I need kino movies or shows with normal gay men help pls

I need kino movies or shows with normal gay men help pls

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can you be a -1? I dont even watch porn with male voices on it let alone males in shot.

That's an oxymoron. Kill yourself, degenerate.

me on the far left

brokeback mountain

The decent thing you can do if you're gay is to stay in the closet until you kill youself.

Why do gay men get progressively more naked?

>I dont even watch porn with male voices on it let alone males in shot.
Trying way too hard, you're a 3 faggot

the birdcage

Saw it

Who else 2.5 master race

one drop rule applies to the Kinsey scale as well as race

so homosexuality is based on the amount of clothes you wear?

>like both
>no you only like one exclusively
What did he mean by this?

Thanks user this looks pretty funny

Call me by your name?

The jump from 1 to 2 feels a little... large.

Who else 5 here

is this image trying to say that wearing shorts and sandals is a little gay

>dick literally inverts at the sound of male voice
4channel user: ya u supa dupa gay

1 is normal, the rest are just different shades of deviant.

I hate gays. All degenerates must burn.

I do that too. But with faces as well.

I'm never getting nude again, thanks 4channel

Based and truthpilled.

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-1 is normal. 1 is gay.

What's that even mean

There are some cool videos from Chechenia

0 is normal

>straight guy is drawn in grey and looks boring
>1 is angry and respressed looking meanwhile his counterpart on the right is happy and very homosexual
its obvious this was written by a gay guy

If you like both you're gay, sorry gay.

You mean drawn?

State your scale, number of men you've kissed, and if you're gay or straight. I'll start.


the way the scale is written and the images are drawn you pedantic fuck

atleast 2


Scale: 5
Number of men kissed: at least 7

That actually sounds like a 2-3 that your subconscious is freaking out over.

>if you like pussy and tits you're gay
Fred Phelps please go

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You aren't straight if you are 1.

haha faggots man what the heck

Shit, you are right - I meant 0 is normal and the rest are deviant

You getting hard for a vagina doesn't cancel out you getting hard for man's hairy asshole. Some gays can be bi, but no straights can be bi. Take care.

Can I just have some movies lol

Freedom comes in all forms. Only repressed slaves to psychotics with vaginas like wearing clothes.

Nah fuck you faggot.


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anyone else definitely attracted to women but can also appreciate male beauty?

>Some gays can be bi, but no straights can be bi.

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I'm the same user that said fuck you faggot. I'm going to amend my response. It's not a movie, but if you want to see normal gay men on television, watch Kids in the Hall. But you knew what you were doing starting this thread, so that's the only recommendation you'll get from me, fanny bandit.

have you been browsing /fit/ recently?

>male beauty
there is no such thing. Men are all round disgusting

If you are so self-conscious of your sexuality that you can't even watch videos with naked men in them then you are obviously trying to repress some kind of homo-erotic feelings. Any secure straight man can comfortably appreciate and even take pleasure in male nudity. They've done studies that show that straight men look at men's dicks in porn about as often as they look at the women. Seeing big erect cocks being licked and sucked by women is the epitome of masculine pleasure and I pity you if you're unable to appreciate it.


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It's pretty clear. Straight literally means only gets excited by the opposite genitalia. If you like dicks too, you aren't straight - you are bi. Cheers.

what is drawing but the writing of images

>cannot appreciate male forms

>Seeing big erect cocks
>Not gay
>totally straight
Yeah Ok Kid

Seeing dicks is fine, you can self insert as the dick. If you get excited from it though your definitely gay.

I only jerk it to men in private but in real life I am exclusively attracted to women

If you're somewhere in the middle it seems easier to just live as if you're straight. Especially since openly gay people seem extremely degenerate

Sure except you said gays can be bi and that straights which doesn't make sense.
You're either straight, bi or gay.

I had a gay fuckbuddy I used to fuck and I even came in his ass one time. This was over a year ago and I have absolutely no sexual feelings for men, however I consider my time spent with my gay fucktoy my sexual prime.
what am i on the scale?

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>Men who have sex with men (MSM), also known as males who have sex with males, are male persons who engage in sexual activity with members of the same sex, regardless of how they identify themselves.They may identify as gay, homosexual, bisexual, pansexual, heterosexual

Poor recommendation, what is this Canadian 'humor' shit. Thanks anyway lol


Welp, you are definitely a fucking faggot. I hope you get the disease you are destined for.

