>reshoots starting this late into the game
>John Williams being recalled to do an extra 40 minutes of soundtrack
>reshoots starting this late into the game
>John Williams being recalled to do an extra 40 minutes of soundtrack
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That's funny, conspiracy-tier for sure but I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out true. Press around this movie is pretty quiet too.
All I have left in me to give to NuWars is a shrug and a smirk.
It's going to be a mess, and I'm already laughing at it.
All I want from this turd is the inevitable damage control from didney shills.
I could believe it. JJ is just a money loving jew. Whatever gives it the best chance at the box office is what he would go with.
>has literally never EVER made a good movie on his own
>Super 8 was only decent because he had Spielberg's help
>latched onto unfinished scripts and movies just to pull them into the Cloverfield universe he was trying to build
>despite all this, gets handed the keys to the most famous sci-fi franchise ever
How can you even deny that jewish nepotism runs deep through the industry?
The fuck has been handed the keys to Star Trek, Star Wars and now DC. It sure isn't because he is talented.
the only good movie Spielberg ever made was Hook. change my mind.
Spielsheckelsteinberg is a hack too, anyone and their moms can make an holocaust movie.
I unironically love Duel.
six million women and children were gassed and you think it's funny to make such comments?
I will watch ep. IX a hundred times just to spite you.
Don't forget that he's also co-writing a Spider-Man comic book with his son.
did anyone see the RLM video where they showed a clip of Jew Jew and his kid talking about the Spiderman comic? holy fuck, talk about having a punchable face.
What's funny about that
>What is Forever Young
>>despite all this, gets handed the keys to the most famous sci-fi franchise ever
That's more on Reddit Letter Media and Simon Pegg.
He had some great gimmicks when he started off
>What if Harrison Ford lost his memory?
>What if Mel Gibson was Encino Man?
plus a lot of physical comedy and manufactured heart. I'm surprised he's never directed an animated film or a screwball comedy, which would really be up his alley with Disney.
Is that like a more impoverished rag and bone man?
I used to play the memory game a lot as a kid
Doomcock is on a great rant about this right now. I think he's drunk. kek
Literally who?
The guy in OP's video.
Why the fuck does every Disney Wars movie have so many production problems?
And why do we believe this guy?
well, they hired Rian Johnson, so it's not really about credentials