
>Kylo Ren tries to apologize for killing Han Solo, he really means it, but she won't accept his apology and beats Kylo Ren in anger.
>Palpatine comes back to life and kills Kylo Ren when he's weak
>Leia dies in the movie, but she and Luke come back to lifeand have an epic fight and kill the emperor
>They all have lightsabers, including leia
>Rey is a descendant of palpatine
>The movie ends with Rey looking at the twin suns on palpatine, sad that she couldn't save Kylo Ren, the last skywalker.

Absolute KINO

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Other urls found in this thread:

Who the fuck is Jason Ward?

Disney shill

Somebody who has inside source on lucasfilm and leaks everything star wars related months before release. He leaked everything about the force awakens and the last jedi, a year before their releases

Still not going to see it tho.

Yeah I think I prefer the yuuzhan vongs

>[Camera pans out as Rey rubs her belly]
>"So he truly was the last Skywalker...
>Until now."
>[Cue fanfare]

>rubs belly
d-did she vore him ?!

Does Chewbacca winks at the camera in the end?

I remember the leak for VIII. Was pretty good.

Then the movie came out. Oh no...

>Leia dies in the movie, but she and Luke come back to lifeand have an epic fight and kill the emperor
She's fucking dead

>at the twin suns on palpatine,

If vore was the first thing that came to your mind there you are truly a lost case

I love it. It's even more shit than I hoped.


This film sounds extremely desperate.

>Leave Palpatine to us.

Attached: jabbas_dik.jpg (720x477, 95K)

They ARE desperate, they lost billions on two theme parks that were empty during summer. That means they are going to lose much more on the winter season,

the real leak is the jar jar emperor

this so much. It's sad that I don't have any interest to see the final one because TLJ sucked hard. JJ will probably do a much better job than Johnson and probably make an okayish movie but I just don't want to support Disney anymore. They're just a marketing machine that tries to cater to retards. It's a shame because I'm sure that JJ would have otherwise delivered a great trilogy had he been given complete creative control

Wow confirmed on Reddit r/starwarsleaks I can't believe it's actually happening

Source for these leaks?

So Rise of The Skywalker is just Kylo, Ben, and Leia all dying? SKYWALKERS RISE UP!

Wouldn't you? Sheev has got it goin on.

Attached: 19u8IGM.jpg.png (868x812, 1M)

>but she won't accept his apology and beats Kylo Ren in anger.
Because she knew Han Solo for at least two days. He was very important to her.

The Force has shown her how great of a guy he was.

ITT: bullshit and shilling for a series nobody cares about anymore because Disney ruins everything they touch


>So there has been a theory going around and has been confirmed that like Anakin was born of the force Rey will also become pregnant without any father being involved. Disney wants a new trilogy after this which involves Rey returning to Naboo to take over House Palpatine, she becomes a senator in the new democratic republic. Rey will bring progressive ideals to the galaxy such as free gender reassignment surgery, force clinics where jedi train using dilators etc
Sounds really frickin good

It's MakingStarWars(Jason Ward) so it's real

>>So there has been a theory going around and has been confirmed that like Anakin was born of the force Rey will also become pregnant without any father being involved. Disney wants a new trilogy after this which involves Rey returning to Naboo to take over House Palpatine, she becomes a senator in the new democratic republic.
I would actually be okay with this

idk I just made it up but I mean come on, Disney will want more movies after this and doing a 'soft reboot' on anakin with familiar places and faces is right up their alley

Can someone do a SOUL vs SOULLESS comparison with Darth Maul drawing his lightsaber and Rey drawing hers?

>>Leia dies in the movie, but she and Luke come back to lifeand have an epic fight and kill the emperor

Leia confirmed for super saiyan power level.

Attached: 1513415775811.webm (640x360, 728K)

Disney are ditching nu-wars, and doing trilogies not related to this time line.

Their current thinking is that if they want to return to this time, they will use FG Luke rather than Rey. Mark Hamill doesn't have a massive coke problem that makes him difficult to control, and is more marketable.

>>Kylo Ren tries to apologize for killing Han Solo, he really means it, but she won't accept his apology and beats Kylo Ren in anger.
>Palpatine comes back to life and kills Kylo Ren when he's weak
Why is Kylo such a terrible non-threat of a villain? He loses every fight

>You don't know the power of the dark side

>kill all the skywalkers
>the entire nu wars trilogy is just a cynical destruction of all the hope and happiness of the original trilogy
this is so fucking bad

>cynical destruction of all the hope and happiness

That sums up pretty much every franchise these days. Even Superman became a cynical and depressing crapfest. Christopher Nolan ruined everything.

Did they really "leak" that hoping people would be more interested in the movie? Cause I've only seen negative reaction toward it outside of here.

