Classic movies with a twist of cape

Now that we have a Taxi Driver/King of Comedy mash-up where the main character is the Joker, what other movies would you like to see remade but starring a capeshit character or set in a world where superheroes exist?

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Probably a two face movie next in the style of citizen kane/the godfather

Salo/female Avengers

Batman/Gran Torino

Top Gun but with Iron Man B)

A movie that isn’t capeshit


oh wait that's The Dark Knight

Schindler’s List with Professor Pyg

>Classic movies with a twist of cape
Birth of a Nation, but instead of the Klan, the Avengers have to fight the negroes

The Punisher/any 60s noir

Kingpin - Godfather

Isn’t that essentially Raimi’s Spider-Man trilogy?

Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf with Joker and Harley would be fucking kino.

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Birth of A Nation / Friday

Saving Private Ryan with Captain America.

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Dunkirk focusing on Captain America, Logan, and red skull

Lex Luthor/The Wolf of Wall Street + Citizen Kane + The Social Network

Is this unironically the future of blockbusters? Are studios going to move towards making more artistically ambitious films but still water it down and flatten them by still making them franchise films? The opposite happened when The Dark Knight came out so I wonder what will happen after this movie

the great escape starring flash

Watchmen material is prime for this
>american history x with walter kovacs
>jacob's ladder with the comedian
>the graduate with night owl and silk spectre
>pirates of silicon valley mockumentary with ozymandias
>the prestige with moloch
>birth of a nation with hooded justice

The Princess Bride with Ragnar Danneskjold

Deep Throat starring Power Girl

It was pretty much X-Men before actual X-Men got popular

Batman & Superman in The Assassination of Clark Kent by the Coward Bruce Wayne