>Not Gay: Sex between Straight White Men is a 2015 book by Jane Ward, in which Ward details the phenomenon of straight men seeking out sex with other straight men despite not identifying as gay, bisexual, or bi-curious
Movie adaptation when?

yeah its called being a functional heterosexual

I cant self-insert, Iv never had sex or a blow job so have no idea how it feels.

>Any secure straight man can comfortably appreciate and even take pleasure in male nudity.

>take pleasure in male nudity

are you even listening to yourself

thats prison gay

Watch yourself in the mirror and pretend you are normal.

Any of Peter North's fag films. Seeing him take it up the ass again and again, is truly a sight to behold.

>ITT: boomers' toxic masculinity

Cast the goose and Joseph Gordon Levitt as totally straight best bros who begin awkwardly experiment with each other in order to escape inceldom. Pitch it as Brokeback Mountain for the millenial generation. I swear it will break a billion from faghags and wine aunts multiple viewings.

Remember that Gillette commercial? That was fun.

What number am i if i enjoy letting guys sit on my face and flicking my tongue inside their assholes while playing around with their cocks and sometimes licking their balls? Ive done so so many times now with so many guys i lost count

Please have sex.

>straight best bros
>The term "bro-job" (analogous to bromance and a play on blowjob) refers to a sexual encounter between two straight men who are often close friends. Ward expresses the view that "bro-jobs" are not an indication that a man is actually gay, but rather a means for straight men to explore their own sexual identity

0. That's normal bro.

You're the based number.

I want to. but no girl wants me. and already stated im -1 on the gay scale

What am i if like girls and not attracted to men but find big dicks aesthetic and in different life circumstances would probably be willing to suck off a passable Trans?

just get your best bro to give you a massage and then offer him 20 bucks to blow you off it's really easy

im only attracted to dicks when they're attached to women. im not gay



probably bi
>in different life circumstances
is really you lying to yourself (and I don't mean that as an attack)

Trap and shemale lovers are closet straights

How does futa attraction factor into this scale?

I've only kissed men because Grindr is easy


I meant if i wasnt married and the Trans hit on me at a bar or something i wouldnt bother seeking it out

Oh, and bi I guess although I cannot fathom having a relationship with a dude that isn't 100% about sex


The truth sings pain to the hearts of the dissolute

atleast 2

Futa is such closet gay cope, it doesn’t exist. Just stop being a pussy and fuck a cute hairless dude.

>tfw was straight all my life but after turning 30 started becoming attracted to Young 18+ smooth effeminate boys

Is this normal?

>Straight dude is black and white
>gay dudes get progressively happier as they get gayer
>everyone past 1 is a fucking flamer

Who made this goddamn drawing?

Holy shit you faggot


>i have no gay sexual urges
>except for that YEAR where I repeatedly FUCKED A MAN IN THE ASS

it's based, redpilled even

go on cityxguide.com and buy a sesh if you don't like it then you know you're not gay

Completely. Look up pederasty in Greece and Rome. It's been going on forever


Similar boat except switch boys for traps

even in current year?

>gay dudes get progressively happier as they get gayer
I don't know 0 seems pretty content with smashing puss

Gays need the rope and porn needs to be banned.

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>tfw bf hits me

What do you think a sugar daddy is?

>gay sugar daddy
how common is that?

I'm straight but if i see a massive cock cant help but get the urge to serve it.

Pick one, degenerate faggot.

It's only gay if you're a bottom, Romans knew this.

Very, just gotta be rich. You can also put yourself in a dominant role like being a tutor or manager

The male form is far more impressive.

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That image depresses me

Into women, can only get off to gay shit if its on mute and the face out of the shot. I like to watch huge uncut cocks cumming


What's wrong with his torso?

A well adjusted human should be able to find the beauty of all human form.

There is a difference between recognizing a handsome or fit man and wanting to have your asshole reemed by him.

I you cant separate those actions you are probably a big faggot.

>imagine being this much of a waistlet

Silverlake: The View From Here is a couple at a resort with one dying of AIDS.

based. domination

Like this, I can recognize that this man is very fit and and would be attractive to women.

That =/= wanting to suck his dick

Nigga what

>tfw 5'10.125"
>~174.4 lbs
>32" waist
Am I waistlet?

I'm 6'3" and have a 30" waist bro

>1 - number jumps exponentially if you include trannies

should be at least 36"

fucking trannies are not gay