Are manchildren trying to hide from reality in some empowerment fantasy designated for pre-teens?

Are manchildren trying to hide from reality in some empowerment fantasy designated for pre-teens?
It looks to me very much like a significant section of the public, having given up on attempting to understand the reality they are actually living in, have instead reasoned that they might at least be able to comprehend the sprawling, meaningless, but at-least-still-finite 'universe' presented by Marvel Comics

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Nerd culture is the product of a late capitalist conspiracy designed to infantalize the consumer as a means of non-aggressive control
>This embracing of what were unambiguously childrens characters at their mid20th century inception indicates a retreat from the overwhelming complexities of modern existence
>Fans dont wanna admit SW is for children, they get upset about being childlike
>A 12yo boy had seen SW over a 100 times: I said 'can you promise never to see it again?' He burst into tears. I hope the lad, now in his 30s, isnt living in a fantasy world of secondhand childish banalities
>SW created the big-budget comics mentality, ate the heart and the soul of Hollywood
>Films about superheroes that fly around in spandex saving the world are fine for children, children of all ages btw, but its not for me
>I read comics when I was a kid, I dont read them now, I prefer adult oriented stuff
>Became an elevated art form? Its still Batman running around in a stupid cape. Its for kids, adolescent in its core
>Action without human beings. A unique moment in film history. A kid used to be able to learn how a man should act by watching films. Morals. Comics make heroes for businesses
>I hope we get Avenger fatigue soon. There are other stories to tell
>Superman Vs Spiderman, Iron Man Vs Superman… I cant believe people are still paying to see this shit
>Spandex must cost a lot. Im baffled by it
>Superman makes me vomit. That whole empire, religion. Its so important that superheroes suffer… I dont give a damn, I shit on the US
>SW and Superman have nothing to do with art
Tarkovsky (1982)
>Poison, cultural genocide. Audience so overexposed to plot and explosions and shit that means nothing about the experience of being human
>Produced by humans who cant stand looking at other humans. Thats why the industry is full of otaku!

have sex

>having given up on attempting to understand the reality they are actually living in
I did though. When I have to wake up to a twenty year old bartender as a congresswoman who also says there are more then two genders, that's the sign to drop out of society.

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these people didn’t have parents who raised them into mature responsible adults so now as a grown children they must chase the dragon of pointless corporate nostalgia off the cliff that is their life.

Fuck off, you can still try to comprehend this reality while enjoying capeshit.

>I want all my representatives to be near-dead literal boomers funded by corporate donations and a lifetime of politics
Eat shit and die cancer.


Who are you quoting? I don't care who they are as long as they
>Have an IQ above 70
>At LEAST 35 years or older
>Are Male
>Are White

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it's OK to not like anything. You'll feel a lot better about your taste.

Superficial, fast paced, action-packed plots appeal to infantile minds


Of everything, you think AOC is the problem?

Life is a joke at this point, might as well just enjoy whatever time you have left

>Superman makes me vomit. That whole empire, religion. Its so important that superheroes suffer… I dont give a damn, I shit on the US

rent free

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It’s because breeding = racism and bigotry so everyone just sits at home since it’s socially unacceptable and economically impossible to raise a family. You have to be a beast like me to do it and buy your own chain of hotels.

Except it doesn't. Stop watching Fox, which tells you that Democrats want to make intraracial marriage illegal.

wtf I love the Democrats now

Wow those are all super macho men I want to be just like

You think chopping off dicks makes boys into girls

>90% of them are commies
Opinion discarded.

oh, you're gay, that's ok

Um actually you're wrong

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i like marvel

>I'm an unabashed racist misogynist
Luckily you're being bred into extinction :^)
That's a joke. Your worldview is just shit which is why it's increasingly less popular. It has nothing to do with breeding.


She cute.

>the majority of transwomen still have dicks
The dick chopping meme is retarded.

Yes, because mulsims and mexicans aren't racists or misogynists, open borders now fascist!

Guiness was based af. Still got rich off the movies though.

What an absolute brainlet, the Joker character in the movie got bullied by several different classes of people in the trailers. This guy is an NPC sheep who doesn't realize he's just one part of the reason why society is a shitshow right now. Both the left and right are getting triggered by dumb movies, this IS clownworld.

damn, the DSA is doing more to combat jews than /pol/, to the point where they can even get away with it on twitter.
unironically based and chadpilled

I'd say. he's got NPC capeshitters seething

Not all Muslims and Mexicans are racist and/or misogynist just like not all straight white people are. It's still wrong to be a racist or misogynist.
Do you see how it works yet sweaty?

>by making the "bad guy" an undifferentiated group of alienating social factors, the movie lets various groups read into it and see themselves in it
basically, a movie

What is SW?

>This is who Yea Forums is defending

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bro if he's so sweaty give him a towel

>It's still wrong to be a racist or misogynist.

I want to use her mouth as a bucket.

I know I am. I wish I was a chad that was normal and fucking tons of women.

That is all entirely true though. Don't quote this with a s o yjak, phyto-estrogen doesn't work on human beings.

Yea Forums is a website of peace you cuck.

Yea Forums has always been chaotic evil, pissing anyone and everyone off for the lulz.