Falling Down for chads

Falling Down for chads

Attached: Postal-2007-movie-poster.jpg (800x1200, 154K)

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Great movie, I waited a long time before seeing it because dude uwe boll lmao but I really enjoyed it, it was very faithful to the tone of the game


I agree, it was genuinely funny at a lot of parts and I like the way they went about the themes that were in falling down and maybe even the joker movie. It's saying life and society sucks, but you can still win and find peace.

One of his best movies and genuinely good

i don't get the hate for Uwe Boll

it comes from disgusting, greasy, low T, capeshit loving n*rds seething over high T films with beautiful women and bunch of action

>modern b*sedboy directors delete twitter and shrivel up when people hate their work
>Uwe Boll fucking challenges them to a fight and actually wins.
Unironically based


pure chad kino

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House of the Dead was unwatchable.
Postal and Rampage were fun though.

i was extremely hammered when i watched it but it didn't seem worse than any other zombie movie i've seen

He should represent Neo Germany

Attached: SHADOW GUNDAM.png (306x488, 98K)

I was kind of disappointed in the Postal movie. Postal 2 legit is edgier and funnier than that piece of shit movie. The only good moment was the children death montage.

>tfw his Letterboxd account with hilarious one sentence reviews got deleted

Yeah, and when there is a chance he gets his ass kicked, he backs off like a pussy.

Those are genuinely fun movies. I think it's because Uwe Boll has that teenage edgelord mentality IRL that fits the source material perfectly. No one else could've adapted those video games to film and made them good.

>person doesn't fight
>"lmao what a pussy"
>person actually fights back
>"lmao look at his fighting style what a gay faggot"
>loses once
>"lmao look at this pussy backing off"
You people just don't get enough, do ya?

Attached: I'll take you on anytime punk.jpg (1280x720, 49K)

>Dr. Uwe Boll
since when

>literally tells his audience to go fuck themselves
how can one man be so based

does anyone get decapitated by a shovel in it?

Rampage is shockingly good. 2 and 3 were either campy fun or so bad it wraps around into being fun but the original Rampage is fantastic, you really dont expect it being as good as it is.
I really wonder how he was capable of making it.

I think they meant to say "director"

Since 1995, he graduated from university with a doctorate in literature.

Stoic is actually legitimately good.

He makes terrible movies