Did he have a point?

Did he have a point?


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Other urls found in this thread:


>this is considered "radical" in fatmurrishart

Attached: coy-pepe.jpg (628x623, 35K)

The point was he went out there and did the god damn news.

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Yeah. America is a shithole with a vacuous culture.

america is literally the worst country on earth

at least like senegal or suriname don't go around pretending they aren't shit

America is the laughing stock of the entire planet

At least we elected a leader that will stand up for whites meanwhile eurocucks will be completely overran by mudslimes in a matter of years and you wont even have the guns to fight them LMAO. AMERICA WILL CONTINUE TO EXIST AS A WHITE COUNTRY LONG AFTER YOUVE BECOME A CALIPHATE BECAUSE WE ACTUALLY HAVE GUNS

>At least we elected a leader that will stand up for whites meanwhile eurocucks will be completely overran by mudslimes in a matter of years and you wont even have the guns to fight them LMAO. AMERICA WILL CONTINUE TO EXIST AS A WHITE COUNTRY LONG AFTER YOUVE BECOME A CALIPHATE BECAUSE WE ACTUALLY HAVE GUNS

Attached: please-no-fireworks.jpg (749x773, 77K)

He had a point. The problem with the scene is that soiboys and everyone else outside the US basically circlejerk over the first part of what he said, while completely ignoring what he was saying toward the end, what Mac was signaling to him out in the audience, etc.


America has literally been improving leaps and bounds in the years since the pilot episode of the Newsroom aired in fucking 2012. Unless you're some moron who refuses to give up "metro life" or an illegal, life/health/etc. here has been improving overall. We aren't even the fattest nation anymore. That would be the UK.

Cope and seethe

>Cope and seethe

Attached: mutt3.png (741x630, 27K)

Yeah kind of. The era of American dominance is ending, and it'll crumble from within.

Go fuck your kids, Ivan/Kalid/Jose/whatever kid fucking country you come from.

>Heh... whiter than you, Mohammad!

Attached: white people.jpg (1574x3408, 2.11M)

The thing he was was wrong about was saying Canada has freedom. Or really any other country compared to the states.

>Go fuck your kids, Ivan/Kalid/Jose/whatever kid fucking country you come from.

Attached: mutt8.png (397x322, 137K)

America at its peak whiteness was less white than literally any European nation has ever been.

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Fuck being dominant. Thats globalist bullshit. We dont need to interact with the world we need to preserve white American identity

america literally has two presidents on epstein kid rape manifest

>19 posters
>11 IP
lol someone's buttblasted

>Fuck being dominant. Thats globalist bullshit. We dont need to interact with the world we need to preserve white American identity

Attached: mutt1.png (399x370, 9K)

Your delusion is heartbreaking.

We have guns and you dont. You'll lose the race war and be replaced while in the US the only armed people are whites and it is inevitable that we take our homelands back in the coming race war

>We have guns and you dont. You'll lose the race war and be replaced while in the US the only armed people are whites and it is inevitable that we take our homelands back in the coming race war

Attached: muttlitia.png (1172x1182, 68K)

>allowing hick retards to buy fully semi-automatic Assault Rifle 15's at Walmart and blow away dozens of innocent people is freedom.

No. You actually fell for that Sorkin bullshit? He completely failed to name the greatest country. All he did was list off a dozen countries that beat America in only one small field. Instead of comparing America to another country, that con artist compares America to the rest of the fucking planet. “Incarceration”, my ass. Military, economy, technology, culture. America is the greatest.

Disaggregate all the mud people from "white identifying" populations and its comparable or better then any euro country.

>America has literally been improving leaps and bounds
This is fundamentally false. Show your work on that fattest claim, otherwise the statistics he's decrying have basically not moved since 2012, some of them continue bto worsen.

No, it's a typical basedboy leftist writing what he thinks is a Republican character.

Protip, liberals can't even pretend to think in a conservative mindset because they don't make decisions or operate on logic or empiricism.

>Disaggregate all the mud people from "white identifying" populations and its comparable or better then any euro country.

Attached: gob3.jpg (1246x715, 327K)

Yeah its the freedom to bear arms and defend yourself. Something eurocucks wish they had while they get ran over and stabbed to death and gangraped by mudslimes. Imagine being a beta male eurocuck that not only watches his daughters get groomed for rape by mudslimes but also refuses to own a gun to stop said grooming

Attached: b49.png (1200x1200, 54K)

So when are you going to take back Detroit? California? East St. Louis?

Oh wait, you won't because you're just using MUH GUNS as a coping mechanism

>the only armed people are whites
Well which is it?

Wanna know how i know youre a faggot? No point in denying it, i'm a Canadian and i can smell my own disgusting kind. Day of the rake when

>I'm totally going to use these guns one day! They aren't just a way for me to feel like I'm in control while the world changes around me while I do nothing!

