Why don't we see many prehistory films? Seems to be ripe for kino.
Why don't we see many prehistory films? Seems to be ripe for kino
the agricultural mafia doesn't want you to see these things
they had no camera then
ok memes aside it's hard to make movie with something such primitive there are good cases (quest of fire) and really bad shit like 10 000 BC. i think it works better as a silly comedy (RRRrrrr) or animation like Ice Age.
Anything accurate to the time period would just be retards grunting at each other and getting scared of thunder. There's only so many times you can watch some borderline ape hunt a hairy elephant.
Based retard
Not enough material. It would be either tribes fighting or hunting.
And seeding and feeding.
Isn't agriculture considered the end of prehistory era and begining of ancient times?
How about mating and raping?
I don't think prehistory people know agriculture yet.
Just watch Quest for Fire and get on with your life.
Ringo already did it
Based Genndy has us covered
Why not bring the past into the future(1992)?
Another interesting one where Daryl Hannah gets kidnapped by neanderthals and becomes a member of their tribe.
I always thought the Walking With series did a great job with cavemen, I would love a full movie with their version of neanderthals.
Alpha is a more recent film that is good.
Predator vs Neanderthals would be a great prehistoric sci-fi kino.
This show is going to be the shit
I love 10,000 BC
Not really. Prehistory ends with the invention of writing (ie. the start of discernable written history)
So ancient Egypt? Hieroglyphs were kind of writing.
seconding this, its Caveman SchlocKino
hunter-gatherer uprising when
The early 90s were a mistake.
those red dinos aren't even trying lol
>Why not bring the past into the future(1992)?
fucking kek. based user.
they need to make an Apocalypto type movie that follows an early man that left Africa for the frozen north and his quest to survive and reproduce.
>tfw watching the river scene in Quest for Fire during history class
People could talk back then. Neanderthals could talk. Hell, they probably had speech for hundreds of thousands of years.
It's not some new modern phenomenon.
Migrations of that length are thought to have taken generations.
1.) I hate when people mix up pre-history with humans and add dinosaurs and other bullshit.
2.) This looks boring.
Berrypicker as fuck
Why? It's fantasy.
duh. it's a movie, dipshit.
There were several movies back in the 50s and 60s featuring this era, like 1 Million Years BC
Grug not sure why no cave painting of grug time. Always cave painting of tomorrow
>10,000 BC
Gobekli Tepe is 12,000 years old fags
it's gay
Gobekli Tepe was the site of an antedeluvian civilization that existed at the same time as cavemen and looked like pic related.
cave men existed 30-40k years ago fags, after that came cities
have sex
((Hollywood)) hates hunting
Hi Varg
Prove it
Hieroglyphics were writing but sumerian writing predates egyptian
>we still can't get half the country to stop being autistic and agree that Evolution happened
>any prehistoric film with early hominids gets lobbied to death by Christian fundie groups who actually run Hollywood
God I wish that was me....
the mammoth.....
Because its tough to do. History of mankind is constantly expanding. Gobelio Teki (misspelled but you know what it is) adds time to man's history that "experts" did not think was there.
Contrary to what some think, people weren't complete tards then. You cant be to go from wearing an animal skin to building zigurets
Kek. Why did this make me laugh so hard? Have a (You) my friend.
Primal coming to adult swim
Every time they make something like this we get garbage like 10,000 BC in order to make things "more exiting". I don't think the setting works for movies.
For vidya, however, it is a kino setting. Dawn of Man is great.
Blame prots for translating the Bible into a million languages with their own interpretation. Nowhere in the Bible does it state the Earth is only 5000 years old. Nowhere in the Bible does it claim to be an all-encompassing account for the world's history.
Agriculture started in the Mesolithic far before writing.
>Nowhere in the Bible does it claim to be an all-encompassing account for the world's history.
>he hasn't read millenias worth of Exegesis to fill in the gaps with possible theories
Why do we even bother having prehistory/mythology/religion threads on here if you fags wont do any of the reading
>reading historical religious fan fiction
>not reading them to gain possible insight as to what is not expanded upon in Genesis
>not reading mythology and euhemerizing the stories to fill in the missing spots in the patchwork that is human history
Its like you don't want to learn user
You know that 'cavemen' didn't actually live in caves? And do you think that grunting retards would have been able to make something on the level of Gobekli Tepe?
