Characters in film start talking about netflix, social media and bring out their phones

>characters in film start talking about netflix, social media and bring out their phones

god I hate 2010s cinema

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Other urls found in this thread:

I used to be just like you but then I grew a brain, a heart, and a dick.

>waaahhh films are using relevant topics of modern life and not stuff from when I was a kid!

>I can't see that today's way of life is self destructive

Netflix, social media and smart phones are literally the cancer eating the world right now.

It's like listening to my father talking about computers and internet

You mean back when they were destroying the fabric of society?

I think it was a little worse when it was all just cell phones so everything had to take place over a fucking phone call.

The world just doesn't exist anymore. You could take all of the technology away, and things wouldn't get better. People would just be bored.


Society lived through much worse

>you got raped? You know people have been thru worse, right?

ask me how I know your reddit account

>early 10s
>characters use dumb phones

>late 10s
>characters use smart phones
God I love bitching

You made my day xd

I'm glad I grew up doing girls like that. and still do.

Soul vs Soulless


In the years to come social media like facebook and twitter will be recognized as existential threats to humanity and destroyed.

>old show comes back
>they start talking about social media
every god damn time

south park did it

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Android smartphones are usually bundled with proprietary malware, such as Google Play services. The devices also practice Tivoization, meaning that even though the base Android operating system uses a free license, you can't replace the software with a system that is fully free unless the manufacturer lets or people have been able to crack the bootloader. This is a fault of the fact that the Linux kernel Android uses GPL version 2 instead of version 3.

iPhones are inherently jails. All of the software bundled with it is proprietary, even if you, "jailbreak," them, and if you don't jailbreak you are locked to Apple's store in order to install new software.

Cell phones also spy on you via the SIM card, which sends all sorts of metadata to the telecom provider, and, by extension, the NSA. Phones can be used as tracking and listening devices. The Android forks in Samsung smartphones gives Samsung the ability to remotely delete data on your device they don't like. Thanks to Tivoization, these devices come with a locked bootloader.

Smartphones don't respect your freedoms. Use two cups and a string instead.

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t. zoomer who cant handle real life

>waaah everything i don't like is self-destructive, everything I like is wholesome

okay but you have to describe the porn i'm in the mood for properly every time i head to the toilet room for a fap (slang for masturbate)

t. every single generation after turning 30

>tfw still use a flip phone
>tfw I can spend weeks not having to charge it.
>tfw I don't use it to check my nonexistent facebook and twitter pages.

Granted, I wish I had a mobile music player but I can live without that.

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user, women can't grow a penis

You know sex offenders are only allowed flip phones? Hope you don't use it in public.

Like I give a fuck. Anyone asks me why, I'll tell them I don't need a bunch of gadgets on my phone and that I also fucking hate touch screens.

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>this means it's incorrect
just stfu and don't have opinions. i hated shit my own generation did because i knew it was ignorant and would lead to yours.

I use a Galaxy 3 that I bought used for 20 bucks. Unlike most smartphones these days it has replaceable batteries so I never have to get rid of it like normies do with their new $800 phones that can't hold a charge after 2 years.

based bro.

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fuck and when they throw a joke using these too?
>yeah, I just hope this does NOT pop up on youtube
>w-wait what are you doing? youre not tweeting this right?

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All women are whores

I would be like this but then I realized I could post on Yea Forums while on the go.

Mobileposters get out

You know you can get a mobile music player. Ipod touches can still be bought new from apple. Ipod classics exist on ebay or amazon.

>replace image on the right with image on the left
>replace image on the left with them reading books
See how easy it is?

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Huh. Thought they stopped making iPods years ago.

Two different things

Back in the day normies spent a few hours at the pc on facebook/myspace etc and the rest doing something outside.

Nowadays actual incels (short men, ugly men) spent more time at the gym and normies spend more time looking at their phones

said the pedo to the judge


Children are fucking ugly.

Difference is the book readers and computer users weren't outside. It was a limited activity. Smartphone addicts are on them at home, in movies, restaurants, transport, get togethers, everywhere you can imagine.

