
Racism edition

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Why are humans so irredeemably retarded bros?

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Klingons = niggers

everything makes sense when u internalize this

No one ever said that about Black people in Trek before.

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star trek

>hurr dur those days you couldnt put black people on tv
>managed to do it, on a low budget non primetime show with no trouble

oh i uh, guess you were wrong then

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I'm speaking about humans in general

Let's be real, in the star trek universe and in other media robots might be people, just as magic might exist in those universes. In our world however a machine is not a person, no matter how convincing the program is, the machine never thinks, it's just an illusion.

Blacks in TOS were shown to still be secondary to the non-Blacks in subtle ways.
The one rare instance against this was the Daystrom guy.
In TNG, Blacks are never even called "Black", it's like races exist but no one discusses it. We're all just "human" (which, for the record, is how I hope the future ends up).
Nonetheless, Gene was still courageous in what he did and was one of the prime movers of inclusivity.
Unfortunately, even Gene would've balked at the utter horseshit that is on TV these days.

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you guys did see that episode of voyager where the hologram writes an sjw book on how he was so opressed by humans on voyager right?

trek addressed this sjw crap pretty clearly

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Oh no, you made a compliment about something related to Voyager. That'll make Big Daddy Vee VEEERRYY upset.

Data paid the price for that line in "The Most Toys" when a notorious hasidic Jewish smuggler fakes his death and brings him onto his shop where he was a prize next to a Roger Maris rookie card and a copy of the Mona Lisa.

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gene would probably be getting metoo'd into oblivion and his families inheritance stolen over it if he were alive today.

I don't disagree with anything you said by the way, that is exactly how i hope the future ends up too. That said star trek is nowhere near "progressive" if we mean the group that calls themselves progressive today.

The Doctor was the best character on Voyager. They even gave him his own graphic novel at one point.

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>Big Daddy Vee
ValleyForge's identity finally confirmed?

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Troi never ceases to be utterly stunning, every single second she is on screen is a vision of perfection.

t. troi

Data became a "person" right around the time of Measure of a Man, and most people considered him a person even though it wasn't in writing.

On a side note, remember when Data wrote the Riker sub-routine and started affecting his mannerisms?

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Name a more based charather.

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It's not possible.

The guy behind him in this pic

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Vee is busy shaking her dick in the pop music thread

Picard's brain game straight SWOLE mah nigga 100 100

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Historical documents:

Einsatzgruppen records:

Complicity of High Command:

I respect any rebuttal and am open to all arguments like a true historian but good lord have you ever heard of the concept of concision, Mr. Kleinman?

It is literally impossible to cremate 2.33 bodies per second given the number of furnances and camps we know about given the official story.

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I meant per minute but hopefully you deduced that much.

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Look at this dude

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This is the famous 1943 document from the Zentralbauleitung, which lists the daily crematory capacity of Auschwitz and Birkenau. Some have questioned whether this is a realistic, achievable number, a peak performance, an exaggeration/advertisement intended to impress the higher ups, or the usual denier last resort argument of it being a forgery. Josef Janisch (born April 22, 1909 in Salzburg, † July 26, 1964 at the Tuxer Joch) was an Austrian engineer. He was a member of the management staff of the Central Construction (Zentralbauleitung) involved in the construction of the Auschwitz camp and its crematoria with gas chambers. Josef Janisch was a member of the SS (no. 299 849) and reached the rank of SS-Hauptsturmführer (equivalent to Hauptmann). Janisch became head of Bauleitung 2, which was initially responsible for Birkenau as a labor and POW camp, but then also became responsible for its conversion to an extermination camp. 1943 onward, the task description for Bauleitung 2 was supplemented with the addition: "implementation of special treatment". [1]

On January 29, 1943, the head of the Zentralbauleitung in the Auschwitz concentration camp, Karl Bischoff, stressed in a letter the indispensability of his employee Janisch, in regard to the management of the "special construction" of Auschwitz-Birkenau due to him being "the only reliable technical specialist". [2] The term "special construction" was chosen as the code name for the extermination facilities. [3] Dated June 28, 1943, the document above, a list of the "daily [cremation] performance of the various crematories", was attached to Janisch's message regarding the "construction of crematorium III" and thus of "all ordered crematoria" at Auschwitz-Birkenau. The message was sent to the SS-Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungshauptamt (SS-WVHA) in Berlin, intended for the head of the construction industry in the SS, the SS-group leader and Amtsgruppenchef of "Amt C" ("Bauwesen"), Hans Kammler. Kurt Prüfer, senior engineer of Topf and Sons, the company that manufactured the crematoria ovens, gives a more conservative estimate in a telegram here: imgur.com/d09KvVO Josef Janisch was a devout Nazi, while his brother, Franz Janisch, was the opposite. Franz Janisch's daughter, Line Wintersteller, still has memories of her uncle, and claims he once threatened to send her mother to Dachau for saying Jews are people, too.[4]

What are you actually revealing about yourself if you like the list of tng episodes as follows?