>Yeah its the freedom to bear arms and defend yourself. Something eurocucks wish they had while they get ran over and stabbed to death and gangraped by mudslimes. Imagine being a beta male eurocuck that not only watches his daughters get groomed for rape by mudslimes but also refuses to own a gun to stop said grooming

Attached: mutt.jpg (222x227, 13K)

Damn I should move to Europe, sounds like paradise

Are you Jewish?

The race war is inevitable. Societal collapse is obviously coming closer and closer and there will be a civil war, and the war will be fought on racial lines. Read the turner diaries, siege or research accellarationism and stop being an uneducated smallbrain

>The race war is inevitable. Societal collapse is obviously coming closer and closer and there will be a civil war, and the war will be fought on racial lines. Read the turner diaries, siege or research accellarationism and stop being an uneducated smallbrain

Attached: el atrocidad.png (719x722, 775K)

Not something to be proud of.
Say hello to China.
Literal brain drain happening.

>Protip, conservatives can't even pretend to think in a liberal mindset because they don't make decisions or operate on logic or empiricism.

This but unironically

>grandpa just found stormfront: the post

Butthurt kike

Ah, yes. How could anyone have forgotten about the great culture of America

>watching capeshit
>apologizing for slavery
>denying evolution
>getting murdered at a garlic festival

How can yuros even compete?

There is not a single leftist social view that is based on logic, evidence, or positive experience.

liberalism is entirely faith based and resistant if not immune to acknowledging repeat failures of its policies.

You will never be able to make nonwhite populations with low intelligence and social trust equals with white populations. You will destroy everything we have built over several thousand years and condemn humanity to slow death because it makes you feel better about your guilt complex.

>Butthurt kike

Attached: mutt.gif (410x488, 597K)

Damn America must really be the greatest country in the world when everybody is literally obsessed with us lmao. Also no amount of mutt memes will change this fact kek

What is it that you think you're defending? White Americans don't have any culture except pure degeneracy

Attached: oxgas1wcunr21.jpg (768x768, 147K)

>Gini Coefficient (i.e. income inequality) has reached African-tier levels
>over 20$ trillion dollars in debt
>infrastructure is in poor and dilapidated shape and received a -D overall
>health care system ranked 50 out of 55 nations assessed by Bloomberg
>almost 35 nations have a longer life expectancy than America. Costa Rica has a higher life expectancy than America.
>most Americans (52.1%) of the people in the United States live in areas with harmful levels of pollution
>majority of cities in America are 3rd world shitholes infested with Negroes. Cities like Detroit, St. Louis, Baltimore, and New Orleans are some of the most dangerous cities in the world.
>most Southern States are 3rd world shitholes infested with rednecks, white trash, and niggers
>America has 50 states yet most states in America are irrelevant shitty flyover backwater states
>infant mortality rate on par with Botswana
>HIV more common in America than Somalia
>35% of the population is obese
>general population is stupid as fuck
>value of the dollar has decreased precipitously

>There is not a single leftist social view that is based on logic, evidence, or positive experience.

>liberalism is entirely faith based and resistant if not immune to acknowledging repeat failures of its policies.

>You will never be able to make nonwhite populations with low intelligence and social trust equals with white populations. You will destroy everything we have built over several thousand years and condemn humanity to slow death because it makes you feel better about your guilt complex.

Attached: herr-steinhauser.jpg (210x280, 7K)

Yanks shit up everywhere they infest so it's hard to ignore them

Sort of. But what the viewer was supposed to take away from "The Newsroom" is that it can get so much better through "civil discourse" and "honest journalism".
Aaron Sorkin is (technically) a good writer, but his political views are milquetoast Liberal Centre-Right.
I know you /pol/-tards probably hate Chapo Trap House and the like, but they had an excellent episode (#111) on "The Newsroom" and the abysmal views eschewed by Sorkin.

>starting a civil war to take back detroit or east st louis
California at least has infrastructure and land worth having, but the other two aren't even worth going through looking for copper to scrap.

What is the IQ cutoff for enjoying stuff like this?

>I'm just going to let part of my country be a no-go zone for whites
Is this what they call being a cuck?

>>I'm just going to let part of my country be a no-go zone for whites
>Is this what they call being a cuck?

