Cast the next Aunt May

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Sofia Vergara

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Jennifer Connolly

Kendra Lust


My friend's dad had a daughter then remarried. His daughter had a child then a year later my friend's dad had a son with his new wife.
My friend was younger than his niece and I found this ridiculously hot as he would always boss her around and say listen to your uncle.

i need to see ana in everything

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Aunt may should be old and frail. It adds to Peter's character as a kid with a lot of responsibilities. Its Peter's mom's aunt so she is supposed to be old brainlet

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>ts Peter's mom's aunt
Nice headcanon.

this woman is dead, user

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Winona as May, Noah Schnapp as Peter

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a black transgender actress
it's about time

Idris Elba

Build wall!

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Millie Bobby Brown. give her a ~5 years and she will look old enough

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some khazar milker

why do they make her younger and younger every time. in 5 years they'll cast a 30 yo

Because Peter kept getting younger you mouthbreather.

she will always be 13 in my eyes

Thanks for the chuckle, took me a second to follow.

Good shit

Mistress T

only morons complain about this. Aunt may is supposed to be the age of peters parents not his fucking grandma. her being between 35-55 years is fine considering peter is a teen, young adult.

Had no idea Sally Field was in a Spiderman movie

>peter... there's a lump in your suit.

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E-eva, want me to check for lumps in your b-breasts? I hear it's important, for your health and stuff...

I dunno. Only five years younger than Tomei.

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I didn't realize her tits were so big

If she couldn't play MJ

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fat pig

Miley cyrus.

50 year old MJ? Just as accurate as a half black one.

tobey maguire as uncle ben

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