People like you are the reason God doesn't talk to us anymore

>character shows someone a picture
>on an ipadĀ®

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I'm unironically using a smartphone right now to talk to you guys on the 4channel social media image board. Ask me anything

I don't get using a phone while watching a movie, but they definitely improve restaurant, transport and get together activities

I also have a simple Nokia for calling/texting, an 8 inch android lenovo tablet for e-mail/banking/android stuff and a Sony Walkman NWZ-a10 for music. If I had to pick one it would be the walkman

I still fuck bitches like this

But flip phones and newgrounds were fine.

Anyone else ever out in public and get consumed with curiosity and ask strangers what are they doing on their phones? They really hate it for some reason. Slightly autistic BTW so it could be my phrasing. Is there a more socially accepted way to phrase "What are you doing on your phone?"

My job gives me a free iphone every 2 years. Good job being a worthless poor though.

Most people arenā€™t doing anything.

And films obviously only portray things that are constructive?


I tried watching Euphoria and they showed them texting on the screen. It was mostly just abbreviations and emojis.
"brb wyd :("

>I don't get using a phone while watching a movie
People can't watch a movie, tv show, or a sporting event without checking their phone constantly.
>but they definitely improve restaurant
No it doesn't. What's the fucking point of going to eat with people if you're all just going to be staring at your phones?

>if you don't get a smartphone for your work you're a worthless poor


it's called having a life

Most of the people are boring as fuck, and we run out of topics to talk in less than an hour. When I go out to eat stuffing myself is my primary objective, not listening to small talk.

Most people have nothing to communicate or don't want to talk so they escape into a world that continually fills their dopamine rushes.

Why talk to the people next to you when you can talk to people who live on the other side of the globe?

FY OP. I grew up with neither, and we got laid with actual girls at the prime of their youth. No lie.

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The ultimate Chad move.

>actual girls

sure, I believe that

It is true. Partly because we didn't have camera phones to take pics as incriminating evidence.

Plus, if you were curious just as the girls were you could explore that curiosity together. Most girls were interested in sizing up all of the local boy's penises.
Was great times. All that you needed was a girl willing, and a location to proceed.

Yeah, I mean why leave the fucking house at all?

Why even live? AI simulated world matrix now!

it's always been the same. it was easier and harder to cheat then and now for different reasons. back when you didn't have a phone on you all the time, your boyfriend would call and you'd just call back later saying you were at the store.
but now your pocket phone lets you make fuck plans while out with your boyfriend

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>it's called having a life
So you're life consists of constantly checking instagram and talking to faggots that are no there when there are faggots there face to face?


>When I go out to eat stuffing myself is my primary objective, not listening to small talk.
Then why don't you eat alone you fat fuck?

Poor Brian

Social Media is a mistake but sometimes it's a happy little mistake in the case of that picture.

you invited me, now pay the tip

Is there a reason that Yea Forums doesn't have mods?

>you invited me, now pay the tip
So you're invited to dinner by someone, and you just sit there on your phone?

Video games unironically ruined my life. Maybe if I never got a PC I would actually have a social life. I still remember declining all invitations to literally every event there was. And then people stopped inviting me, I got older and now I'm all alone, forgotten.
If anything I'm remembered as the guy "who never left his home and played video games instead". And I missed out. I missed out on everything that I was supposed to experience in a teenager's life. I got left behind and it's no one else's fault but mine.

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>try to avoid all social media
>last week during a job interview they mentioned that they were curious why I didn't have any social media presence as they tried to look me up on Facebook and Linkedin
>I asked if it was a bad thing that I was off the grid
>they tell me "well, it's certainly not good"

I want to die. It wasn't even for any sort of media job, it was for a drafting position at an engineering firm.

do girls know they hit the wall?

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and stuff my face. food is important when you have a life.

This is me. I went from actually being invited to parties and hanging out with friends when I was 14 to playing WoW all weekend and declining invites at 16 to being a loner virgin in my late 20s. Only reason why I'm not a kissless virgin was because I wasn't a complete loser until I was 15. I genuinely believe that WoW ruined my life.