Identity Crisis
Matter of Honor
Arsenal of Freedom
Big Goodbye
Unification, Part I
Encounter at Farpoint, Part I
Encounter at Farpoint, Part II

Source: [1]: Rainer Fröbe: "Bauen und Vernichten. Die Zentrale Bauleitung Auschwitz und die Endlösung" in: Christian Gerlach (Hrsg.): „Durchschnittstäter.“ Handeln und Motivation (= Beiträge zur Geschichte des Nationalsozialismus, Band 16). Assoziation – Schwarze Risse – Rote Straße, Berlin 2000, ISBN 3-922611-84-2, page 183. [2]: Annegret Schüle: "Industrie und Holocaust. Topf & Söhne – Die Ofenbauer von Auschwitz." Herausgegeben von der Stiftung Gedenkstätten Buchenwald und Mittelbau-Dora. Wallstein Verlag, Göttingen 2010, ISBN 978-3-8353-0622-6, page 187. [3]: Ibid, page 186 [4]: salzburg.com/nachrichten/salzburg/chronik/sn/artikel/onkel-pepi-war-bauleiter-in-hitlers-todesfabrik-201514/

First off, I can barely read that document.
Second off, I can't transcribe most German.
Third off, I can't verify the authenticity of this document.
Fourth off, a scan of a dcoument isn't good enough to verify it's authenticity.
Fifth off, no document you post negates my comment.

I mean I could keep going and pull some Jewish shit like say the burden of proof is on you and all the evidence points to at the very least a gross exaggeration of a real attempt to rid Germany of Jewish people but we already BTFO you through simple math.

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Well, this is one for the history books.

This a fucking /trek/ thread for fuck's sake and you're spamming it with straight /his// or /pol/ shit. At least stay on topic or go elsewhere.

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This document, a telegram sent in 1942 by Kurt Prüfer, senior engineer from Topf & Sons, the company that manufactured the crematory ovens, gives lower numbers (the relevant areas have been highlighted by me) than the document of the Zentralbauleitung: 250 instead of 340 could be cremated per day in Krema I 800 instead of 1440 could be cremated in Krema II and III each (were being built) 800 instead of 768 in Krema IV and V each (were being built) So the only concrete evidence (one can postulate has been gathered from experience) is that Krema I can realistically cremate 250 instead of 340 people a day, a realistic capacity of only 73% of what is advertised on the 1943 document seen here: imgur.com/jSj3fsf However, bear in mind that this lower number might simply be because less people were being killed in 1942 than in 1943 when the genocide reached its peak, rather than a physical limitation of how much Krema I's ovens can cremate per day. Still, for argument's sake, I am putting on my skeptic glasses here and very dumbly extrapolating this to the other Kremas (73% as much as advertised) shown on the Zentralbauleitung document. We can conclude the following: Kremas II and III = 2102 corpses instead of 2880 corpses per day Kremas IV and V= 1120 corpses instead of 1536 corpses per day This means, if you include the figures for Krema I, a total of 3472 corpses instead of 4756 corpses per day across all crematoria could be incinerated. However, even with these more conservative figures, it still means that in 365 days of 24h operation, close to 1.3 million corpses could be cremated even if the ovens were only 73% as effective as advertised in the 1943 Zentralbauleitung document.


This was literal SJW propaganda in the 60s and even now it is

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But Holocaust denial memes are relevant as long as they include Star Trek characters right?

>ask for concision
>he spams the thread with a complete lack thereof

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lol this thread fucking sucks


If you're talking about the guy who posted the pic of Data and one off handed comment, it's a fucking joke and doesn't deserve to have a thread shat on by some spergy cunt who can't take one.

>If it's not a meme I won't read it.

Can we just go back to roleplaying as extras walking down the corridors?

Hey. Moderator. You spammed the thread with a bunch of off topic garbage because of one meme that got one reply.

If some /pol/tard spammed a bunch of infographs of 9/11 that shit would be axed instantly. Meanwhile, you're walls of text haven't gone anywhere. Get fucked or talk about /trek/.

You're missing the point. You don't feed people like that, you ignore them. You don't refute them. If you want to discredit or devalue their post, DON'T FUCKING REPLY TO IT. I know, it's fucking rocket science but try to keep up.

Goddamn autist.

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>dude, why arne't you reading my 12 hours worth of gatekept unverifiable documents whilst browsing casually during your downtime
Only a complete fucking schizo believes even a fucking holocaust researcher would waste his time with this shit.

>it's just a joke!

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Today, /trek/ will prove the holocaust didn't kill as many jews as we think it did.


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Well, this is a new low. Let's try and get back on track.

What did this cowboy end up doing after he left the Enterprise? Do you think he was able to launch a successful musical career? His authenticity would undoubtedly attract a good lot of hipsters.

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He discovered eurodance and became the first musician to introduce country to dance clubs.

Why are Bajorans so fucking retarded?

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I think all three of them at the very least would have a unique life being people pulled three hundred plus years into the future. Their perspectives alone would be so grossly different from the "enlightened" people of the 24th century that people would be clamoring just to have a conversation with them.

The Prophets messed up their brains.

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I could see the other two becoming noted historical resources of information but I feel like he'd just want to start playing bars again.

Ralph Offenhaus would immediately head for his true homeworld, Ferenginar.
But truthfully, his comments were pretty badass to me. Military careers aren't upwardly mobile and money does incentivize competition and progress.

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What if Spock was secretly a rock star the whole time and just never felt the need to flex on the crew?

I'm going to need at least a dozen infographics to disprove this theory because it checks out if you think about it logically.

Do they still have M&Ms in the future?

Fuck off. You're genuinely almost as much of a sperg as the other guy.

Fine, you stupid fucking cunt. Have fun talking about the holocaust with Hitler.

>that sexy as mixture of DS9 and Voyager text
This meme is 9/10 Cardy Cocks UP!

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You're doing yourself NO help when you respond like this.

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Despite being only 13% of the Federation...

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He isn't wrong

I'm not even going to open the door to that argument. Fact is, you're just baiting this autist when you make posts like that which means he won't fucking stop.

Cut it out, for fuck's sake. Talk about Star Trek in earnest or fuck off.