>>Leia dies in the movie, but she and Luke come back to lifeand have an epic fight and kill the emperor
>>They all have lightsabers, including leia
>>Rey is a descendant of palpatine
Oh my god, I'm so excited I'm literally jizzing myself. I'll be there on opening night just jizzing all over the theatre seats and any unfortunate bystanders that come close to me cause this is just SO FREAKING EPIC

Fuck off, Butts

Seems reliable to me

Attached: Screenshot_20190902-130120.png (2048x1583, 703K)

I want to believe no one is braindead enough to believe any of these "leaks", but after the shit I see in this fandom...

The only thing that sounds plausible is Kylo apologizing and Rey still being mad and that isn't even a "leak" as Daisy hinted at it in a recent interview saying "Is an apology ever enough? Will actions speak louder than words?"

I mean he isn't wrong, as nice as the older movies are its nice to see a little more diversity in the cast and bringing it back to what lucas said, these movies are for children, when rose saved finn I saw the kids faces light up with happiness, they were telling their parents how much they loved them and stuff.
Even the casino planet was an absolute blast and at the same time we are teaching the next wave of star wars fans that you dont have to be the prettiest slant eyed gook or the smartest nigger.

And thus the final nail is set

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>force ghost Luke and Leia fight palpatine

"I cannot interfere" remember that?

Goodbye fucking continuity and logic in sw

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Sounds utter shit

Because he has to follow the will of the force, and the will of the force is for Luke to finish his training, not run into a trap.

>these movies are for children
>anakin slaughtering younglings is for kids.
>Jedi genocide is for kids
>Political intrigue and plotting is for kids.
Name a more braindead argument.

I think it was more of a choice not to interfere, not that he couldn't. Still beyond moronic to have a literal force ghost fight though.

Lucas said the movies are made for 12 year olds. Doesn't matter what you say, the creator has told you who he made them for and it isnt fucking man children.

Why aren't the children toys selling then? Surely if kids loved it so much there wouldn't be so many at bargain stores and clearance isles. Watching star wars as a kid and reacting them with my toys were one of the best parts of the growing up.

The leak isn't real, don't get worked up

>kids media is supposed to be shitty
Another brainlet argument.

Because parents don't have the same sort of disposable income, because that kid in the ghetto who wants his hero finn can't afford it?? duh
Who made that argument? nobody you brainless cunt, fuck off

>thinking ANYONE stands a chance against based sheev in lightsaber combat

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>Because parents don't have the same sort of disposable income, because that kid in the ghetto who wants his hero finn can't afford it?? duh
Then why are other toys selling well?

such as? show me the data

>Rey is a descendant of palpatine
Imagine wrinkling old Sheev going to town on some young imperial recruit

>jews put a foreskin monster in star wars


He totally banged sly moore when he was chancellor though

>Leia dies in the movie, but she and Luke come back to life and have an epic fight and kill the emperor
cringe. thats the most fanservice thing imaginable

>please come back


Yeah, he's a Disney shill, but his leaks are always real

>Palpatine comes back to life and kills Kylo Ren when he's weak
>Leia dies in the movie, but she and Luke come back to lifeand have an epic fight and kill the emperor

What's the point of dead people coming back to life to kill each other, if they can come back to life?

I still don't people siting any of his leaks that ended up real, and I can't find any online

Don't see people*

Just listened to the abridged, highly produced version of New Jedi Order on Audible over the last few months; it’s incredible how much better written those stories are than the shit were given now.

What is “FG Luke”?

Well you might be brain damaged because the vong shit was absolutely despised until the age of old thing bad new thing good

>the age of old thing bad new thing good
I mean old thing good new thing bad

You can’t even convey a logical thought using English. Vong were always kino pleb filters.

Pleb filter is just a fancy way of saying universally hated

wouldn't her eyes instantly dry up and bleed in space?

>proven source
Nice try you worthless retard

The masses are stupid, hive minded sheep, easily placated. The MCU is a perfect example.

>Even in the leaks, movie is still shit

Kylo loses for a fourth time, who could have seen that coming

>doesn't mention the junker girl
>doesn't mention Matt Smith's character

100% fake and at least 80% gay.

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Remember the leaks for TLJ where we thought we were going to get Luke single-handedly taking on the Knights of Ren? Fun times...

>doesnt mention literal who that will ultimately be irrelevant
>we already know what happens to matt smith

Have you been paying attention?

>diversity in the cast

Original cast:
>two white guys
>a woman
>a Wookie
>a protocol droid
>a Starfighter maintenance droid
>black fellow
>his alien sidekick
>a Hutt
>a Calamarian

>Leia (Skywalker) dies
>Luke (Skywalker) dead
>Kylo Ren (Skywalker) dies
>literally end of the bloodline

It's like pottery

Attached: 3.0.png (112x112, 24K)

>>The movie ends with Rey looking at the twin suns on palpatine, sad that she couldn't save Kylo Ren, the last skywalker.

