What is the film equivalent of pic related?
What is the film equivalent of pic related?
Other urls found in this thread:
Edge of Tomorrow
the last jedi
The Lion King
this is what you seek
A sequel thats better than the first movie? T2
all legend of zeldas are so fucking overrated
like if if any shows up on your top whatever lists is the biggest brainlet, sheep, beanguzzler giveaway
get some fucking taste, play some fucking games
Name some patrician games then if you're so enlightened.
Mulholland Drive. The movie's theme sounds a lot like various songs in Majora's Mask. It also has stories for several different characters.
they're elemental and fairly honest
>t. zoomer water trash
holy shit you sound like the typical muslim normalfag. go play fifa on your ps4.
Certified kino apocalypse/post apocalypse films:
The Road
The Last Wave
The End of Evangelion
These Final Hours
The Quiet Earth
>The End of Evangelion
Blade Runner 2049. It basically uses a lot of the same designs and characters of the original and the tone is darker and more emotional
Stop posting this shit in every thread...
Is summer over now ?
What's the matter? Too deep for you?
>doesn't deny he's a muslim
Movies that were reviewed fairly when released but overrated by fedora neckbeards years and years after?
in that case, definitely Hot Fuzz
Empire Strikes Back
That movie was fucking garbage.
spotted the retarded fedora's mask cuck
Groundhog Day
A sequel that is better than the original by pure luck in which the author gets too much credit by something that he clearly doesn't understand and it's obvious because he can't replicate the same success?
The Dark Knight
>Darker sequel
>Not as revolutionary as the original, but still has its strengths
>Both games/movies are quite good, but also overrated
The Empire Strikes Back
Donnie Darko