This thread is even worse than the last one.
/trek/ should stay on topic. Not /pol/itics, not tripfag drama, not waifu faggotry, but actual discussion of Star Trek.
I have to walk down a corridor to press a button now.

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Klingons aren't part of the Federation. Also, Klingons are fucking based.

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When an entire field of study is built around a house of cards that doesn't pass the simplest of math tests, it most certainly is the opposite of what he posted and if you can't refute that on it's face and need to ad hom your way through a thread just to justify it, when you need to squelch even the most remote and rational headed of counter-arguments, it stinks to high heaven of a complete fabrication.

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They live next to some aliens that exist outside time so of course they had to become religious nutbags

>Talk about Star Trek in earnest or fuck off.
Imagine being this dude.

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>haha based violent raping pillaging brown men am I right?

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But it's true. Let me explain how: All of us know that the earth revolves around the sun, but I doubt any of us could prove so mathematically. Does that make our knowledge less certain? Absolutely not. We know what we know on the basis of the expertise of those who can prove it and have done so for centuries. Historiography, although not a science, is modeled on the scientific method. All historical research is evidence based. Researches use only primary sources and ascertain the validity of their findings through a web of peer review. Tired platitudes like "history is written by the winners" dismiss the study of history as a sort of literature, not the evidence based methodology it actually is.

What's unfeasable about four bodies per hour?

>saving my quick OC
Awww user

This is why VF hates Voyager so much, it's race realism and pseudo-controversial storylines that veer too far away from the usual Trek fare.

Remember the episode where the holograms are basically complete psychopaths who fell for some Jim Jones tier Bajoran hologram?

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Klingons are more like Vandals, Visigoths, or vikings than they are like modern day black people, user. I can't help but feel like you're suffering from some sort of mental illness and for that, I'm sorry. I hope you get better.

What's shaking, Dix?

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Literally no accredited historian on earth believes the Holocaust didn't happen. The best "experts" deniers have are people like Leutcher and Butz, a guy with an undergrad degree in art and an electrical engineer. Most, obviously, have never been to college.

based and redpilled, fellow bbc cuck user.

>four bodies per hour
It's more like four bodies every ten minutes, unless that six million number was not just some special Kaballah wizardry number but another fabrication.

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>is a brown male worshiping cuckold

>Sto-vo-kor (also written Sto'Vo'Kor, or Suto'vo'qor in the Klingon language) was, in Klingon mythology, the afterlife for the honored dead, where all true warriors went after they died to fight an eternal battle against great enemies. The halls of Sto-vo-kor were said to be guarded by Kahless the Unforgettable. The dishonored dead, by contrast, were ferried on the Barge of the Dead to Gre'thor.
Wow, that sure is a lot like black people and not anything like vikings. I could cite you more examples of cultural parallels but it's pretty obvious that you haven't ever even seen Star Trek.

Are we being briggaded by faggots obsessed with identity politics right now?

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>What's unfeasable about four bodies per hour
Is this sarcasm

>Literally no accredited historian on earth believes the Holocaust didn't happen.
Well of course not, they want to be able to pay their bills and have a job. You know what most historians like more than historical truth?
Being able to feed themselves and their families.

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Six million is not and has never been the sum of Jews gassed and burnt but killed all together, out of the 11 million total.

No? Are you going to contrast that time with the time it takes for a modern crematoria to burn one body at a time, including a ciffin, and then be cooled, cleaned, and reheated before each use?

VF doesn't like Voyager because VF fell asleep during the first episode and everything VF has heard about Voyager feels creatively bankrupt and VF prefers to watch something with an original creative spark. VF also hates the ship design and uniforms and finds all of the characters boring. VF knows there are stronger Treks to watch.

VF was also raised by someone who grew up in Germany during the 30's and 40's and fought as a pilot in the Luftwaffe, was shot down and captured by Russians, and rescued by the SS and he never said anything negative about the Jewish people. He said one day they all just "went away" and didn't really care what happened to them.

Just because the camps weren't hitting unrealistic numbers doesn't mean people weren't rounded up and forced into labor camps where bodies had to be disposed of. Maybe the truth has been exaggerated but that doesn't mean the holocaust never happened.

>Six million is not and has never been the sum of Jews gassed and burnt but killed all together, out of the 11 million total.
What the fuck, you fuckers invoke this line of reasoning all the fucking time, in fact, a majority of the time, especially when the debate isn't privy to the inclusion of known evidence regarding the Holocaust.

It literally means "burnt offering" yet the entirety of the Khazar people known as Jews invoke that line of reasoning whenever the holocaust is mentioned.

It's just like being Jewish. It's whatever you want it to mean when the purpose needs it to be something. Is it a religion? Is it a race? Is it a philosophy? Is it a combination of these and other things? Yes, no, maybe, so.

Wish i saw that post earlier

Star Trek is for the bitchest of niggers

Fuck Star trek especially Star Stationary Space Mall Nine

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I’ll never forgive the Klingons for chimping out on the Cardassians

>That is exactly why literally all scientists say the earth isn't really flat too by the way.

>low IQ
>making shit up
>outs himself as the janny spammer
to use one of your forced -isms, gg

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Klingons are definitely the alpha quadrants biggest niggers.

You're dumb.

I'm pretty sure this thread is beyond saving. I'm abandoning ship for the night.

Goddamn pakleds.

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False analogy given the millions of views and access to mainstream media the Flat Earthers have been given. Clearly, the establishment loves Flat Earth and isn't afraid to let people suggest it's a real thing.

