What are the essential David Bowie kinos?

What are the essential David Bowie kinos?

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too soon

I only remember him from the prestige.

The Prestige

unironically Nolan's 2nd best film and far better than any of his recent stuff

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i miss him bros

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he cute

When he shocked the kitty in The Prestige I was worried

David Bowie Meets The Ghostbusters

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Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence

Fuck the OP what is the best Bowie album.
For me It is Scary Monsters


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it'd be nice if jennifer connelly starred in a Muppet version of the ass-to-ass scene.

That’s a big dick

For me, it's Ziggy.

Station to Station

the man who fell to earth was trash
station to station


He's a big guy.

nice shop

was he really that big of a guy?

For me it's Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps)