ever been vulnerable around your ex-girlfriend and felt hurt by her and tried to talk with her she probably went on that r/niceguys place and associated you with the screenshots there and completely dehumanized you in her mind and saw you as nothing but a pathetic meme. just a warning, bros. do not let your guard down around any women, even your gf if you have one.

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