People had culture and speech for thousands of years.
The real answer is, nobody knows shit about paleolithic age and that such films most often bomb.
>fables and myth are "insights" into human history
They literally are not, user.
>They literally are not, user.
Some could be user, naturally embellished by poets and the like.
People have a tendency to hype up stories above what actually happened. But there is some truth in there. Thucydides himself mentions this when discussing real trojan war vs homer's account
The problem is - whats real and what isn't?
1) ur a faget
2) ur a faget
>absolutely batshit insane nonsense in the Bible happened
Yeah, no. Go back to /x/ already.
cringe, dilate, and go back to your rick and morty
I forget which part of the Bible claimed that its stories were literal.
fucking hell some of you are REALLY stupid
like hopelessly so
>Blame prots
This. Funny how Christianity is the only religion that has splintered into a billion pieces. In no other religion is any interpretation considered valid (Even other Abrahamic religions) except the language it was originally written in.
>I forget which part of the Bible claimed that its stories were literal.
The part when the man in the black dress is shaking you down for donations shortly after reminding you that those stories about eternal damnation weren't metaphors.
>cringe cringe cringe
>dilate dilate dilate
>Yeah, no. Go back to /x/ already.
user historians themselves in ancient times did the same thing
Diodorus Siculus
Its pretty standard practice.
But, if you refuse to notice adjoining things in all cultures like babel, flood, etc youre missing out on what might be part of our history. But, what does that matter if a secondary source who was born over 4000 years after the time period hes writing about says it didn't happen because someone else who was also born 4000 years after says the same.
Fugg if everyone listened to our academia all the time we wouldn't be aware of a city that is in the region described by homer that matches the time frame for Troy and that was destroyed by fire. We wouldn't know of Mycenae or the death masks of mycenaean kings.
People like you who think its all already figured out are why it isn't. As Gobleo Tepay proves, historians don't know
literally fuck off to your board. Christ.
>Fugg if everyone listened to our academia all the time we wouldn't be aware of a city that is in the region described by homer that matches the time frame for Troy
What in the literal fuck are you talking about?
>how could ancients possibly no more than my contemporaries theyre so dumb
go dilate to a neil deGrasse Tyson vid
I am referring to findings by Heinrich Schliemann and some other archeologists.
Academic community at the time said Trojan war wasn't a thing. No troy, no Mycenae, etc.
Schleimann found Mycenae and actually dug through what is now thought of as troy to an even older city
You're not using that meme correctly, /x/nigger. No, I don't really put my personal trust in societies that didn't even know what germs were and believed that evil spooks in your blood made you sick.
Are you going to give me actual and hard sauce or no?
Best movie ever
>t-they didn't know what made dem sick
yes user they were retarded compared to us today. That's why the romans had surgery and the Egyptians penicillin. Youre confusing Ancient civilizations with dark aged society.
>yes, I do believe the goat herder from the bronze age who is A-OK with raping kids for good luck, is smarter than an astrophysicist and we really can learn so much from him! Truly, a wise learned man of the arts and sciences. Please ignore how he shits through his clothing and wears baby feet around his neck.
>knowledge is the same thing as intelligence
you are a literal NPC lmao
have fun with your student loans
>yes user they were retarded compared to us today
...they objectively were, /x/fag. When will this meme die? You live in a time period where literal toddlers are more well-read and literate than 90 percent of the human species a few thousand years ago. This fucking stupid meme of "DA ANCIENTS WERE SUPA DUPA SMART" is pseudo science from "History" Channel shows about aliens.
>muh synonyms are not actually synonyms ;) they different because I'm autistic
>you NPC
yeah, get your buzzwords out of the way like the /x/faggot you are.
Funny how he didn't reply, huh?
Having less knowledge does not make someone retarded.
>In 1865, English archaeologist Frank Calvert excavated trial trenches in a field he had bought from a local farmer at Hisarlik, and in 1868, Heinrich Schliemann, a wealthy German businessman and archaeologist, also began excavating in the area after a chance meeting with Calvert in Çanakkale.[3][4] These excavations revealed several cities built in succession. Schliemann was at first skeptical about the identification of Hisarlik with Troy, but was persuaded by Calvert[5] and took over Calvert's excavations on the eastern half of the Hisarlik site, which was on Calvert's property. Troy VII has been identified with the city called Wilusa by the Hittites (the probable origin of the Greek Ἴλιον) and is generally (but not conclusively) identified with Homeric Troy.
