>paying for digital media you can get for free
do """people""" really do this????
I honestly wonder what happens when the kids are all so tech literate that pirating isnt scary anymore
I'm waiting to care.
Kids are getting less tech literate, not more.
waiting for the torrents
Kids don't use computers or laptops anymore, they all use phones and tablets, which make you the opposite of tech literacy
This doesn't feel like ironic shill posting, this feels like 100% straight to your face advertisement.
Regarding your post, OP, all the content in that platform looks like shit and the reason they are cutting the prices is because it's tracking to be a huge flop
normies have always been technologically inept, it's just that certain things (torrents, VPNs) are more retard-friendly now
you didn't need to be tech literate to use wangblows XP/7 and you don't need to be tech literate to use ishit either
fuck disney, fuck disney, fuck disney
I won't be supporting it monetarily because there are way too many streaming services, the Hulu bundle comes with ads, and last but not least, because of the way they raped Spider-Man while he was still in the MCU. I don't care if he's gone now, I'm never supporting that gay franchise again because of that.
>watching disney shit
at best I'll pirate just to seed.
Fuck the mouse.
Already added to Sonarr.
I don't think they have enough homo-erotic stuff to cater to your needs anyways
will Yea Forums never learn?
Torrents are much harder to find on the western internet platforms, which scares more people. Tech literacy is going down the drain since everyone just uses apps that does everything for them now and they basically can't think outside the normal mainstream venues they are given.
>Galaxy's Edge
And soon disney+, who's gonna pay for this steaming pile of shit content? The Simpsons and Family Guy and 20 year old kid movies and low budget capetrash? Get the fuck out of here shill
On the contrary, it was the excessive fujobait, fanservice, and subjugation of the character that killed it for me.
Fuck off streaming kinda worked when it was just Netflix now it makes no fucking sense to pay for 20 streaming services.
Just fucking torrent.
Disney is not just MCU you dumb shit. They have plenty of flops every year.
RLM just posted a pretty poignant parody video about this very issue like yesterday
I already have a couple Streaming Shit (Amazon, Criterion, Hulu) that I already ignore enough of. Why do I want to tack on another charge that'll be on top of the money I have to pay for Cox cable?
>Oh boy I'm gonna binge watch all MCU movies like Gigachad down the street did with the Lord of the Rings (so nice that he invited my gf to tag along while I was at work!)
*4 hours down the söy marathon*
Not even remotely true, retard.
With literally every tool that took genuine skill to use (kernel development, old fashioned video game development, sound sampling etc) it just got easier to do it in 2019. Kids are becoming smarter.
>t. doesn't interact with kids
Those things may be easier to do, but most kids don't even know how to install a torrent client, assuming their device even allows them to do so.
The tech is getting smarter, not the kids
That's why Microsoft turned Windows into kindie crap like a tablet. They want normies to saty in the dark and just swipe and click. there's a reason why they're always removing the desktop folders menu. You have to search for your stuff on your own computer, you're not allowed to choose where you put your stuff
Most kids you boomers say are "good with computers" can fuck around in the settings to change random shit. It's the equivalent of being good with cars and engines back in the 40s to 70s. They are essentially banging their wrench in all the right places that ONLY works for their model of car.
It literally takes 5 minute to google and find out how. You’re not special for understanding basic tier computer knowledge.
I agree, but it’s only getting smarter and cutting edge because of its newfound audience. I worked at a college summer camp and 12 year old were already programming in Java without a lib. Seriously talented kids I’d never seen in my day.
That’s an awful comparison, basic Json knowledge, scripting and shell digging is applicable to any decent OS you come in contact with. If you know the basics you can do so much more.
good bait post
>If you know the basics
kids don't know the basics though. they buy a preconfigured iphone on credit yearly and can install shit through the app store. anything to do with actual manual configuration is foreign to them because the devices they are comfortable with don't allow it. it's the equivalent of saying kids back in the day were good with DOS and text interfaces when that was only because they had to use it.
unironically get with the times gramps.
t. guy who actually works with kids on a regular basis.
ill pay for a month and watch what ive missed then cancel only to start it up a couple of months down the line and cancel again.
use it as a rental service instead of a tv provider.
