Do you think a creepypasta film has kino potential?

Do you think a creepypasta film has kino potential?

Attached: Steve_the_Driller.jpg (2000x1713, 221K)

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Only once CGI can handle the hyper-realism of the gore.

Channel Zero tried to be, but its problem was that it tried to spin short creepypastas into season-length mysteries, and the spookyness can't sustain that long. If it was an anthology with a different story per episode it'd have a better chance.

Movie still feels too long for creepypasta, unless it was an anthology too, but I think those don't make good money at the box office?

Yes, if done well. Channel Zero: Candle Cove had good first few episodes but went to shit towards the end.

slenderman but it's way too late for that

It'll take years to render all that hyper-realistic blood

>Candle Cove
Had potential but ended up shit in the end

>If it was an anthology with a different story per episode it'd have a better chance.
This. It would work so much better as an Twilight Zone-esque series
>Movie still feels too long for creepypasta.
"The Puppetmaster's Regime" creepypasta would work great as a feature-length movie.

ben drowned

Yeah, it's a shame. I really liked the first 4 episodes. When they introduced this retarded backstory with the psychic/demon(?) kid i lost interest.

Nintendo would never let that happen. Besides, it would be boring just watch a guy playing a game and being spooked by it.

Probably not but I think an SCP anthology tv series could work.

Russian Sleep Experiment. It was the only one that genuinely freaked me out.

6 years ago. Sure
Today. No

I agree, pasta is too short to be made into a movie, by doing so, you either have to add new stuff, or fill it with pointless scenes.
Both of these options lose something in the process. On the other hand, a show like are you afraid of the dark would be a good approach.
Just enough time for suspense, build-up and horror finale.

You know they'd just make it as a girl who works for SCP gets paired with a non-authority male consultant (a writer, a psychologist, whatever) and they don't really get along but they learn their different branches of knowledge complement each other and they sarcastically flirt occasionally. Oh, and there's a different creepy creature they look into each episode.

I would love a properly done movie on that pasta. Still creeps me out



It'd probably work best as a short film. Most of these pastas would

Yes but no exec will ever see it as anything more than a cash grab. A good slenderman movie wold be remembered for years, but instead we get dumb shit known only for brand recognition that's been forgotten in a year

I have some bad news for you...

Attached: MV5BMjE0MzcwMDAyNl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMzc4ODg0NDM@._V1_.jpg (1350x2000, 579K)

Got your kino right here OP

Attached: MV5BODRjYmYwOTYtZTljNC00MmM2LWFkYzMtZDlmZjBlZDY4MWZjXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDQ5MDYzMTk@._V1_UX182_CR0,0,182 (182x268, 14K)

nothing happens: the series

What a horrible movie, it isn't even that old and i already barely remember it

It DID get the short film treatment.

I kinda want a movie about SCPs

I wonder what happened to the schizo on /x/ who was obsessed with providing this photo was fake

They tried it with Slender Man, and it flopped.

I think someone made a youtube short film of it. It was decent from what I remember

Quick what are some great creepypastas? I really like reading or listening to them before bed but most of them aren't scary anymore. I like shit like

My dog went missing for 3 days
The Swing
Crown the clown
The horror from the vault

Shame how shit they've gotten nowadays.

I watched the first season of that, absolute shit.

It's good until the end where it goes real dumb.

The park ranger staircase-in-the-woods ones from reddit are pretty good.

Don't know about scary but The Strangers and Necrosleep are pretty entertaining.

>Went to Google images of Ted the Caver for a 'cast him' post
>Apparently they already turned it into a film


yeah that was the only good thing to come from reddit imo other than mother horse eyes

What the fuck? Gotta track this one down

"Through the trees" could work as a film. It's about a man who moves to a rural area with his family, the son gets lost and is never found again, after a while he learns a a legendary creature/monster, starts to learn about it, his wife leaves him, he comes in contact with it and starts to kill people for it to feed on, after a while he comes to his senses and decides to battle the creature.
Should work structurally at least.

Read Psychosis, one of the best imo. I like NoEnd house too

I want some skinwalker kino

I liked the one about the coloured mirrors

Yeah, but if we are talking the same movie, it sucked. It needs to be done by people with talent and not school kids

the effects would have to be incredible,and they would need to find one that could run long enough.
Or maybe an anthology movie or TV series

Absolutely but it would have to be handled right. If they just past’d the pasta in screenplay format it would bomb, liberties have to be taken

so disappointing.
Hollywood hates anthologies with a passion. After Twilight Zone: The Movie, they think they are cursed.

The TZ reboot is shit, hopefully the Amazing Stories one will be better but i wont hold my breath

NES Godzilla. Besides the ending it’s god tier.

>"The Puppetmaster's Regime" creepypasta would work great as a feature-length movie.
like a cross between Lake Mungo and Hell House LLC

>Anthology story telling
Yup, think this works the best for myster and horror stories because it sets up a new threat with an unaware cast. Think they should go this route with SCP too and not dabble into the cringy """"lore""""

"Eight Legged Rape Centaur"
joke name, really short and worth a read.

I don't like the "experiment"/"overpowered unkillable monster" stories, because they are barely stories and make absolutely no sense, like how does taking away someone's sleep with special pills suddenly make them superhuman? Or how does a guy who just gets bleached get the strength to overpower and shrug off bullets and adult guards?

not exactly pasta, but Stephen King put out a collection of six short horror stories from up and ocming writers. They are all pretty good, i got a torrent of the ebook and loved it.

>Student stays in small town in Eastern Europe near a lake that was made by an old soviet dam being demolished. There is a town at the bottom of the lake that doesnt take kindly to visitors

>There's a fucked up version of toy story where bored toys come alive at night and play games including picking a random toy to unravel. The description of it is really disturbing.

It has a serious lack of rape though. The one about 21 questions is good too

Ted the Caver movie available for streaming here

this one could work if they could make the 'dog' look effectively scary

Attached: 1444516757608.jpg (1142x1795, 720K)

Cheers boss but I already got it on my private tracker glad to know it's out there.

I Dared My Best Friend to Ruin My Life (not that creepy but still an excellent read)
Pale Luna
Asylum series
It Was a Different Time
A Shattered Life
Anansi Goatman
The Cellphone Game & its sequel
Gateway to the Mind

And a bunch more I can't think of.

I think stories about metaphysics and general concepts are way more spooky than "ohh look out it's big man eating monster".

"String Theory", yes that's the stories title, is a good read

the string theory is the one that really gave me chills

Could Yea Forums take on Jeff the Killer in a fight?

Have any of you read that story called Borrasacca? It has mad potential for a movie

There have been a few creepypasta movies if I can recall and they've all been mediocre, plus I'm sure there are any number of shitty student films based around Jeff the Killer or Slenderman

why are the endings always such shit. that horrible last line or two ruins it for me.

>Gateway to the Mind
forgot about this one. One of the few with a good ending.