Okay, I'll make it as easy for you as I can. I'd like an omelette, plain, and a chicken salad sandwich on wheat toast...

Okay, I'll make it as easy for you as I can. I'd like an omelette, plain, and a chicken salad sandwich on wheat toast, no mayonnaise, no butter, no lettuce, and a cup of coffee...

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This is one of my favorite films of all time. I become so unexplainably sad after watching it that But I love it every time I do. It hurts.

Forget it Jake, it’s no-substitutions-town.

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My favorite scene is when his uppity family is making fun of his girlfriend and snaps on them. So conflicted...you can tell he's not happy with her but won't sit by and let a good hearted simpleton get torn down by them. What's your favorite scene?

>tfw crap

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>You're a strange person, Robert. I mean, what will you come to? If a person has no love for himself, no respect for himself, no love of his friends, family, work, something - how can he ask for love in return? I mean, why should he ask for it?

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I'd have to agree. There aren't many movies that have made me feel more than this one

Nigga that is one of the whitest meals ever

never heard of this flick/movie/film despite not being a zoomer and im going to watch it because of this thread. peace.

please leave

Never heard of this but Im a fan of Jack Nicolson. It looks like it has a "Stroszek" feel to this, can anyone compare?

Good call. You (likely) won't be disappointed. Probably his best performance.

What film ?

five easy pieces

Thank you.

This thread makes me happy that people are going to watch this for the first time. Enjoy anons

it has a lot in common with Stroszek and Paris, TX. it's the best young Jack movie besides maybe The Last Detail.

Im a bit skeptical because I see a woman wrote this movie, and the films you compare it to are films women can never understand, but I will give it a shot.

I like when she sits on the sink.

Ok now imagine it's all burnt and covered in bbq sauce and tastes like absolute shit. Problem solved!

is Jack Nicholson the best american actor of all time? i can't think of anyone better tbqhwy

a woman wrote it but a hungarian shot it

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The scene when Robert plays Chopin for Catherine and the camera pans around the room to show all the family portraits has to be my favorite. You get an entire story of the family without a word spoken. Clearly an affluent family that went back generations, and then portraits of the three children, each of them alone, and finally their father.

After Cuckoo's Nest he starting playing himself in almost every film but that's not necessarily a bad thing.

I saw the film as manly but now I know a woman wrote it, it makes sense. It's her dream man. At the start he's a manly oil driller but later on we find out he grew up as an upper class privileged guy who plays piano. Oh isn't he so charismatic but smart! Still a great movie.

What film?

>see a woman wrote this movie,

Bob Rafaelson co wrote the story. Also directed and produced.

Yes. Stroszek is better, but not by much.

wwwooooo diggity, na you talkin niggaaaaaaaa.! only thang beddah is sum boilt skrimps and coehnbredd sheeeeit. mommaaa werre dey mudbugs at?! *crashing kitchen noises* *exerted stomping through the house* *muffled ebonics from the bathroom*

5 easy pieces.
DOOMERcore 2 the MAX.

It’s a five star movie. I own the America Lost and Found: The BBS Story box set from Criterion and it has some interesting stuff. King of Marvin Gardens is another good one.