Was it kino?

was it kino?

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no shit

My fourth grade music teacher had us watch the PG parts of this. Couldn't tell you, sorry.

no it won all those awards because it sucked
on a serious note I really want to try some of the food they were eating


No, it's a competent flick

How does some no-name directory make a biographical epic that's actually good? And then go on to make nothing else of note?


Milos Forman was a pretty big deal
he made One Flew Over the cuckoo's nest which won like 5 oscars or something

Mozart magic inspiring him from the grave

Too many frames

yeah but it's not like the direction of that is any special. It was just the drama from the script/book.

What's the joke

>he didnt get it

ok fellas
the directors cut or theatrical cut?

yes, mozart was an asshole tho
nice quads

Mozart was Chad you mean

He gave everything he had to this one extensive act of pure kino. God bless him.

fuck off Salieri

I love that this movie pisses of eurocucks who think that americans are appropriating their history by casting americans to play european historical figures.

Ragtime was pretty good. Also the movie which is the topic of this thread should have been called Salieri

I have never seen anyone express that opinion ever

I've heard a lot of sanctimonious bullshit from across the pond but that one's new to me.

Eurocucks in denial.

the one that has the most fat tiddy screen time

one of the best movies ever made

which ones?

My grandparents are from Austria and they love the movie and never said anything remotely close to that. Neither did anyone i ever talked to about the movie.


There it is

holy shit you clearly know absolutely nothing about directing. Please never comment on this topic again.

of course

Salieri should have realized that he was chosen by god to be the first and most capable witness to Mozart's genius, and not cursed at all. He was a John the Baptist like figure. Without this realization, however late and tragic, his character lacks denouement, it stays stuck in its hang ups without transcending them and finding piece. And god's plan seems cruel and petty. With this minor script rewrite the movie would be 10/10

explain to me what's so special about the directing of OFIOTCN. It's really not that special apart from the writing/subject matter. Jack Nicholson and the cast did some great acting as well but again, that's not directing.