The best experience at Disneyland

The best experience at Disneyland

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>not eating a 2000 calorie turkey leg while tumbling down splash mountain

--until they got ride of the 3 options for the chamber...

The sneedest experience at chuckland

Space Mountain >>> Hyperspace Mountain

The sky is blue

Star wars land was actually really well done. I was surprised because 95% of what they've done since Walt died has been beyond garbage.

>Star wars land was actually really well done

I don't like the movies but I had a good time despite not partaking in the overpriced food. Nobody was there though.


I was really young when there were 3 different options. Can you remind me what they were?

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If we're counting California Adventure, then it has to be Radiator Springs Racers.

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Thank you, very cool!

You are all fucking plebs
Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln is the shit

Toy Story Midway Mania is insanely fun, and is actually worth doing multiple times to aim for a higher score.

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based, forced all my friends to sit through it once and they hated me, but I know I purified their souls ever so slightly and put then on a better path, even if they don't know it

for me, it's buzz lightyear's astro-blasters

Astro Blasters is good, but it's much less sophisticated and doesn't have the same level of secrets and difficulty that Midway Mania has.

I mostly prefer astro blasters because I've never been beaten in it but I kinda suck at the toy story one. They're both very well done but toy story tends to have a huge queue too.

Spaceship Earth is kino

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I've never waited for it since I've never gone without a Fastpass, but I can see how that would turn some off.

Toss up between pic related in its alpha stages or Tower of Terror (RIP)

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how long until they bulldoze it for a frozen ride or turn it into a death star?

I'm 32 and never been to a Disney park

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If you never went as a kid, it probably won't be fun to visit now. Unless you're bringing your own kid.

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I thought it would be too hokey, but going through the process of building your lightsaber was pretty great

>Employees insist they are selling you "scrap"
>Storm Troopers randomly hassling people for information on illegal lightsaber sales
>The process and ritual of putting the saber together

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They just confirmed Epcot is getting some upgrades and renovations, but is largely staying in tact.

I went with my mom in my late thirties and had a blast, but I'm a fucking manchild

went to the one in Paris

was horrible, space mountain is the most boring roller coaster I have been on

most of the rides were, thats the only one I remember

The absolute best thing is is the ride inside the epcot globe
But the thing I most remember is that fucking terrifying dinosaur ride. Went on it when I was 9 and spent half the ride buried in my mom's chest.
Went back when I was 18 for senior trip and spent half the ride buried in my gfs chest

On behalf of that other user, you're welcome fren

>spent half the ride buried in my mom's chest.
I think we found the best ride.

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>that fucking terrifying dinosaur ride.
It actually uses the same track and ride system as Indiana Jones.

Don't worry, it's faggot shit.

>fucking terrifying dinosaur ride
pussy. thanks to you, they made it less "intense".
See: Alien Encounter.

If we're talking classic rides, it has to be The Haunted Mansion.

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Nothing beats the Pirates smell

Pirates is just a lot less interesting overall.

So your saying if I went there then I'd have a high chance of being able to talk to one of the Rey actresses?

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Yes but how much does it cost

$200, plus tax. I can't imagine ever spending that much on something like that.

I can because $200 isn't really that much money. It's a high quality piece that I can get use of when going to Halloween parties/conventions/general nerd gatherings.

How high quality is it? have any pics?. that shit better cut off niggas heads for $200

Disney uses a chemical called bromine in their water rides instead of chlorine. That’s that recognizable “Disney water” smell

I'm too lazy to go get it and take a pic but some of the highlights are

>All metal
>Blade is easily removable
>Parts can be swapped out if you buy spare parts/another saber
>Different color Kyber crystals can be had for about $10, and replacing the crystal in the saber changes the color of the blade

They're at least as good as the third party replicas for the same price, but the color changing blades puts them over the top for me.

I thought that would've been the Jenny Nicholson glory hole?

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Your culture.

>ywn cuddle Jenny at night on the People Mover after a long rewarding day at Disney

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>the sweet fragrance of main street cotton candy and Jenny's clinging, sweat-drenched top

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>imagining that

I'm going to have to ask you to leave the park now.

I just want to hold hands with a girl at Disney. Is that so much to ask for?

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Astro-blasters has a secret 50,000 point target on Zurg’s chest in one of the first rooms. Easy farming.

It's one of the few secret targets. Midway Mania has tons of hidden stuff.

True. Imo, Astro is harder to aim

It is, though I can't fault it because it's an older ride with older tech. I was honestly shocked at how accurate and realistic the Midway Mania shooting felt.

>we need more superchats, goy!

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>gated community
They deserve foreclosure.

>wanting to live next to cubans
Death is preferable and likely if you’re a white person who lives in black or brown communities

Their food and rum is enough for me to hold off the noise complaints.

kek, worse than mexican

so the Trackers are racist?

>Death is preferable
speak for yourself

Nah, took my nephews last year and it was a nightmare. The parks are overrun with fat trailer trash and angry niggers now.

