>22 years since George of the Jungle
How did she age so well?
She's 47 and looks better than most 35 year old actresses
>22 years since George of the Jungle
How did she age so well?
She's 47 and looks better than most 35 year old actresses
sunscreen and no smoking
Shittonne of botox
Botox makes you look freakish though, look at Courtney Cox. Leslie Mann looks the same as when she was young.
You only notice the overdone ones.
Also a lot of chemical peels, and all that laser shit. Lots of treatments for old bitches that hate aging
She doesn't seem like someone who smoked, drank a lot, or dig drugs
I had a crush on here every time I watched that movie
Look at the cheek comparison. Definitely got fillers in her cheeks.
There's a huge difference between botox and filling your face with chemicals, or bogging as it is known in the parlance of Yea Forums.
Courtney got bogged.
Leslie got toxed.
she's married to king jew
She's a saint. Does loads of charity work with the mentally handicapped.
so what most 35 year olds look like shit
What alimony payments does to a man....
I hate this unfunny smug banshee ass bitch
He's finally free...
Wtf happened
Is he a cuck?
Judd Apatow is high level and gets a good cut of the foreskin harvest
>loads of charity work with the mentally handicapped.
Dude, don't insult Brendan, he's just a little bit slow
I've watched a lot of shitty movies for she
This is 40, The Other Woman, The Change Up. I even watched Drillbit Taylor.
Bad movies, bad bad movies. But I have no ragrets.
I still fucking love that film.
>until the death of either party
Does it count being dead inside? If so, Brendan should have got released from that years ago.
She has top shelf feet
>6 million to divorce
jesus christ how is that remotely a fair deal?
She seems like a good girl. Probably never did drugs, hardly drinks, drinks h20, sunscreen, didn’t fuck rich men in yacht or ganged banged by producers.
Fuck courts, alimony, and our female bias, man. This man's life was ruined because of this shit and no one cares. I bet she was the one who left him too. WHY do we REWARD this behavior? Christ.
Kys footnigger
she's aged alright for a white woman with plastic surgery
also she has mann in her name...
Both Brendan and Leslie were in their prime back then
>Leslie Mann
>Its a woman
What the fuck