This was the best episode of JRE in a while

This was the best episode of JRE in a while.

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into the trash it goes

Pull that up Jamie

How does such a moron get smart people?

I'm looking forward to watching hte John Carmack ep

Do they ever actually talk about magic?

No way I'm watching the whole thing


>this fat magician

Why didn't you trash it?

did penn get fat again?

Did Joe ask him about Adriana blowing him?

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Why do people care about this retard?

vegans don't get fat

could tell immadiately he's a vegan. looks malnourished and emaciated, pathetic. apparently he is also a smug atheist looking at his published books. didn't watch because I have high IQ.

libertarian idiot, p&t:bullshit was kino tho

I don't want to watch it, fuck that dumb ass show. I can already hear them saying "The market will regulate itself". Bernie was the only good interview ever.

People with high IQ don't post on Yea Forums, sorry.


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>based Penn
>not smart
kys zoom zoom

No. Penn just pushes libertarianism for 3 hours

>tfw made like half of the Penn trash images in existence back in 2012
Good times

why would you ever watch Joe Rogan talking to anyone who isn't Duncan Trussell?


based Penn

>talks about his IQ
>Actually has high IQ
pick one Pedro

I value my time so I don't watch low-brow trash. what is so hard to understand, brainlet?

I'm lurker and not that user you were replying to, but it's hard to imagine how much someone can value his time and post on Yea Forums. I wasn't gonna post cause why bother, but then I went back and thought to do it this once to remember not to waste time talking to idiots.

>become a millionaire from doing magic tricks
sounds like he knows something you don't

you can browse Yea Forums for a few minutes at a time, see if there's any funny threads and if not, just leave. a JRE episode is a 2-3 hour time commitment. listening to an atheist vegan retard for that long is a bad idea and damaging to your intellect.

Penn is one of the good ones

He has a booker who gets and schedules guests.

He got so triggered by Trump destroying him with one tweet that he made up some bullshit about Trump not laughing and a bunch of other crap.

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He is trash. He always agrees with whomever is his guest and there is zero pushback.

>This was the best episode of JRE in a while
>in a while
>right after John fucking Carmack
>Penn Jillette
into the you go

That was so worth it but arguably too much about one narrow band of topics for it to be worthy of 2hr40. What he does talk about is really interesting and its cool because Rogan respects him so much that he lets Carmack speak.

Trump must have some magic ability to wreck fools who all go on mystical quests to destroy him from then on.

This podcast is actually ok some kind guy in the comments section makes a list of shit they talk about and i used that too cut it down to 30 minutes

>one narrow band of topics
That's what I want. For an expert to talk about what he's an expert in.

>browses Yea Forums for a few minutes a day
>goes into a thread about shit he hates
>stays to bitch and shitpost about his intelligence
You wouldn't happen to be from australia would you

nah bro I just shit on niggas with low intellect like people who would watch content of an atheist vegan "magician" retard getting interviewed by a UFC commentator. it's funny and entertaining to me.

>comedian guest
>not even 2 hours long
I don't even have to watch it to know Joe hates this guy

what do you think about BvS?

what a idiot president

>implying people have 3 fucking hours to devote to babble with Joe
people are busy

>same cancel college debt stick he's said in nearly every other vid
>wants to push the cost of college on the working class and those would couldn't or didn't want to go to college
>admitted he only went to college to fuck around
>no one has get called him on his bullshit that every college student would just file for bankruptcy after graduating losing only a laptop and possible a car
please go back to scientists so we have have someone who knows what they're talking about

It was fucking cringe, I think Joe is actually getting dumber by the day

don't know what that is my nigga.

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Alex Jones

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my favourite reddit podcast

>1hr 48min

why so short?

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I don't think that is n*o

dangerously low IQ confirmed, does your handler help you out when you have to solve those hard captcha?

Penn is too smart for Joe and more often than not did not agree with what he was saying.

>same cancel college debt stick he's said in nearly every other vid

It's "schtick" not "stick," Retard. A stick is a thin piece of wood that has fallen or been cut from a tree. A person's schtick is a gimmick or routine or area of activity particularly associated with them.

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k retarded nigger faggot, I'm just supposed to know what 'BvS' is. how delusional do you have to be to expect someone to be a braindead consumer like you? I can't even imagine. you must be lobotomized or something.

Thank you for your service

penn thought maddox was being serious and dedicated an episode to him

Jillette got fat again?

Joe literally thinks the moon landing is fake. Penn will always be smarter

BvS! BvS! I'm a braindead consumer! give me more content to consume or I will perish because I am completely braindead!

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or rather, Penn spotted an easy target for mockery and eviscerated maddox
Pretending to be retarded is still acting retarded

Fuck. Thanks OP.

I like Penn but he should be smart enough to see that a lot of making it in his field is down to luck.
There's that bullshit episode where he says that he wouldn't mind working at wallmart if the whole magic thing didn't work out but I just can't believe that.
Libertarianism is something you can only have a massive boner for if shit has worked out for you personally.

Did you just call yourself a moron, user ?

I've googled "BvS" and nothing of relevance comes up. The only conclusion I can draw is that you're completely out of it / schizophrenic / mentally ill. Feel free to reply to me when you come off the drugs and are coherent.

fuck you i have a lisp


Joe's come around on the moon landing stuff within the last year.

"Schtick" doesn't have an s sound.

The Carmack episode is the only one I've watched and I thought it was pretty good.

Any recommendations for other episodes?

Alex Jones is kino

They brought it up again on this very podcast and Joe immediately went back into conspiracy mode. It only takes a hit of weed or 5 minutes with a fellow conspiracy theorist for Joe to jump back in the water and start letting his retardation take over

Dr. Rhonda Patrick is great if you're into health, shes been on a few times

Nah this was

seethe harder. If Joe likes you it's going 2.5 hours regardless of "plans" and joe liking you will be a big boost to your career even if you're an established act.

Imagine unironically thinking this

If I see her on the street my tongue is going on her hiney hole.

BvS! BvS! I say random collections of words because I have no original thought! BvS is really cool because I cannot think for myself! My brain is a little lobotomized peanut!

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