My name is Isaac Schrader, and you can go fuck yourself

>My name is Isaac Schrader, and you can go fuck yourself.
What did he mean by this? Why did he change his name to Hank and why did he only reveal his birth name to his assailants?

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i missed honkposting and breakfastposting


> My name is Oscar Schindler and I refuse to let you turn me into a bar of soap

Why would he say such a thing?

>BrBa ended 6 years ago

On that note, why is he so perfect?

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>I, Wilkil Urinfandottir
I thought he "Gus" was Chilean?

>directed by Rian Johnson
This shit episode was completely off. What an unsatisfying ending for Hank.

the whole series is actually about Isaac coming to terms with his true identity, his resentment for Walter secretly cooking meth comes from his own personal insecurity

>NO, you can't kill him jack. He's Fen Meely
what? who?

they say money is the root of all evil, ray. but
I only grow tulips. caspere knew this.

>legs don't work

>I am Duan Jonox
what the fuck did Walt mean by this?

He knew himself. He had an ethos.

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Can someone remind me what the point of his whole mineral collection subplot was?

only heterosexual white men will understand

lmao, I always giggle like a schoolgirl over these jokes

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To show he was a known chancer

Excuse me, please explain what you mean by this

>You're Gatt Tamright
How did Walt know this guy's name?

you must have misheard him he actualy said my name is hay-stack schrader and the referance is him being a farmer at a younger age which he implied multiple times throughout the series

He was slug incarnate

>A known chancer

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Lmao @ the mutts who don't know what a chancer is.


I know what 'chancer' means in British terminology as in some cheeky cunt that takes chances but how is Hank one of them because he ordered geodes off Amazon

>a known chancer
what did he mean by this?

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it's his secret jew name, he said this in defiance of the neo-nazi

This is an American website, bong. I had to look that word up. Nigel meant Hank is an opportunist


to fill time

who the fuck is nigel

Who the fuck's Nigel?

it represents Hank's insatiable desire for sex gifs

Street name for Meth is often 'rocks'

I called a British person Nigel

>Nigel Meant Hank
Who is this character? Was he the blonde guy Jessie strangled?

>This is an American website
>stolen property
>run by nonwhite
>is a literal shithole
Well that does seem about right , but how did you know that Anons name ?

Ahahahah :D

Marie's ultimate empathy by relating her kelptoshit to his retreat and Walter's obsession along with Skyler's complicity.

serious answer: It was Hank's reflection of Walt. They were the two adversaries the entire show. Walt's specialty was chemistry, the study of change and of the molecules around us, as reflected in his characterization, he goes from the normal, weak-willed man, to being a ruthless drug lord. He is also omnipotent, as he skirts death and controls the outcome of any character almost.
Hank on the other hand slowly begins to realize walt is the baddy. As he comes closer to the truth he begins to specialize in minerals, geology, the study of the earth, rocks and dirt, the very base level of human experience. Hank is all of us, the human vs. Walt's god-complex.

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What? Why does Walter White have so many identities?

He uses Walter White when he's out in public. He uses Heisenberg when he's cooking. And how he only uses the name Dajuan Hunox when he's talking with his wife?

>Doctor Pavel, I'm Ceaiaye

Pretty strange name for a man to have. Is Aiden Gillen's character supposed to be Gaelic or something? I'm not sure I can suspend my disbelief about the name to be honest

>wha whay wh wh why Don't you just go fucking DIE already!

The pretending to be retarded meme is literally the worst meme. Kill yourself.

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