Attached: atrocidad.jpg (2048x2048, 407K)

nu Yea Forums really is a disgrace, you can't have a single thread without deranged proto mass shooters shitting up everything

Over/under 75.
>over: dislike
>under: enjoy

White people in Europe, Cuckland and Convictland:

>can't find decent jobs
>can't buy homes that aren't commieblocks or cars that aren't 10 years old or more even if they find decent jobs
>mass importing their replacements by choice
>no rights, governments are "federal republics" with multiple establishment parties that will work together with other establishment parties on the other side of political arguments just to shut out any parties who challenge the neoliberal status quo
>raped and murdered by niggers and shitskins at will, no means of self defense and they are arrested if they fight back

lmaoing at your life

You don't have to be dumb to enjoy dumb entertainment. The Newsroom is Liberal Centrist escapism, to a world where there are "honest journalists" who "report the factual news" and make a difference in politics, etc, etc, etc, ad nauseum.

I was arguing against the Americuck, smoothbrain

As a Canadian, I have to say he was spot on. Many Americans are fat and stupid and don't realize how behind they are in many aspects.

>Not something to be proud of

You are weak.


Is terrified of getting into a trade war with America.

>Literal brain drain

Does your no name country even have a space program?


You have no self awareness whatsoever. You spend all your free time on an American website, made by an American, full of Americans, to talk about America, while enjoying American freedom of speech. You watch American movies, American television, listen to American music and play American video games. And you love it. You are welcome.

There is literally nothing of value there. Wall it off and let it die, then you can have a giant museum for future generations to see what niggers do to a city.

They're literally winning the trade war that trump started.

>have to pay for healthcare
>can't go in a school or a public place without the possibility of a lunatic shooting the place up
>has significantly more blacks and hispanics than Europe has muslims
>no public transport, forced to own a car to live a normal life even in big cities
America is a third world shithole pretending to be first world, you're closer to being like Brazil or South Africa than the rest of the anglosphere

All of this is based and true, except that Australia and Canada also have terrible public transit.

>non-americans have to pay 40%-60% of their income back to the state for mass migration and public services
>non-americans can't bring guns to most places and legally defend themselves
>non-americans don't have access to cheap personal transport and cheap fuel/parts

I am an American who has been all over, Europeans live like communist bugmen with very few personal belongings beyond a cellphone and computer, most of your upper 20% live like our middle class and your white collar college educated careers pay like our working class blue collar ones.

>I am an American who has been all over, Europeans live like communist bugmen with very few personal belongings beyond a cellphone and computer, most of your upper 20% live like our middle class and your white collar college educated careers pay like our working class blue collar ones.

Attached: mutt-consume.png (1043x1136, 380K)

>non-americans have to pay 40%-60% of their income back to the state for mass migration and public services
Paying taxes to receive public services? How unheard of...

>non-americans can't bring guns to most places and legally defend themselves
People who think that they need to carry a pistol with them at all times are scared little boys, the exact type of people who shouldn't be allowed to own them in the first place. The only legitimate civilian uses for guns are hunting and shooting sports.

>non-americans don't have access to cheap personal transport and cheap fuel/parts
Because being stuck in traffic for two hours both ways is so much better than sitting on the train for fifteen minutes XD

Flags are incurable cancer responsible for all of the garbage 8 year old old tier "banter" between countries. Probably the worst thing to happen to this website besides 2016 election.

>most of your upper 20% live like our middle class
sounds like you're talking about eastern europe and not real europe you stupid fat fuck

Agreed. We can spot m*Ttposts without them, but they SEETHE and assume we're all b*Ngoloids.

>operating in the specious notion that intelligence is directly related to what color you are
>accusing others of operating on faith based arguments
>crying like a toddler because you don't wanna get along with the coloreds
You're so cute.

>You are weak for not jerking off over violence and murder
You are a child.
>China is terrified of getting in a trade war with America
Which is why they've definitely come groveling to the bargaining table and aren't mogging on a country whose president fundamentally doesn't understand how trade wars or tariffs work.
Yeah, it's called NASA dipshit and they're perpetually being defunded.
Not all Americans agree with your stupidity. To believe so is fundamentally un-American. Do better.

Stop lying using green text.

No. That whole tv show sucked major ass. I'm a Republican, but every single view I hold is the exact same as any democrat. There wasn't a single right wing position defended in the entire run of the show, only skewered. Yet the main character is a "sensible" republican. Lmao fuck off.

/int/ memes are worse than wojaks holy shit

Liberal Republicans still existed in the '90s, zoom-zoom.

Be afraid that there are more people like me who abstained in 2016 and would vote for a baby molesting garbage fire if it actually had any modicum of an idea how to run a country.

This is so much cringe

>/int/ memes are worse than wojaks holy shit

Attached: seething-muttpost.png (698x537, 19K)

Not being the best at one thing doesn't mean you're not the best overall. This diatribe is very myopic and misleading.

They at least held a few right wing views.

Sorkin is the left wing version of this

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The Newsroom for all its flaws, is still way better than Iron Fist.

Are you denying that different population groups have different mean intelligences?