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Assuming the camps were in full swing by 1940 (they weren't), 5 full years is 43,800 hours. Six million divided by 43,800 is not four, or even 24, it's 137. You couldn't cremate 137 bodies an hour if you were Satan himself, it is an absolutely retarded claim. They'd be lucky to have destroyed 100,000 bodies in five years. Not to mention, fuel was a vital war resource, they wouldn't have wasted the astronomical amount it would have required on such a pointless operation. This is babby's first holocaust lesson though, if you believe that nonsense even a little bit it is only because you refuse to do the research and figure out the truth for yourself

>It literally means "burnt offering"

And wasn't coined as such until decades after. The fact of the matter is that before the gassings even started millions of Jews were killed in pogroms or by the Einsatzgruppen.

And you're a mentally ill faggot with AIDS, now go back to the discord and type out ten more walls of text that you'll eventually just delete when you reread them and realize how batshit insane you sound.

How did Earth go from WW3 to elimination of poverty in less than 40 years?

>pic unrelated comfy starship

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>Jews were killed in pogroms
You have that backwards, Shmuel. The Jews were the fomenters of pogroms, most notably in Ukraine and Russia where they forcibly stripped the populace of their rights and starved, murdered, and killed millions over many decades.
An actual holocaust, not the fairy tales your perverted ilk spins up on the nightly.

The sum I gave was specifically from Auschwitz-Birkenau's Krema III. I assume you know the number of crematoriums and ovens in Auschwitz total, Mr. Expert?

dumb faggot repeating his social programming, you are a useless drone

Let's ask the Nazis about the capacities of their own ovens:

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>All the needless virtue signaling in What We Left Behind

This shit has made me realize we will never have a good Trek ever again. This political climate simply won't allow for it.

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what is it about trek threads that brings the autistic tripfaggots crawling out of the woodwork?

>first hand account of what happened from someone in Germany at the time
>say camps were real but figures may be exaggerated or misinterpreted
oh so it's that kind of shitposting tonight

>pic of a piece of paper proves me right, you wrong

but I thought you said four bodies per hour was feasible? Oh that was someone else, veritably?

>but I thought you said four bodies per hour was feasible?

For Krema II and III, yes.

ITT: Crying babies.

Attached: TAS 2x06 Trek Babies.webm (720x480, 2.99M)

>pic of a piece of paper proves me right, you wrong

That piece of paper is primary documentation, ie proof.

Your response didn't indicate that, and you couldn't possibly have thought that I could intuit such a thing from that sentence. Meanwhile, the numbers still don't add up if you account for what we know about cremation and the number of people that were claimed to be killed by extermination methods.
There weren't even any actual death camps for fuck's sake.

>That piece of paper is primary documentation, ie proof.
>a bad scan of a piece of paper that hundreds of mainstream scholars agree upon to be proof of the holocaust is equivalent to real evidence that an actual holocaust happened
Do you think they jump through this many hoops when determining the DNA of King Tut and finding out he was a white guy?


>Meanwhile, the numbers still don't add up if you account for what we know about cremation

Again, comparisons to modern crematoriums, which burn one body at a time, with a coffin, and are cooled, cleaned, and reheated between uses don't work.

>There weren't even any actual death camps for fuck's sake.

So why were the ovens and gas chambers constructed?

>hundreds of mainstream scholars

Not "hundreds" of "mainstream" scholars, all of them. There are thousands of other papers, the Nazis were ummaculate record keepers.

>all of them
Oh really? Just all of them that don't end up in jail or have their careers stripped of them because they even dared to check the verisimilitude of this event.
Truth doesn't fear investigation and you sound fearful.

>So why were the ovens and gas chambers constructed?
It's funny that you immediately assume that presence of ovens is tantamount to genocide of an entire race.
>Gas chambers
The gas chambers are an even sloppier argument. I would post information but I don't want to get banned, still, the simplest of things like non airtight doors or how much of a pesticide (Zyklon B) it would take and for how long to kill a human were easily refuted by a Jew of all people, way before the internet.

>Oh really?

Yes, really. As I said the only denier "experts" with any university qualifications whatsoever aren't involved in fields even tangentially related to historiography, and you are no different from flat earthers who insist that literally all planetary astrinomers, physicists, and geologists are lying to them.

>you share a general with actual retards

People who offer credible information end up with their lives destroyed, in jail, or out of a fucking job.
Appeals to authority or appeals to the masses are not arguments.

Money incentivizes scaling production, but it doesn't incentivize research, much less culture. Getting a PhD is a poor financial decision (for someone clever and dedicated enough to get a PhD), but people get them because they like working through puzzles. And in fact money fucks up research, because it lets dumb assholes who're obsessed with ROI drive research agendas, so research with competition for money gets bogged down in chasing after hype trains. And it hampers culture for basically the same reason, that rather than letting people with a burning desire to create something create it, those people get hamstrung by copyright law and marketability, so we're back at dumb assholes who're obsessed with ROI.

>It's funny that you immediately assume that presence of ovens is tantamount to genocide of an entire race.

Were they baking with them?

>still, the simplest of things like non airtight doors or how much of a pesticide (Zyklon B) it would take and for how long to kill a human

The wooden doors in Krema I, the only extant crematorium today, are not original. Krema I was decommisioned converted to an air raid shelter when Kremas II, III, IV, and V were built in Birkenau. And it takes significantly less pesticide to suffocate a person than it does to kill an insect. Also Leutcher is someone I already mentioned, he had an undergraduate art degree so don't bother with his "report".

>People who offer credible information end up with their lives destroyed, in jail, or out of a fucking job.

