awful actress, no talent at all. but she is hot in a depressed girl sort of way.
Awful actress, no talent at all. but she is hot in a depressed girl sort of way
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She’s a more appealing and talented Kristen Stewart imo. She’s good in American Honey.
she is hot, but a very limited actor.
Lol oops my bad. Thought that was Riley Keough.
Her legs and feet are kino but the rest of her is plain and her face is straight up ugly.
Me too lol
I know these pics are supposed to make her look bad and trashy but goddamn I’m jealous. I’d love to dress like a total slob but be backed up by millions of dollars in the bank.
looks like an absolute smackhead
she was good in Billy Lynn
She hasnt been hot in like 7 years.
Those clothes, no matter how cheaply they look, cost more than the rags you and I wear around the house
This picture is from at least eight years ago, right? Depressing.
She's unironically one of the best actresses working right now. Watch better movies or get better taste.
>Personal Shopper
>Clouds of Sils Maria
>Certain Women
>Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk
>Cafe Society
>Catch That Kid
you're a legit retard if you still think she can't act. she's getting raves out of Venice right now for Seberg too.
She delivers the same mopey, barely emotive performance every damn time: those film festival bait flicks are not exceptions. You're a legit retard if you think she can act.
I agree she’s proven herself as an actress but she seems like an unlikable, frosty bitch irl.
She’s like Christian Bale. Pretty good in the right role but if they’re required to act like a happy, joyful person, there’s no way they can pull it off.
those are some juicy thighs.
i don’t like her new machine gun kelly haircut
Bale has intensity though: he has delivered some legitimately impressive performances (e.g., American Psycho, The Machinist), whereas every Stewart performance is uninteresting moping and mumbling.
i wish kstew was my gf
that futuristic movie on netflix where they don't have emotions anymore was legitimately a great movie for what it was.
Equals is the name.
>she is hot in a depressed girl sort of way.
What do you know user ???
With this look, she could be the next tank girl. If she doesn’t want it, I push Naomi Scott.
>Naomi Scott.
interesting, think she’d take the part?
Attention seeker whore.
hollywood has destroyed her mind
your mind would be destroyed too if you were the star of the Twilight movies
>ywn bust a fat nut inside prime Kristen Stewart
Why continue living?
REMINDER that she is literally ROYALTY and only deserves to have her feet licked by all of us, as proper.
i know, it feels bad.
I want to be that guy that fucks her and turns her straight.
nah mate it's only the men
why'd it have to be like this, user?
Blonde KStew is prime.
>implying blondes can ever be better than brunettes
are you serous, you don't know how surnames work?
>reading comprehension
>not hot
uwu boll is this u
Prime Kstew was literal 11/10
she looks best as a bimbo FACT
She looks like a top tier model in this, AS A JOKE.
She cleans up so nicely, she just chooses not to.
Her upcoming Deepsea Horror movie with Vincent Cassel looks kino.
Will watch at cinema.
haha imagine if she looked like that every day but as a joke so funny right?
holy balls, almost unrecognizable.
rocking an absolute juicy pair of thighs.
>no talent
lmao you're a retard. She won France's most prestigious award for acting. Hit the weights, get a clue and commit suicide.
It went through major re shoots to replace TJ Miller who played a main character.
Saturday Night Live Family Fued
That guy lost it completely, didnt he?
Flat ass
Daily reminder that Kristen Stewart is a hot blonde in denial whose life long dream is being that annoying girl from Mean Girls but she could have been a hot blonde lesbian
easily solved
based and brunettepilled
she truly is the best girl
and into the trash she goes
>tfw we will never see The Big Shoe
is this real or shooped? she got a fatty now?
such a shame
The French have no standards.
I want to fuck her sober and straight and put a baby in her, unironically.
Looks like her head on Kat Dennings body
She's actually a good actress. I really enjoyed her performance in Clouds of Sils Maria.
hmmmmm based
she hit the wall after Zathura
and i still wasnt crazy about the suspicious bulge in the boxers even then
>there is a timeline where Kristen Stewart and Dakota Fanning did an exceptionally tasteful lesbian scene together
why aren't we there, bros?
i wanna turn her into a complete degenerate and fatten her up and/or knock her up
Stop being a child. She still looks great.
Because I really don't want to jerk off as much and they would definitely be doing feet stuff
But not that low-bro dirty feet slobbering shit
she looks dead inside
she's got bare feet in Panic Room so she's okay with me. i'm trying to watch her other shit though and she doesn't show her feet, it makes me feel a fool.
she needs to be impregnated
That's because she doesn't have a baby inside of her... yet
she cute
she's a 6/10 girl with 10/10 legs and feet. would marry and worship her for the rest of my life.
its clearly says no smoking. What a rebel.