>implying a front row seat to witness the legendary toontown fight wouldn't have been pure kino

But I have a one day hole-hopper pass for the Jenny Nicholson ride...

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>implying this isn't even more of a reason to go

>Asian or African?
I hope she picks Asian

Nigga, how old iz you that you done seen wot they did ‘fo Walt got kilt?

I fucking hate that guy. All his “reviews” at Disney is him viral marketing while getting everything paid for by the mouse

>hole-hopper pass

Ears say African

you missed out nigga

Its a shame Disney probably will never try to make another horror ride like that and we have to be stuck with generic jumpscare fests in every other park

>dragged along on trip to Disneyland around age 21 with fiancee's family (had some younger kids in the family who wanted to go)
>only ride I mildly look forward to is Indiana Jones ride
>stand around like a pleb for like an hour and a half in line with everyone to get on this ride
>get on, some spic girls in the front seat of the jeep spend the entire ride taking selfies of themselves with the flash on
>can't even see what's happening because I'm being blinded by flashing light every 5 seconds
>eventually just sit there staring into their camera giving them the finger
>they notice this towards the end of the ride and shriek something to me in spic talk
>get off the ride and get dragged over to some parade and fireworks snoozefest
I'm not a fan of theme parks.

oh yeah I loved that ride

you can buy candles and shit that smell like the individual rides.

Anyone feel like the ride times were made shorter? As in, the length of time for the actual ride. The older rides can't be manipulated as much hence why they feel the same, but the new Star Tours (shit for other reasons) felt a lot shorter than the old one. Unfortunately, same for Indiana Jones.

Fuck Disney and fuck Disneyland/world. Go to a theme park that has real fucking rollercoasters, the rides at Disney are boring as fuck and the lines are always ridiculous.

The new star tours has got to be shorter. Feels like it's over and done with in a minute. Old one felt more like 3-5 minutes.

Based, Cedar Point chads rise up

Disney is a shit place that you people constantly romanticize. The rides are shit, 90% of your time is queuing in line, even for the fast pass. It's filled with screaming kids running around, mexican women with 15 kids, or gigantic groups of south americans prowling around hooting and hollering in spanish. On top of all this, it's expensive as fuck. a "Disney vacation" costs thousands upon thousands of dollars for one person. A mid size family could easily spend well over $10k for a few days in the park. For that you could go to tahiti and spend a few weeks in luxury without any screaming little shits running around. Even the food is overpriced and expensive as fuck, much like everything. Disney is designed to do one thing, and one thing only; milk absolutely as much $$$ out of every person that enters that park as possible.

I'll never understand why people get so infatuated with it. I've been several times, and I have no desire to ever step foot in a disney park ever again. If I were going to go to an amusement park I'd at least go to one with actual roller coasters and shit, not a park in which the vast majority of your time is spent in the line ride.

>t. seething poorfag

>muh fast rides

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>mfw the glorious mouse's exorbitant prices keep out the disgusting poorfasts and Sanduskniggers

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You go there for the theme, not the rides

for me its splash mountain

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The balls on Disney building this as they were getting criticism for Song of the South

they just wanted a place for the america sings animatronics

How do you do? Mighty pleasant greetin'
How do you do? Say it when you're meetin'
How do you do? With every one repeatin'
Pretty good sure as you're born.


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So the park is bad because you're a racist and hate fun. Got it.

But i lived in black neighborhood like 5 years and i didn't die. I got a long with most people in that neighborhood.

user, that was one time thing. Most of blacks i see in Disneyland are middle class.

It's a lot of fun as a naive child, unless you're a literal manchild mouse shill I can't imagine you having fun there as an adult.

Then again I have multiple normie friends who go on a monthly basis so it's probably me who's the weirdo huh

>So the park is bad because you're a racist and hate fun. Got it.

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Small World. Still the best.

Went back to Disnyeland for the first time in like 12 years back in May. Indiana Jones was a lot more kino than I remember. Even the queue was great and set up the theme nicely. I did go early with my gf though so we just pretty much walked up to the jeep. Also enjoyed Pirates and Haunted Mansion. Classic Disney rides are all fun especially after coming from Universal the day before which was very underwhelming.

I also went to get beignets twice the day I was there cause they were so good

Come to Japan Anons.
>No Brazilians, Mexicans or blacks
>Everything is cheaper
>Disney Sea is an absolute master piece of a park and the only modern park the Walt would truly be amazed by.
>Japanese cuties might grab your hand because of the sudden drop on the Tower of Terror.

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except the park is still filled with pov arse spics, niggers and white trash, they are just stupid enough to spend their money on nothing

Osaka Universal still has Jaws, Terminator, Old Jurrassic Park, Back Draft and has rotating Anime VR roller coasters. It was NGE when I went. It changed to Lupin the 3rd shortly after.

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Disneyland Paris is family oriented, so their rollercoaters are shit.
You have to go to Parc Astérix to have good ones.