Tell me who. Remember, I want names of historians, not artists or electrical engineers.

Yep. My autistic friend simulator seems broken tonight.

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The simple solution is to just not feed them.

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Ernst Zundel and David Irving both served hard time for simply questioning the holocaust and using actual data.

Neither of whom have any formal training with historiography and who never submitted their "hard data" to the scrutiny of peer review by those who have (even though truth does not fear investigation!)

Try again.

I hate people. If I had a giant oven I would cremate everyone in this thread and wait for a new group of Trek fans to realize they want to talk about Trek.

Voyager is the most rewatchable one, and recently, Chuck went full nagging retard overanalyzing opinioning cuntery.

>self harm isn't

fuck off.

Oh and get this. Watching exclusively the 1st season, TNG is the absolute lowest form of dogshit.

While Voyager is 2nd to The Original Series. Then ENT. Why? Because 1st season ENT had some promise, DS9 took 1 1/2 seasons to get into its groove where it suddenly rockets up. ENT nosedives, and TNG isn't worth watching until the Borg show up. Nothing before it matters.
Data was made to be a person, Holograms were made to be pretty tools. Big difference.

>formal training with histiography
Oh I see, only your gatekept mainstream controlled opposition is allowed to think critically about an event that doesn't stand the simplest of math tests.
Go fuck yourself, the evidence they provided was so damning to the holocaust industry that they both had to be EXTRADITED for even attempting to talk about the issue.
What the fuck are you so afraid of?
They don't EXTRADITE flat earthers.
See where that conflation also shows the usage of the two to be a false analogy?
Of course you do, you just pray we don't point it out.

voyager was woke in amazing ways. Remember when 7 of 9 drove a man to suicide based off of nothing?

> the holocaust industry

Bajor really didn't though, because they fudged the math. Cardassian got it worse and less justifiably.

At the university level historical research is done ONLY with primary documentation. That's the gatekeeper you'll never fail to get past.

>the evidence they provided was so damning

So damning it can't be verified!

>They don't EXTRADITE flat earthers.

Because flat earth isn't a hate crime.

>That's the gatekeeper you'll never fail to get past.

er, never get past

>hate crime
fuck the thought police

Fuck you, redditard. 11001001 is a God tier TNG season 1 episode, and STD is /trek/ related, even if you don't like it. It beats this stupid Hall of Cost discussion this thread has degenerated to.

Attached: STD 1X07 Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad.webm (640x320, 2.96M)

>ITT a brainlet fails to account for why there's no question among literally all actual researchers that something which happened, happened.

Attached: 1562479891945.png (478x577, 16K)

Okay but that aside when am I gonna see Zundel and Irving have their citations verified through peer review? They use primary evidence to support their arguments, right?

The Cardassians had an anti-military uprising while being neighbhors with Klingons. All because the Cardie Spooks went and fucked up BIG time.
Better engineering and better code breaking then the Federation.

>KC creates racism thread
>complains in the discord when he gets banned for spamming the thread with holocaust denial /pol/ pics
o gawd i am laffin

exactly....and that happened....towards the end of the war....for some reason.

Looks at what time it is in Tel Aviv oh gawd I'm laughin

>STD is /trek/ related, even if you don't like it.
Since TNG premiere, ignoring and denying the existence of random ST series has been trekkie/trekker/dontcare tradition.

Seems so familiar

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I should take the name off, since it was only meant for one post.

Nazi Holocaust Denial always seemed extremely off to me. I mean, what are we supposed to believe the Nazis had planned? Free Hugs? The gassing myth is stupid, and is likely meant as intentional bait.

But millions died and the Nazis werent picky as to how they killed there victims. Starvations kills just as well as anything.

>what are we supposed to believe the Nazis had planned?
Have you ever heard of Madacasgar you dumb kike?

Hitler did nothing wrong

Ignoring and denying the existence of something easily provable is flat Earth tier logic, sweaty.

who are the n-words in star trek?
the regular n-words like reading rainbow visor guy dont seem all that n-wordish

>The gassing myth is stupid

Why? It's proven to have occured and Hitler LITERALLY said Jews should be gassed to death in his fucking memoir. It's literally spelled out in Mein Kampf

>Nazi Holocaust Denial always seemed extremely off to me.

the silence regarding Bolshevik jews killing near 100 million White Christians is way more concerning than holocaust denial

>they had air tight rooms and would rather waste resources spending money pumping gas rather than depriving oxegyn
lol this shit is fake

"If at the beginning of the war and during the war twelve or fifteen thousand of these Hebrew corrupters of the people had been held under poison gas, as happened to hundreds of thousands of our very best German workers in the field, the sacrifice of millions at the front would not have been in vain." (Kaes, Anton; Jay, Martín; Dimendberg, Edward. The Weimar Republic sourcebook. University of California Press. p. 806. ISBN 0-520-06775-4, requoting Mein Kampf page 766, Stalag Edition, Ostara Publications)

>omg how unfair to say that this guy wanted to gas the Jews!

>The Weimar Republic sourcebook
lol what?

holy fuckballs
wikipedia has recently changed the article title from Bolshevik revolution to Russian Revolution
talk about denial, jfc

They didn't "pump gas". They dropped in pellets of bug spray from the roof until people suffocated. They DID deprive oxygen.

I can't not see that panel falling open when she flips the Federation rifle around at :41. She did a good job not reacting to it.

They didn't need to do that dummy if it's air proof

>requoting Mein Kampf page 766, Stalag Edition, Ostara Publications)

Page 766 user. Go read it yourself.