It matches up, but theres no way to be 100% certain without something saying
>this is troy, Priam was king, hector died here, etc
If you wanna watch a documentary, BBC did a good one, but its a 6 parter
>literally doesnt know what words mean
Romans were superstitious schizoids who used runes to dictate what time of day the gods were okay with them to battle and the Egyptians were insane to fuck where they built massive tombs, taking decades to finish.
why is he so based, bros?
>>yes, I do believe the goat herder from the bronze age who is A-OK with raping kids for good luck
except mudslimes in the middle east still do this
Grug like cave runner 2049 he just like grug, gug lonely
>This fucking stupid meme of "DA ANCIENTS WERE SUPA DUPA SMART" is pseudo science
Yes user, they were retarded, that's why the pyramids were a thing yet people now are baffled by how they were able to put them together.
They were so retarded they created geometry, screws, and even plumbing.
But youre right, theyre retarded because they didn't own an iphone
I asked for hard research from the historians you mentioned, not the wiki article for Troy and a speculative documentary.
>people are baffled as to how they built the pyramids
I honestly can't wait for this lie to die out. Pop science really did a number on zoomers, my fucking lord...
>I asked for hard research from the historians you mentioned
and the paragraph I quoted has Schleimann among others named. If you want to read what they wrote look it up. Im not going to spoon feed you from their journals
and? Does that have something to do with my point?
Okay, so you don't have a hard source? Thanks I guess, for wasting my time.
>Thanks I guess, for wasting my time.
>give names of archeologists who dug in area
>give bbc documentary
maybe you should look up the names and see what they found, such as arrows, death masks, armor, etc. Just a thought. But then that would require you to use your own time, not mine
>Pop science really did a number on zoomers, my fucking lord...
I popped your momma
I always saw this in the video store as a kid and thought that cover was fucking kino.
>in this zoomer's short lifetime, the human race has done the following:
>-land multiple robots on Mars
>-crashed atoms and took pictures of mini black holes
>-developed a literal supercomputer
>-find ways to beat some cancers
>-discover gravitational waves
>-perfect safe capsules for nuclear energy materials
>-take hours of in depth, 4K resolution video of the surface of the Sun
>-plan to put people back on the Moon in less than 5 years
>-see the Israeli government almost succeed in the first ever automated moon landing
But yeah, Egypt made shapes and stuff. Epic.
Herodotus cautions his readers multiple times from taking everything he writes as fact since he was often only relaying what he had heard from the people he met, and while he tried to weed out the most egregious BS, stuff like ants the size of dogs who collected gold made it in.
I asked you for a source to this "hard evidence" that Troy was a city. You haven't posted that yet. I know you don't have it, since it would be front page news for every historical research group on the fucking globe. Saying "muh spoonfeed" when you can't back something up just makes you look goofy.
So show me or stop posting. Show me his direct research.
>But yeah, Egypt made shapes and stuff. Epic.
And you have to have them to do all the crap you listed. But, they retarded cause they no have super computer
And Thucydides is hailed as the historian's historian and he still discusses Troy. So, Im not sure where youre goin with this
>And you have to have them to do all the crap you listed. But, they retarded cause they no have super computer
Are you trying to communicate something here?
>and the Egyptians were insane to fuck where they built massive tombs, taking decades to finish.
What better things did they have to do?
Honey, it took a literal century for Egyptians to figure out how to make paper. It took us half that time to build planes...
Feed their people?
>Y-you cant talk h-ha
come on, throw something better at me. Talk about how you nuked a hotpocket then boned it and that's something the ancients couldn't dream of.
cringe and bluepilled
I was mocking you because the post genuinely was illiterate.
you must be actually handicapped to not understand what he said
>feeding jews and browns
holy shit, you are literally retarded
You're probably the type of person who believes we should give more money to Africans instead of exploring space.
Egyptians invented shakshuka
>you illiterate, me smart
shhhh there there buddy, youre still the brightest kid in your class.
>>And you have to have them to do all the crap you listed. But, they retarded cause they no have super computer
chad hoarding all the women while weak incels get eaten by wolves would redpill too many.
>But, they retarded cause they no have super computer
>he doesn't see mockery in the post directed towards him
are you blind or just retarded?