My first thought is that this chick probably thinks she's tough and I could probably beat her up
Show yourself Krager. I can smell you.
[sppiler]tummy kissu[/spoiler]
Has the demeanor of a dead cow
By a black man
>chuck it me gash ya prat
That style fits her best. The depressed detached bitchy attitude makes her a hard 10
I've read she kinda stinks sometimes but cant stop IMAGINING THE SMELL
He’s probably dead by now m8
kstew thread on 2019 Yea Forums!!!
>ywn travel back in time and save her from herself
My god this gaze. Imagine her telling you she fucked another guy and she's leaving you.
She has a very classical beauty to her.
I wish I was a two-inch tall man and that she would step on me
stop saying stuff like that
I picture her in a Great Depression era kinorole. The film ends with her feeding a starving old man her breast milk
BRUTAL skullmog
I regard foot fetish as lowest of the low but this pic got me.
i'm way too degenerate for that
70s exploitation film about a bunch of busty stewardesses getting into hijinks and/or sexy time
>t. Frenchman
The juden underbite VS the anglo superjaw
Imagine her telling you ,being with you helped her realize shes gay and is leaving you for a woman.
For me? It's Bella.
Thanks for reminding me that I'll never beat up KStew
Isn’t this Riley Keough?
no you faceblind retard, you can literally see the twilight poster behind her
Bella Thorne looks like she stinks
Even without his trip, I know he's here. Imagine if we were still have summer glau threads.
Glau threads pop up on occassion, but I'm so fucking glad I've not seen a Sarah Chalke thread since 2013
Imagine the smelle
holy based
Women can't be depressed
Just stupid and autistic.
im going to fap to this
When was the last time you saw a Joseph Gordon -levitt thread.
You might not see the trips but the wake is there. Avatar, green oval, chlomo threads. they're all the same shitbags.
I bet someone has JGL piss pants copypasta from he who wont be named.
They're shopped.
that doesnt look right
Cooking with Ja/ck/ never looks quite right
>slutting around in a hat that say lookit mah areolas
I rate her highly and I hope to watch her for many years to come. I can't wait to see Seberg and Underwater.
the other day i read that her former staff said she leaves cigarette butts all over her house including in the shower.
Not only have I not seen a single one of these, I legit have never heard of any of them.
Jesus dude, why are you even on Yea Forums?
Based and Stewart pilled.
Why do so many female actors smoke?
It's so fucking hot
Tfw no racist drug fucked kstew gf to party with
I can't help but think of levi from attack on titan when i see this
the picture that saved Yea Forums
She is kept barefoot in the dungeon in Snowwhite and the Huntsman.
>brides wearing virgin white
most of them dont deserve that right
KStew threads are comfy
She should have become a model 100%. She would have had a better career.
Smoking is always disgusting and smells like donkey arse, but when girls do it, it's an eternal boner killer.
it has nothing to do with virginity, it was a trend started by Queen Victoria.
fuck the fuckin queen
This, blonde is a garbage hair color
>literally the most unique hair color in the world
she supposed to dress up like she’s going to the red carpet when she’s just popping into the paki shop for some snacks? have sex the lot of you
I remember when she was /ourgirl/
Decent people don't go to paki shops for snacks.
she still is
what a disgusting slut
she should be punished
haha imagine if her punishment was to be married to an user, maybe even from the Yea Forums board haha what a cruel and unusual punishment lol!
My god. It is really incredibly cruel.
She actually is very slutty. And it's a good thing.
>awful actress, no talent at all
she actually fooled the french film industry
they actually consider her the next huppert over there. no joke.
Would lick those feet clean t b h
Not even Adventureland?
Another user here. Also haven't heard of any of those.
She’s very good at playing certain roles. And yes she is pretty hot.
The French made cinema.
This was the movie where I first fell in love with Kstew
The Greeks invented literature, how many Greek novels do you know?
kstew is sad because she knows it's time to whip her ass for being a slut
Just developed a thigh fetish, nice.
same here except adventureland
Kstew wearing pantyhose.
I'm in heaven.
YES! Space Marines kino!
Are you 12?
is this 2009?
It was a different time
i'd bend her over a munitions crate and give her the business if you catch my drift
>REMINDER that she is literally ROYALTY and only deserves to have her feet licked by all of us, as proper.
These two things are mutually exclusive
vastly improved