>Go read about the Weimar Republic
Yes I encourage everyone to do this

The Eugenics Wars killed off the low IQ North Africans.

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Then they'd have to wait hours until the oxygen ran out instead of displacing it with cheap bug killer.

betraying his most faithful ally?
>gassed to death
or...just don't feed them.
>100 million White Christians
The numbers weren't that high. They wouldn't have had slaves left if there were. Also, why deny the Holocaust when you believe it to be justified?
Or just not feed them.

And israel was....

>The gassing myth is stupid

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who cares whether the holocaust happened or not, the reality is that virtually every industry of importance ,especially those related to finance, law, and culture, are now controlled by people who are jewish, and with that power they have chosen to just relentlessly bash white people while pushing for mass immigration from 3rd world countries to effectively wipe them from existence. time has proven that Hitler was objectively correct about jews and their intentions and that 6 000 000 wasn't enough and western civilization is now doomed almost solely because the nazis failed

Attached: 1564000634562.gif (440x248, 1.37M)

>The numbers weren't that high

bolshevik genocider denial isnt cool

Is this going to continue until thread hits bump limit?

Attached: Russell.jpg (1436x1080, 310K)

So what's your point? It sounds like a waste of medicine that could be used elsewhere to combat the lice epedimic. After all Ann Frank died from Typhus from lice


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>Or just not feed them.

They tried that in some of the ghettos. And they tried shooting everyone. People get pretty mad when they're starving to death, or being massacred at gunpoint. That's how rebellions happen, like the ones that did happen in the ghettos. It was simpler to "relocate" everyone to facilities with showers to keep everyone clean. Yes it's still a waste of time and resources but only because Jews are not in reality an existential threat. But to someone who thought they were it was quite reasonable.

white pride fags are the new niggers

Crowded, stuffed packed, room no more than 7 feet high? If its air sealed, they will lose oxygen within minutes.

Bug killer isn't medicine.

This thread has made me realize the tripfags aren't so bad.

I tried to give you assholes something different but NO...

and we want our gibs and lots of them

good luck welfaring and getting fired for hurting the feelings of your new niggers

Have any proof to back that up?

Because it took minutes with poison keeping anyone from breathing. But the dimensions of the gas chambers were pretty big, just look at Krema I.

Is gambit the worst 2 parter in tng and perhaps in the top 10 worst episodes? it sucks so fucking bad

shut up white nigger

muh dick


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What a bunch of horse shit. Hollywood is filled with old white men, banks and financial corporations are all run by old white men, lawyers are all rich white men. Music industry is old white men. You are delusional, jumping at shadows. get punched nazi scum, maybe it will knock some sense into you.

Attached: punch.jpg (500x384, 59K)

I miss Chartbro.

Attached: Baby Chart!.jpg (800x2000, 297K)

Your samefagging has always been cringe but at least you're actually here for Trek.

I can't believe I'm defending you.

Attached: 1566014222035.jpg (694x1000, 738K)

Bros VF went to bed and I miss him already :(

and now for something completely different...

Attached: Palinazi.gif (397x307, 1.47M)

I just wanna talk about how bad Picard will be

S/He'll be here tomorrow. Post Ro or Selar and he'll respond.

Leutcher's undergrad degree was in art history by the way, not history.

And that's why it makes no sense why they would waste that after Typhus was so widespread on prisoners when they could simply lock them in a room with no air

Not just bad, but CBS All Access™ bad.

Attached: Picacard.png (960x720, 1.13M)


Attached: eyeballing nippon.webm (394x406, 1.96M)

What a disgusting webm

How do you know he went to bed?

He said good night to me on Discord

I just got started watching TOS (the only other trek I've seen is the abrams reboot stuff). In the first episode with Harry Mudd, when he first gets beamed onto the enterprise, one of the women with him mentions that he's been buying and selling people for a long time and nobody on the enterprise bats an eye. Is slavery just an accepted thing in the star trek universe? I thought it was supposed to be a progressive and peaceful future?

So if there was an intelligent race of talking non-humanoid animals would Starfleet let you fuck them?

Yes, Kirk would, for sure.

Attached: M'Ress 51.jpg (1200x1200, 943K)


Jesus christ after reading this thread I need to make sure people dont think I'm part of that same shit flinging. This is a legit star trek question, not /pol/ shit, so pls answer honestly

>M'Ress 51.jpg
How many pics of her do you have?
Can you post some?

Orions have slaves and slave markets, Starfleet doesn't stop them.

Attached: Yvonne Craig in Star Trek (1966).jpg (980x735, 78K)

Is that because of the prime directive, or out of laziness/indifference/inability?

I select a random two digit number for filenames, so I don't overwrite other files. I make many webms, as well. I'm not going to count them, and some aren't "blue board" appropriate.

Attached: Missing Link.jpg (640x616, 46K)

You triggered and disappointed me.

The holocaust?

Attached: 1566375563415.png (910x906, 335K)

Orions are warp capable, so It's not because of The Prime Directive/General Order One.
I think it is indifference/tolerance of other cultures.
Not likely inability, they trade with Orion even though they are pirates, slavers, thieves, kidnappers, and general scofflaws. The Federation/Starfleet could wipe them out if they wanted to.

Attached: ENT Orion slave girls.jpg (830x467, 40K)

Historical documents:

Einsatzgruppen records:

Complicity of High Command:

Are any of the Star Trek novels worth reading? I'm a mature adult

>old (((white))) men

Watch TAS and capture all you want, user.

Attached: 1565562662079.png (2200x2200, 3.01M)

>tfw too much of a pussy to post the version without panties

The version he posted is enough to report for furry.