Sweetie. New inventions don't pop out of a vacuum, they're all based on previous cumulated knowledge. In a way planes are possible onky because egyptians invented paper.
fuck you
It's actually the God Emperor's place of birth.
It's all a matter of perspective:
In 100 years, we went from carriages to a man on the fucking moon.
In 100 years of Egyptian history, nothing of that sort of drastic change ever happened.
I see the poor attempt at mockery, it's just stupid.
It's funny how you probably think you are some sort of actual/real-life smart person. Are you the same faggot who thinks Troy exists and clearly browses /x/?
im new to this thread but he meant that some advancements that ancient people (like the egyptians) came up with are necessary for the advancements that we have today, that’s how the world works dumbass, obviously they didn’t have as many advanced achievements, but they did create their own written language and their massive monuments were made without any of the construction technology we have today, this was literally thousands of years ago. none of those recent human achievements you listed would be possible without thousands of years of accumulated knowledge throughout history and from all over the world.
holy shit, your reading comprehension is bad.
>your reading comprehension is bad because you made fun of me
not him but can you not read their separate definitions? they are literally different words with different meanings.
wow nice screenshot of your quick google search, ignoring sources and context
Troy exists user.
They are both synonyms for "understanding" you semantic brainlet. They aren't actually mechanically different in any worthwhile sense, not in any grammatical fashion.
Learn your own fucking language you mutt.
your reading comprehension is bad because you went to public school
>Neanderthals could talk
got a source for that, bucko?
lmao its some seething european faggot, no wonder
you def have an iq under 100, sorry
>these are the honest to shit brainlets who argue that bigfoot is real and the earth is flat
Are you just not familiar with the grounds for what makes a word a synonym, user?
What an egregious little faggot.
He posted some of a wiki article, that surprise surprise contains sources. If you can't be arsed clicking a link and reading don't expect others to do it for you. This is 4channel not academia.
I'm American and clearly articulate in "our" language correctly. You don't even know what a goddamn synonym is or means.
Nice argument you don't have there, zoom zoom.
Wait when did you make fun of me that was the first post I made
nice straw man argument though lmao
"the ability to acquire knowledge & skills"
is not the same thing as
"facts, information, skills acquired through learning"
you understand those are two separate things even if they are similar right? and that there are situations where someone can have 'intelligence' without 'knowledge' or vice versa?
He (you), posted the wiki for Troy, that wasn't his main claim. Scroll up; his(your) argument was that "here is a historian who has hard facts to back up Troy". I asked for that to be presented, the response was "UH I WONT SPOONFEED YOU REEE".
As usual. Since you don't have it.
>what are Shia and Sunni muslims
It's linguistic semantics, probably the best example of how redudent the English language gets
>hurr durr the ability to acquire knowledge
>is no no same as skills acquired through learning knowledge
You might as well say that water isn't wet because wetness is a property of water and sound just as retarded. Again, they are literal synonyms.
What a weird hill to die on.
this thread was fucking comfy until your retards started fucking arguing jesus
Just to correct myself.
heres notes from the excavation you dumbass cunt
It's literally some underage /x/faggot really bootyblasted at the fact that someone called his bluff about muh supa dupa secret Troy research and how he doesn't have a firm grasp of the English language to begin with. Probably ESL.
think you might actually be retarded...
>notes taken from a teacher at Dartmouth College
>"yeah, we found some bones and sheet"
>literal blogsite
You said you had HARD research, like a scholarly source, what we call a PRIMARY SOURCE on a researcher's findings that directly indicate that Troy was a real city.
Where is that? Can you give me that or no?
Back to resetera tranny.
>doesn't know how synonyms work
I’m not the same user lmao how many times do I have to tell you fuckin dumbass
How does that even make any sense to the conversation? Are you just programmed to say that?
>I'm not the completely booty ravaged faggot who got mad that nobody has still definitively proven Troy exists
I'm sure you aren't. Funny how the unique IP count didn't go up...sure does rattle my brain balls.
I was new to the thread lol I said that in my first post, the other guy is the one arguing about synonyms n shit
you were really keeping track of how many posters there were in the thread huh
there, go visit it yourself you insufferable faggot
im going to bed
>someone in this thread thinks Troy isn't real
>easily googled
user go to bed don't waste your time
>muh scientific realism
umm have sex sweatie
the genre has already been done to death. the kinos just arent on netflix or disney streaming or whatever else your parents have