Make a folder on the root of c and change the owner to your non admin account
You can put shit wherever you want
Don’t think we will agree because we keep bringing up anecdotal evidence to support our viewpoint. Agree to disagree.
or just pirate it and keep the movies forever.
Will Disney? The Mandalorian (Boba Fett) and Obi Wan were orginally going to be theatrical releases, but were reworked into Disney+ series after TLJ underperformed and Solo bombed.
Yeah but wait until they raise the price back up they will do it.
>A Wrinkle in Time
>live action Dumbo remake
You seem really stupid and worthless.
I didn't have many friends when i was younger, so i never really had use for a phone..
Long story short, i can't use a phone, i can't browse the internet on a phone or check my mail, how the phone operates seems so alien to me.
I am fairly adept with a computer, i pirate every movie. I figure that a lot of young people are the reverse of me.. they are very good with phones, but can't use computers.
I'm glad they did. Rather have 6 hours of kino than 2.
The difference is you’re probably interacting with middle class kids with higher standards of education and I’m gonna venture a guess you live a coastal city. If you actually spent any time in a poorer part of somewhere like Oklahoma you’d see tech literacy is going down the tubes because before when kids were and indoors there was no YouTube or fortnite, you would just sit and tinker on your computer if you were an introvert. Now every kid is bombarded with distractions 24/7.
Streaming is the new cable. When cable started, you got everything, with one premium channel, HBO. Then they started chopping it up and charging extra for each piece. It got so expensive people started cutting the cord - Netflix and YouTube was all you needed. So they're chopping it up and charging more for the pieces.
Fuck 'em. I pay for Netflix, will keep it for now, but fuck you, Disney. Not paying. Most of the stuff you own that's any good, I already pirated.
I'm waiting for ads on Netflix. That's when I cancel them.
Disney+ catalog looks worthless as all fuck, no wonder they're giving it away for 4 bucks (still expensive for that kind of garbage)
>4 bucks (still expensive
Yikes. You'e really poor. Probably because no one wants to hire someone that's worthless.
>go ahead goy, subscribe to Disney! What are you waiting for?
nah i will get it for free like a sane person
nice quads tho
>this reading comprehension
First they start giving their shit streaming service for almost free because no one wants to touch that pile of shit with ten foot pole and then they cut the shill budget and hire people who can't understand basic english, I'm starting to feel bad for the Mouse bros.
Don't worry user, if you scrimp and save you'll get those four dollars.
These ad-icles are rarely this blatant.
I'll see about that but why should I pay for this? If they keep cutting their prices every time the trackings come short soon they'll pay ME to watch their shit!! And by then I will be able to go to Galaxy's Edge and buy the entire thing for four dollars
>"look this garbage is not expensive, you are going to buy it ! You're not poor right ?"
Fucking retard
Because Mandalorian doesn't come out for 2 months and it's not worth $12 for 4 episodes, since it will probably suck. I have enough to watch as it is.
How's nu terror? I heard it sucks fat veiny dicks
you're so organized user wtf
Different user here, it's alright. A massive step-down from season 1, but watchable.
I'm super far behind on watching TV shows and haven't even watched S1 yet.
Yeahhhhhhh I'll pass, what's Jared Harris doing as of late anyway?
You're in for a treat user, check out Chernobyl after that
Maybe you're just retarded? I'm in my 30s, and I just got my first smartphone a year ago, and instantly figured out how to do everything. It's piss easy.
The lone ranger
He's in Carnival Row, but doesn't get as much screen time from what I've heard.
already watched Chernobyl, which was great. pretty much just watching Terror for Jared Harris and Brutus
>Last Week Tonight
I don't think I've watched tv through legal means in 8 years or something, doesn't even matter how cheap it is