I just want you, yourself, to be better-organized. If you're planning to hoard files over the long term, you really need to develop a superior system.

but it's on topic!

i like this post

Literally does not matter.
Furry is furry.

>watching enterprise

jesus fuck

Attached: 1414590261625.jpg (706x530, 98K)

ah bloo bloo

*hurls spare PADD at you*

Attached: picard-padds.jpg (788x563, 92K)

Thankfully it is easy to dismiss STD because they made it a useless prequel

I read a short story in a National Lampoon publication that would interest you. The title was something like "The Night Before They Filmed the Last Episode of Star Trek", although that may not be the exact title.
It was a fever dream Gene Roddenberry had, the crew of the Enterprise was going insane. McCoy found a cure that could only be gotten from ingesting Uhura's vaginal secretions. Hilarity ensues.
My copies of the books and mags I had were destroyed in a flood in 1992 (No Name Storm).
Good luck finding it, user.

Why would this interest me?
Uhura's not a furry.

Even if this were real, I wouldn't bother searching for it. "Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex" ruined Superman for me and I'm very sensitive about content intake now, like a woman

>"Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex" ruined Superman for me
Dude, it's a comic. Who cares if a cartoon alien can't fuck normal by our logic. Go outside.

Blue Board, asshole. I posted one in the last thread. It got baleeted, but I did not get a ban.

Attached: Da Vinci M'Ress.jpg (605x939, 92K)

Literally posting this from a casino. Pausing because I'm down $500.

>he can't alter the shady dice and roll perfect sevens and elevens every time

Attached: 1566341453609.jpg (830x467, 24K)

I have too many terabytes of images, songs, tv shows , and movies to rename all of them in a timely and orderly fashion. A few times a year, I organize folders that are completely fucked up.

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I replied to the wrong poster, I am in many threads at once. Get over it, furfag.

Attached: MU Rand.jpg (632x1263, 157K)

>I am in many threads at once.
have sex

It's real, user.

Attached: 1507839279397.jpg (224x225, 10K)

I understand. Still disappointed in your lack of total perfection, and seeming lack of ambition to achieve that, but I get you completely.

I work on it from time to time, but am far too busy to neglect everything else. I am disappointed that you don't post content with your complaints.

Attached: At Least it's Content.webm (480x360, 106K)


Remember when Janeway set up concentration camps? I think she went too far. What was her problem with the nyrians anyway, they just wanted to share his rich culture.

I'm rewatching Voyager and I'm just in the episode before that.

Attached: 1900.webm (638x480, 1.78M)

>ha ha I'll use them blacks as a fuck you to the establishment to satisfy my own ego

I'm just a spectator here. Sometimes I yell things from the stands. Thank you for your engagement.

>I posted one in the last thread.
Post it

Here you go, whiny furfag.

Attached: Christi Haydon 01.jpg (320x320, 15K)

post on /trash/ next time so you don't get banned

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Attached: DTO.jpg (1080x1080, 702K)

Post/make content. We have funposting (shitposting) down to a science here.
(Vid is Ensign Pretty from TNG on drums. She's a QT3.14159.)

Attached: Christi Haydon.jpg (234x348, 12K)

Go fuck off to Africa instead.

>We're all just "human" (which, for the record, is how I hope the future ends up).
Sorry, our genes are smarter than that and have an in-group bias. Your goal of everyone being brown mutts with 90 IQs won’t happen.

fuck off with this shit

Where are the regulars?

I used to. I might again. I've been gone for a long time and am trying to immerse myself and deal with culture shock. Thank you for the encouragement.

Is NTT an alt?

It's not fun if the posts are low quality or aggressive.

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Why are the romulans allowed in the neutral zone?

Attached: discovery-michael-burnham.jpg (1170x645, 88K)

>/sci/ is too hard to follow
>/trek/ it is.
every time

I only usually make high-spirited posts which I myself find amusing. Not to spark a philosophical debate, but quality is subjective. When I return in full, I'll try to be good.

What about that guy who spams "star trek" or the tripfag orbiters. are they fun?

I just with people wouldn't be so hateful and mean.

Attached: 1559652059006.jpg (300x194, 10K)

It can be, as long as it isn't hate with no content. /trek/ used to be friendly, and different viewpoints were respected, i.e. DS9. VOY, and ENT were always fanning against each other, but no real hate for others in the /trek/ family.

Have a fucked up comic (1 of 5).

Attached: Detente Trek 01.jpg (1173x1600, 516K)

Personally, I've only ever utilized secure tripcodes if I absolutely needed to identify myself due to the nature of the post I was making. I sort of resent those who make posts using tripcodes extraneously, but, given the nature of this medium, generating resentment may be useful for some types of posters and might be a type of goal. It's fine to ignore them, but:
Anonymous posters who fawn over tripcode-users should be sent to concent--

No, no, I'm a friendly guy and do not want to insult anyone.

What changed to make /trek/ the warzone it is today?

(2 of 5)

Attached: Detente Trek 02.jpg (1173x1600, 554K)

Namefags get the chair.

im sorry but name and tripfags have always been cancer and you have literally never been wanted here

I'm not reading all that shit

You big meanie

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2016 election tourists from r/Teh_Dolan
(3 of 5)

Attached: Detente Trek 03.jpg (1173x1600, 605K)

awful, trash

Attached: lt. Jared.png (613x719, 173K)

whoever made this comic missed the entire point of using a visual medium to tell a story
it's ugly, I hate it, and you're a faggot for saving it

Leave MK alone. At least he's attempting to generate traffic for the thread.

