Welcome everyone to the grand finals of the annual international Quidditch tournament

>Welcome everyone to the grand finals of the annual international Quidditch tournament
>We're live here from a jam packed stadium, as we get ready to watch some of the best Quidditch players in the world
>That's right Joe, tickets have been sold out for months and fans have been waiting to see the two rival teams face it off on the brooms!
>Aaaaaaaaand we're off!
>Jefferson passes to Weasley
>Now back to Jef-
>*accio Golden Snitch*
>H-hold on Joe....
>Is that Harry Potter, the rookie seeker from House Gryffindor, waving the Golden Snitch?
>Oh my word! I think it is!
>He's done it! After just 13 seconds of play, the young seeker with another record win!
>Gryffindor is your world champions!

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Dumbest "sport" ever.


Didn't you already make this thread?

We need a war

This... looks sad

save us world war 3

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Please tell me this is not real.

so what's stopping the other team from just hammering harry?

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are you implying women don't know anything about sports?

Attached: world championship.webm (800x450, 2.64M)

Here's your golden snitch bro

Attached: golden snitch.png (184x227, 82K)

So how does the Snitch work in this? Is it like a treasure hunt and the seekers run around the park looking for it?
And what's the word for when you feel 2nd hand embarrassment?

penalty shots

The snitch is attached to a chads ass:

Try watching the video, champ.

I had to stop when they were doing the warmup drill about 20 seconds in. I was too embarrassed

uhh why are they scoring on their own net?

Not him but I couldn't make it more than a minute or two into that embarrassment fest.

You're pathetic.

quiet incel, they deserve to be paid the same as men

Attached: student athletes.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

>The Golden Snitch is trying to grab a man's sack
I guess Rowling was right that everyone in Harry Potter is a gay.

Sorry. I have standards. I know, I should really be more desensitized by now.

>they all clap and applaud

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What the fuck?

Women can't play sports.
News at 11.


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I assume it was the start of the quarter, and for some reason there was a thrown in rather than a tip off, and the teams were supposed to switch sides, and the white team were the ones on the wrong side an unaware of what direction they should be going.

You only sport women are good at is Ultimate Surrender.

Name a fanbase cringier and more obnoxious than the Harry Potter one.
Protip: You can't.


im too dumb to understand what they do wrong in thisd, explain

Attached: 1425268210128.webm (496x280, 2.55M)

This gets me everytime.
But this surely wasn't a pro event. Probably a bunch of porn whores sitting on bikes for the very first time.

what went wrong?

Maybe they should stick to kitchen games

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Someone post that women's rowing competition where the boat ends up going the completely wrong way because they can't coordinate

the people on the dock started yelling and cursing at them which didn't help things

potter fags are pretty cringe but this seems like a fun thing to do. no different to other sportsball shit imo.

Have sex sweaty

Nothing freezes women up faster than yelling and cursing.

Have sweaty sex?

Sweaty sex is the best kind.

for me, all sex is sweaty

Can't wait until autumn when the temperatures have become bearable again

College basketball only does jump balls at the start of games.

Duke was set up guarding the wrong basket and too dumb to realize it, so the player from Louisville just breezed into an open layup.

>not having AC

The Duke coach appears to be a woman as well.


Attached: 1459367631881.webm (640x356, 863K)

>Just gonna stroll across the field with my head down...

What about Volleyball? That's played mainly by girls. Are they any good at that?

Attached: liliana fernández booty cleavage.jpg (2002x1138, 534K)

It was the X-Games women's Motocross finals.

Yeah but note what Volleyball is, it's mechanically the simplest sport ever. You just stand there and try to not have the ball drop on your side.

Now look at the women's version of a mechanically intricate game like Ice Hockey. You'll see a better play at Middle Schools. And an entire different world from the high intense stakes of the NHL.


Magic the Gathering

Missing a shot happens.
Do you have any webms that showcase women being obviously retarded like ?

>jam packed stadium
ugh stopped reading

They have the skill level of 12 year old boys

i like how this was surely a dull event that nobody cared about but we still managed to get three different camera angles of this fuck up

what you've never been to a stadium where everyone brings a jar of jam? It's a regular jam-boree!

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looks fun desu

Fucking lel

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im more of a jelly person

America Fuck Yeah

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They're scoring on their own side of the field.


>And what's the word for when you feel 2nd hand embarrassment?

Sneed posters

That's not a fanbase, just shitposting retards.