Imagine being a 30 year old "man" and running through the streets SCREAMING and HOLLERING about a comic book movie

imagine being a 30 year old "man" and running through the streets SCREAMING and HOLLERING about a comic book movie

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thats pretty much what the teaser trailer did to me

DCuck soi's

Screaming what? Is this movie so kino that it's literally frying people's brains?

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the age of social media, aka the age of exaggeration

I want to be that happy.

People are gonna get shot on opening day, huh?

people get shot every day. This Is America (tm)

Every critic is comparing the buzz of this film with the same one Fight Club gave off when it was released, and we had mass shootings during the release of that movie in certain countries like Brazil. So yeah.

this is a soiboi ironizing the reception the movie has been getting at the festival because he's assblasted

How many tickets to Disney world did they give you

god I hope so

Rosie O'donnell actually spoiled the ending of Fight Club on her talk show back then to prevent people from watching it

imagine posting about it on a board with strangers

>check out this absolute onions's twitter
>anti-blumpf tweets everywhere


so do they, that's why they're pretending on social media

How do you know those were fight club related shootings as opposed to brazil related shootings?

That is satire

Just kill all critics desu.
Promote festivals in america so ameribros can shot them.

>Film is dark, sick, twisted.

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what a cunt

>yfw this nigger is posting this on Yea Forums then posting about the Yea Forums replies on his twitter but people are too dumb to check
plz 2 an hero

This is obviously a joke

Why are numales so hyped for this movie?

>she spoiled the ending to a well known book that had been out for years

That faggot is the reason white women fuck 80-IQ niggers.

Hours and hours of it, just screaming. Why do they do it? Nobody knows.

this style of humor is so weird

This gius just trying super hard to create a copypasta

Yes, but it'll be black guys getting shot in something gang-related or brown people getting shot in the middle east. I don't know if they'll be aware of Joker™ or not but they will certainly miss the chance to see it.

It's a joke. He did it with a bunch of cape shit releases.

He seems asshurt

Too bad the theater in OP didn't get shot up

Imagine spending all day seething at people enjoying things on twitter and pretending you aren't more pathetic than they are

Fight club was not that well received at the box office.


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Almost 1900 people have been shot in Chicago alone this year. Why is it permissible to hold whypipo responsible for ‘incel shootings’ that haven’t even happened when niggers are running through the streets gunning each other down every fucking day?

I'm a simple man. I see twitter, I hide the thread.

In America? People are gonna get shot tomorrow

Stop asking questions racist