>that wall of text in a comic

Attached: 1566522178057.jpg (500x378, 43K)

I always thought it was an inside joke about Federation tech. The rifle falls apart when she is talking about how complicated it is and how too many things can go wrong.


let me give you a hint, this isnt fucking reddit or facebook, people would be nice and these threads would increase in quality 100 fold if there wasn't a few select namefags and tripfags and avatarfags shitting up the place acting like massive faggots

i know yall are knew to Yea Forums so you should know: never in the history of this website have you faggots ever been welcome anywhere
, period. get some fucking self awareness and perhaps even a little self respect and stop embarrassing yourself as well as ruining everything for the rest of us. if you dont want people to kick you perhaps you shouldn't hang a giant fucking "kick me" sign on your back

(4 of 5)

Attached: Detente Trek 04.jpg (1173x1600, 573K)

fuck off mkultra you've always been pathetic
thread is twenty posts away from 404ing what fucking traffic are you trying to generate at 3am

>takes off name for this post

no hes not trying generate traffic for the thread, hes actively trying to fucking ruin it you stupid newfag trash

(5 of 5)

Attached: Detente Trek 05.jpg (1173x1600, 635K)

only thing gayer than your comic is you

Attached: tripfags.png (1125x681, 66K)

Attached: 1566591279961.png (720x541, 186K)

u don't have to say hurt words

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>i know yall are knew to Yea Forums

Attached: suliban.jpg (236x332, 19K)

milk my balls, dude


This picture is so old its referencing GameFAQs instead of reddit and these attention starved faggots still haven't learned a god damn thing.

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>it's a retard talks to himself in the middle of the night episode

its terrifying how accurate that last panel is


some things never change

gays are gays on any board.

Great men do not seek power, power is thrust upon them.

Cool lies, scholomo.
Next you'll be telling me all about the Holocoaster™, ejaculation machines, and how there were more jews killed in WWII than Americans, Italians, Germans, French, English, Japanese, Africans, Spaniards, Polish, and Russians put together.

Attached: All according to keikaku.png (600x453, 515K)

After some observation and analysis, I've come to the conclusion that I don't think I'll ever fit in here again. Thanks for your consideration, /trek/!

pehaps the single most optimistic thing about trek is that white people still exist in the 24th century

hell, even by 2150 when enterprise takes place is unrealistic

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Woke up a while ago, what the fuck happened in this thread

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vulcan tech yo

You are a kind soul. I am trying to kill this thread by making it hit bump limit. The more faggots that reply, even if they hate me (wink), the sooner this thread hits bump limit and dies.
I would not do this in a good thread.
Hall of Cost deniers and shitheads that want to debate about it have ruined it. That /pol/ bullshit does not belong here. I hope you appreciate my effort.

Attached: 1439622112533.jpg (630x630, 93K)

I abandoned the thread hours ago. It was a shitshow. A bunch of polfaggots were race baiting and some guy sperged out and started spamming holocaust facts over and over again, even after he was presumably banned a couple of times.
You're doing the right thing. I tried putting my trip on early just so people could rally behind something to hate and maybe the autists would stop spamming political shit. It didn't really work, sadly, and I just gave up.

you dont belong here either

I am trying to trash this bullshit thread. I like you, but turning /trek/ into /pol/ is bullshit, and that needs to stop. Thank you for defending me, though. Have a lovely day.

Attached: Nux 01.jpg (708x527, 58K)

thank you for telling everyone how we can get rid of you in the next thread tripfagging kike faggot

What episodes of Star Trek do racists like?


Post better content, or fuck off.

Attached: Harry Mudd.png (480x360, 190K)


literally fucking satire of yourself

how could you be so lacking in self awareness?

I'll help.

Attached: 1567044243948.png (720x540, 466K)

I only post a name to piss off shitheads.
I got them so mad they forgot the original (off topic) argument.
You are OK in my book, NTT.

Attached: 1524830317450.png (880x660, 747K)

I appreciate your sacrifice.

Thomas Riker proves transportation kills.

A soulless artificial homunculus is created with your particles and with your memories is created on the other side. It thinks it's you, but it's wrong. You died.

Will Riker was transported from a planet and there was an accident. His "pattern" bounced back creating two Rikers. Who got the original particles? Was it all Thomas? 50/50? Point is some portion of Will Riker was replicated... As in the food replicator technology is the same as transporter technology and the missing atoms were replicated to create the Will Riker that made it on the ship.

And don't get me started on episodes where people were left in the pattern buffer for hours or even years. Scotty came back years later - but he was 100% replicated proteins that thought he was Scotty! So what you say? People can taste the fakeness of replicator food!

Check and m8 faggots

Attached: owYQg.jpg (350x266, 25K)

Thank you! whats the bump limit again? Lets get a new thread up ASAP

It's not a problem. I am posting here every day, anonymously. When shit gets out of hand, I fuck things up for them. It is fun for me, for they have no power to drive me to anger.

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perhaps when theyre gone we might actually be able to get some discussion of disco and picard in *sighs*

To my knowledge it's never established that people can tell the difference between real and replicator food. It just seems like everyone convinces themselves that they can tell the difference. The fact that "Will" Riker existed for years while there was no knowledge of "Thomas" Riker, and nobody suspected anything, adds weight to the idea that people in the 24th Century like sniffing their own farts as much as people in the 20th Century.


I watch and like STD. It has wonky dialogue, but great cinematography. It's pew-pew battles and soap opera, but there is gold among all the drek. It is a fun show,

Attached: Emily Coutts in STD (2017).jpg (696x429, 48K)