So the Skywalker saga is just a massive tragedy?


this post is so disgusting yet so based


rise of skywalker means rise of the force ghosties to defeat palp

Fog wars

>Rey looking at the twin suns on palpatine

Attached: 1567215327081.gif (200x200, 2.04M)

Luke resurrects Kylo at the end.

>she won't accept his apology and beats Kylo Ren in anger.
>Rey looking at the twin suns on palpatine, sad that she couldn't save Kylo Ren,

That doesn't make any sense. She beats him so Palpatine can kill him, and then she's sad she couldn't save him?
If this is true they are now actively making sure I hate everything Rey does

He'd batter resurect himself and leave his faggot nephew dead.

Why do people make fake leaks? 5mins of fame?

Why do people doubt legit leaks? 5mins of fame?

>Rey is Palpatine's granddaughter
>C-3PO becomes an evil sith droid
Its sound bad enough to be true. Also why is JJ so uninspired?

Attached: C-3PX.png (1010x546, 1.18M)

>Rey is a descendant of palpatine
I'm okay with that, everything else sounds shite

But Kylo is a Solo not a Skywalker. Rey is Vader’s time displaced sister.

>Absolute KINO

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>without any father being involved

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Hey! Maybe if the shills keep posting topics about star wars, people will be interested and go see it at cinemas?! It worked really well for The Last Jedi, Ghostbusters, Alita... the list goes on

>casino planet was a blast
You overplayed on your bait

They already destroyed that continuity when Yoda force lightninged a tree. Also the hyperspace ram. They literally do not care

> Kylo Ren

Why the hell does Rey care if Kylo killed Solo?
She barely new him.

hehe well spotted

Because she latches onto randos cause she lived a very lonely life.
t. lonelyfag

For pity's sake, enough with the reassignment jokes, most trans people don't even do that shit

Why even bother with anything since there will always be a dark side of the force and always a baddie to use it. Might as well just hyperspace ram a star destroyer through every planet

My thoughts exactly.


Yes, prequels are more for tweens and teens than lil' children


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>how many retarded twists can we fit into one movie

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space is female

Dillate what?

That could have worked if not for his portrayal in TLJ.

"We fucked by raping and killing the villain and the heroes, please watch our movie and buy our toys"

>I just don't want to support Disney anymore
just buy a ticket for another non-disney movie at the same time and place user

They will leave it ten years, and rely on voice acting and cgi. They will let people forget about how they fucked up Luke in TLJ, even in ROS.

Luke will be portrayed as Rey's wise master, who she had a lot of respect for and felt as close to as a father, wait and see.

I've said for a while that they should pull a Logan. Call it a 'legends' story if you want, but just have a samurai/western of old man Luke going on one last journey as he sees the effects of their win at the end of rotj of the rest of the galaxy

C3PO has red eyes so it's most likely be a Bad Robot design so JJ will get the royalties on the merch.
He pulled the same stunt on TFA, remember 3PO with a red arm?

Attached: jj.png (494x711, 213K)

go back

(((They))) can't keep getting away with it!!!

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the gaping puss filled wound you call a vagina

>Christopher Nolan ruined everything.
Woah fag, take it up with either Zach Snyder or Frank Miller.

Funny how majority of american slave owners were jewish and watto had white slaves (ultimate jewish fantasy)
Is this how the jew really sees the goyim? hmm will have to research into it

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That sounds fucking horrible. Can you imagine old Leia animated to fight with a lightsaber? lmao this is gonna be really awful

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Imagine having such bad taste that you hated the Vong era. I could understand being annoyed at post Vong with President Daala and Darth Jacen however.

>We will never get an adaption of the Legacy comic
>They are still going to create a shitty version of Imperial knights

We are living in the worst timeline.

>Rey looking at the twin suns on palpatine,
Why yes I'm dyslexic how could you tell?

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based, yet still physically revolting

I just have one question.

who the hell is this?

Attached: star-wars-feature-vf-2019-summer-embed-09-1-1.jpg (1600x1087, 291K)


jesus christ imagine the smell in those thigh crevices after she has been sitting for 5 hours

Her lightsaber is a big tube which when fired up produces meth or crack clouds for her to suck on for increased force powers.

Normal bodies don't work like your fat rolls.

Zori something. Poe's ex-gf.
At first I thought she was some kind of mandalorian but in reality I think they just want another try at making a Boba Fett meme character, even after they failed badly with Phasma.

>couldn't save Kylo Ren, the last skywalker

Not much of a rise.

Depends on what Kylo does before he dies. Might be referring to a specific part of him.

>that webm
fuckin hell, im dyin

He'll come back as a force ghost to fuck her.

Another pathetic attempt at getting parents to force young girls to like Star Wars.

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You mean the continuity where Force ghosts can lighting things, Hyperspace can explode fleets and ships can go FTL from and into planet's atmosphere not even fucking mentioning gravity wells?

They give no fucks at all.

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First leak that sounds retarded enough to be true.