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I'm not fat, don't be rude.
I eat out at 5 or 6 same places, they know me by now and they know that I'm drunk when I come in alone.
Stop larping as me faggot
But yeah, if somebody invites me, we'll go and the night will eventually turn into phone staring

>and stuff my face. food is important when you have a life.
So let me get this straight:
Guy: "Hey, wanna go out to dinner and hang out"
You: "Sure"

>you're on your phone the entire time and only stop when your stuffing your face with carbs
And you talk about "having a life"? You're just a soicuck who is obsessed with social media.

>characters in film have sex
unironically gets me seething. I'm not even an incel.

>I'm not fat, don't be rude.
You literally said "stuffing myself".
Fat people "stuff themselves". Regular people "eat a reasonable amount or less".

>But yeah, if somebody invites me, we'll go and the night will eventually turn into phone staring
Then why even bother? You can phone stare by yourself or at home. There's literally no reason to be with someone else to do this.

>i prefer stroking egos in person, sir
it was that easy

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>my opinion are facts
>normal weighted people never stuff themselves ever
Go be stupid around your equally stupid family. It's their fault you're here.

It's a habit by now user, some of my friends I've known for 20 years now, and even though we changed a lot through the years and have conflicting views and interests now, we are all going through that phase where your circle of friends is decreasing rapidly due to job/family obligations. So it's a combination of habits, old time sake, fear of loneliness etc.

If I were born 5 years earlier or later than 1998 my life would have worked out. 1998 is too early to be fully immersed and competent with the development of tech, but too late to be self reliant upon one's self without the crutch of tech.

user find a way to surreptitiously record yourself while you go up to strangers and ask them this, PLEASE

You can even have the camera just pointing at your shoes or the sky so they don't notice it

Is this the comfy incel thread?

God here. I don't talk to you anymore because you forgot the true Day of the Sabbath. At least Seventh-Day Adventists got it right. Rest of you are going to hell.

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Don't worry. Nobody remembers you.

>Only reason why I'm not a kissless virgin was because I wasn't a complete loser until I was 15.
At least you have that. You know what's worse? Being kissless hugless virgin in your 20s and realising you'd have a gf if you actually went out to those 18th birthday parties like everyone else. Or just went out to clubs every few weeks. Fuck even fucking fat spergs from my class got gfs, just because they actually went out.
And now? Even IF I go out I can't even socialize. I get a drink and still just sit completely silent, maybe insert a sentence or two but that's it. I end up looking like an unfun person and people dislike me more. Nowadays it's unironically easier because social media encourages having a social life, so even if someone sits on their smartphone 24/7 he's way less likely to be a loser. I feel like I got memed by being born a few years too late/too early.

I just wanted a gf. It's not fair, bros...

>Difference is the book readers weren't outside
they sure as fuck were outside. there just weren't nearly as many of them as smartphone users because books were for reasonably smart and patient people and smartphones are for retards.

So the Bible app I installed is inferior to the cumstained book I stole from the bed side of this quaint motel?

True story. I woke up one day vibrating. Turns out, I was in a Sharper Image. Turns out, I had a hard on. Turns out, no one cared.

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why didn't you just hang out with people who play video games? that's what i did, and then they'd have parties at their houses/apartments where i met girls and shit.

You're a delusional fag. Every thought you have means nothing.

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we truly do live in a society.......

As if you'd even know. Keep making out with your iphone.
And that sucks.

jokes on everyone, I was always an internet addicted faggot and I didn't finally get le laid til I was 21.
If I wasn't 6'1", I'd have kms'd 7 years ago

i really don't see how it's better wasting your time on a computer than a phone

thank god


I went out, got drunk, fucked sluts, got some random ho from a nightclub pregnant, got deep into drugs, ended up in the mental ward, friends abandoned me because there was no way in hell i was taking care of some random thots kid.
Moved 8 hours away and started again.

Wish I'd just stayed home and played vidya.