Movies about missing your ex

Movies about missing your ex

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I'll post her pics after a few recs

pornhub: cheating gf

If she's an ex she doesn't want you. You're either missing the sex or the feeling of having someone close to you.
Watch Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and then put yourself on the map and talk to people. There are literally billions of women out there. Venture out.

That new show State of the Union was very apt.

Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind

I think Garden State is a good one too, but not really about ex gfs.

Silver Lining Playbook

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This is too realistic for what this poor man is going through.

Maybe it is but it is what worked for me.

What do incels who don't watch porn fap to?

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I dated an ex-escort ex-Hustler model bipolar nutcase who lied about her past, gave me herpes, took thousands of dollars from me, cheated on me and made fun of my physical disability. And sometimes I still think about her.

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Half the time I'm literally dreaming about cheating on my gf and the other half I'm mildly entertained enough by her to stay with her, being single is the best shit ever with how you can fuck around super hard, it's really not difficult mayne find some1 else

TLDR here's your film


movies about missing this guys ex?

I miss her so much

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Looks like the Tijuana hooker I fucked for $25

Wow she IS a hooker from tijuana. Amazing. I think she stopped hooking though.

I fucked one at the motel 6 near the border(San Ysidro I think). They're on the lot at night

I’m with you bro. OP, it sucks but man up and listen to this . Unless you massively fucked up somehow like cheating or something, there’s a reason both of you decided you didn’t want to be together anymore.

I fell in lo with her real hard.

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Kek. I feel for you guys and all but seeing pictures of the girls you dated explains a lot about how you nutcases behave online anonymously.

Fake tits. Professionally shot. 'Real Models agency'.

I'm guessing no.

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She's kind of nice looking (albeit a fridge) but you shouldn't give up. There is always some crazy bint with daddy issues around the corner.

Forgetting Sarah Marshal cured my depression after a 6 year relationship

OP you would be better suited on hispachan

That ass is too damn phat.

Yeah, I only date cute grils

You sound like a degenerate

That's a good suggestion actually. I watched that one a lot when I got dumped.

la creatura de las americas

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all but this girl is a ho if I ever saw one.

Your white privilege is showing

Unironically the same except that I didn't watch that one, it was the first time I played Dark Souls actually HAHAHAHA
That sounds so dumb but it worked. Beautiful and calming game.

I'm talking about the red head chicana

How’d the break up go down?

Does he have a drone in the background of his already retarded camera shot? Holy fucking shit.

>tfw you still have horrifyingly vivid technicolor nightmares about her five years after she left
>her face and voice become less and less distinct over the passage of time as my recollection fades but i'm still able to identify her immediately every single time
People kept telling me that things would get better.

>color wheel hair
You did this to yourself.

That’s standard procedure for hot bipolar girls. I didn’t get beat down nearly as bad you did but I can sympathize.

lol they dont

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Her eyes are misaligned so don't feel bad.

It's called angles user

>tfw had to break up because we lived in different countries and long distance relationships never work

It's not fucking fair. Couples who hate each other or abuse each other other get to live together but I couldn't be with the love of my life

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>Live in different countries
>Be with

It's a fantasy. Let go.

I'm loving angles instead

Watch this. I bet it helps a little.

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Not unless he has amazing friends and is rich enough to throw everything away in Las Vegas.

what about movies about wanting to ask a girl out so badly, and you can obviously tell that she wants you to, but you're too much of an anxious beta pussy to do it, and her last day at work was last Friday and she moved onto a new job, and now you've probably lost the chance forever.. any good movies for that feel?

We were supposed to see each other today and spend the night toghether, but she flaked. I wonder if she's hooking

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LDR works, but not for everyone.
Me and my ex used to live really close to each other but we only met up like 1 or 2 times a month because of life and stuff, so naturally we just played a lot of games together.
It kinda set me up for the relationship I'm having now, with a girl three countries apart from me. We've been together for like 2 years now and try to meet each other at least once every other month. It works.

You have to be 18 to post here kiddo.

I'm 32. It may have been my last chance for happiness in this life.

I didn't have those things either. But it encouraged me to put myself back out there after 6 months of lying in bed staring at the light fitting.

1 or 2 times a months would be fantastic in comparison to what I had to deal with.

We only saw each other once a year

Why though? That seems horrible, like what the fuck.
No money or?

All the girls posted here are hotter than any you'll get

>being hung up on this
Bro come on. I’m sure the pussy is good but have some self respect.

the only thing that made the breakup seem to ease was a lot of time passing along with finding my ex's ex (person who my ex picked after me, who later did me a solid by breaking my ex's heart after brutally dumping my ex) secretly befriending them online, getting to know them, fucking with their mind when the mood struck me (combine their oversharing personality with an inability to turn off the anonymous question function on their social media).

I actually wanted to like the person who my ex picked after me, sadly this person is pretty much everything I hate all rolled into one. however, they did do me a solid by smashing my ex's heart to pieces so that's kinda nice. I have all sorts of contradicting feelings about my now ex's ex.

really though, it was the information my now ex's ex spilled online that made the pain ease. ex's ex has always been an oversharer and freely shared very intimate details about all parts of their life online publicly so that is how I found out that my ex spent their entire relationship with this person talking about me and how my ex went on and on about "how I failed user." apparently this was to such a degree that ex's ex now HATES many things I used to like when I still with my ex and is very deeply insecure.
after that, it was as if I had had a broken bone that was never set right rebroken and finally straightened out and begin to heal.

lmaoing at the fact that no matter how pathetic/creepy I was/am, my ex fell deeply in love with this person and was banking everything on them then this heartless little wonder left my ex in a lurch at the worst possible timing and literally left my ex homeless on the street because of it.
>tfw you hate someone yet are grateful to them
too bad IRL this person would hate my guts and vice versa

this is fucked up but kinda based

I'm proud of you user, honestly. Still stuck in the bed phase here.

This seems like the best outcome you could've hoped for.