Are you denying that nonwhites score lower on all recorded testing regardless of family wealth or income background?

How can you completely disregard averages and act under the pretense that exceptions disregard averages or that individuals have a stronger impact than averages, and then accuse someone who acknowledges averages as of being a faithful child?

Why don't you want to be responsible for your own well being? Why do you feel that random politicos in offices can or want to dictate your life and provide for your wealth and safety better than you can? I can't even tell whether you're larping as a retard or the genuine article.

This thread is a good example of why America can't have nice things. People hate niggers so fucking much that they'd rather harm themselves than do anything that might tangentially benefit them.

Cute selfie

Wait just a minute... Aha!

Attached: boom-boom.png (290x352, 61K)

Boomers want social security and medicare, regardless of whether the younger generations can provide for both them and the brown and black hordes that take whatever they are offered and give nothing back.

>Left wing
He's a "cultural liberal, economic conservative". Which is basically a typical centrist democrat Biden voter.

why are yanks so obsessed with us. we arent anywhere near the fattest country on earth

>paying more taxes will benefit me
Nah fuck off Jamal

They also decry those programs as "socialism" and claim that $100k ambulance rides are "personal responsibility".

Bruh you guys make 50 threads about us a day on here alone

i actually agree with you about america being the greatest military, economy and technology. but culture come on mate

Please refer to

Please enlighten me how paying more than I already do to pay for boomer vacations with social security and medicare will benefit me.

Nobody under the age of like 60 still falls for neoliberal muh taxes/muh welfare memes, so you're already benefiting from it, boom-boom.

>but culture come on mate

You're looking at it, pal.

>Why don't you want to be responsible for your own well being?
So if you're not being screwed over by a private health insurance company then you're not being responsible? Have some more self-respect, Jesus.

Welp, I'm leaving this site again. Successfully left for a couple of months and been browsing the past few days--you "people" are the worst scum on earth. Goodbye forever

Fuck off boomer

See you in a couple of weeks

American stopped being a white country once Reagan the neocon stooge granted amnesty to millions of illegal mexicans. America is literally today a Mexican country.

t. Jamal or Boomer
Any male in their 20's who works doesn't benefit from any taxes



>Be afraid

No. Why are you so afraid to answer a simple question? What is the greatest country? Name a fucking name. Then answer, why don't you fucking move there? Does your no name greatest country have borders?

>tfw neocons and socialists will never die off
Feels bad man

Literally name one better country.

>yep back in my day, we were smart enough to know that taxes were SOCIALISM and we had real presidents like REAGAN and not communists like NIGBONGO trying to cancel my Medicare with BIG GOVERNMENT

Attached: boom1.jpg (250x229, 17K)


No matter how many wojaks you post I'm still voting to not pay for your healthcare welfare-kun ;)




The rape capital of Europe. Are you a muslim rapist?

I have private health insurance, but I'm still voting for national health insurance, which the overwhelming majority of the country supports and has since the Teddy Roosevelt administration. I have literally nothing to lose :^)

Attached: mister-president.png (352x292, 178K)

USA with lower wages and higher taxes

>implying there will be a defining event that will somehow cause all armed whites to unanimously join in arms
>implying societal collapse wouldn't fuck over both whites and nonwhites through a lack of food/medical transportation, as well as city desertion
>implying whites, under the event and scenario of a dual race war/societal collapse scenario, would be able to evenly distribute themselves across the US landmass to ensure there are no nonwhites migrating in
>implying we'd even be able to restart our institutions after such an event, or that any whites would even stay in the country after the shitstorm
>implying this even correlates with accelerationist thought (which is more focused on the advancement of technocapital than random identity politics)
>implying China wouldn't prevail under all these conditions
You're not making sense, user


Throws you in jail just for asking questions about history. No freedom of speech. Yea Forums can only be American and nothing else.


Bernie's not even going to make it in third place in the primaries lel

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Imagine if Obama actually had canceled Medicare. It'd be fucking amazing.

>At least we elected a leader that will stand up for whites

Wheres the wall, Donald?


The US has given Israel more than 150 billion dollars on foreign aid and Trump is keeping the tradition.
Just thought I should point it out.

Attached: Untitled.png (371x353, 148K)

I'm scared of what's happening when China becomes the world power

Newsroom was a marxist circle jerk, exactly like the West Wing. Did Aaron Sorkin cover the Zimmerman trial in that democrat fantasy of his? Did his "heroic" and "brave" leftist reporters report Zimmerman as a "racist white man", like the lying scumbag media did in real life? The mainstream media is just a propaganda tool for the megacorporations.

Attached: lying media-cnn fakes news from first iraq war.jpg (320x269, 29K)

America becomes China's Mexico and whitey gets a taste of his own medicine. Hold onto your butts!