For me? Season 1 Pam, of course

>For me? Season 1 Pam, of course.

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Michael had autism.

kelly was metoo as fuck

Pam was a prude

Daily reminder Pam and Jim were cringey fucks.

Daily reminder S2-3 Dwight and Angela were more romantic, realistic, and positive than Pam and Jom at any point in the show

Daily reminder Jim's reaction shots ruin any rewatch of the show and his role as audience surrogate is the worst decision the show made.

Why was her hair always so greasy?

I would pay 500k to nut on season 1 Pam's face.

absolutely homosexual

Take it back

Is she the biggest tv piece of shit ever? Shes a cheating bitch and were made to feel like shes an angel.

Are you me?

ok I take it .... SIKE! lmao get nae naed

Idk. Do you want him to witness the whole ordeal?

>romantic, realistic and positive

You are a dumb ass. Almost all of the relationships on the show are toxic and/or immoral.

>all this bitching about Jim

Ask me how I know you were bullied in high school?


Darrell should have blacked her

This. The directors were pussies. Pam's baby should have been a black little bastard. And an episode should have revolved around which warehouse worker had bred her.

For me it's Hannah Hayes

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yeah the wizards sleeve and face tattoo combo will get any man hard

It’s feature-length Fischer for me fampai

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This but foot stuff


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